I'm Not Scared

543 31 30

Thanks Hapy for the inspiration

Doc sat on the couch, bouncing his leg. At this point, you won't say anything until after the party. He scolded himself as Bdubs ran from the bedroom to the bathroom, a costume slung over his shoulder. The freckled boy stopped at the door and glanced at his roommate. "You can change in the bedroom while I'm in the bathroom," he offered. Doc bit his lip and looked away. Just tell him the truth, he won't be mad. When he stayed silent, Bdubs hung the costume hanger on the bathroom doorknob and moved over to the couch. "Everything okay?" he asked, placing a hand on his arm.

"Go without me," he blurted out.

"What?" His boyfriend's soft tone didn't change as he leaned closer.

"I-I'm sorry, it's not like I don't want to meet your friends, I do. But, I'm not a big party person, and I don't know if I can last very long being surrounded by so many strangers," he confessed.

The shorter roommate leaned back and smiled. "Ah, okay! We can just meet up with Keralis some other time. I'll text him now letting him we won't be coming." He pulled out his phone and typed a message out.

"W-Wait, don't stay at home because of me!" Doc protested. "If you want to go hang out with your friends, don't let me stop you!"

"But it's Halloween and I don't want you to be alone! Besides, Keralis will understand." He quickly re-read his message before sending it.

Bdubs: Sorry, Doc isn't feeling up to it tonight, and I don't want to leave him alone, but maybe we can meet up next weekend or something?

Keralis: Don't apologize, I get it! And sure, I'm free Sunday if that works for you :)

Bdubs: Yup! See you then and tell everyone happy halloween from me!

Keralis: Will do, happy halloween to you too Bubbles!!

"So what do you wanna do instead?" he asked, tossing his phone aside.

"How about we watch some Halloween movies? Or scary ones in general?" the hybrid suggested, turning on the T.V.

The freckled brunette hesitated before nodding. "Nothing too scary," he awkwardly laughed.

After scrolling through the streaming service for a minute, Bdubs grabbed Doc's arm.

"We are watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and you can't say otherwise." The hybrid chuckled and shook his head at his boyfriend's demands.

"Fine, how about we take turns choosing a movie, then?"


The two switched to their pajamas and Doc grabbed popcorn and candy while Bdubs turned off the lights.


"You know I've always wondered why no one else had ever thought to go through the doors before," Doc pointed out.

"Well, everyone else is probably content with their holiday," the lighter brunette shrugged.


As Santa Clause was being hauled away from the Pumpkin King, the hybrid unwrapped a Twix bar. "I bet the elves are freaking out right now. They probably know he's missing by now, right?" he asked. Before he could take a bite, his short boyfriend leaned over and stole half of it.

"I wonder how different the movie would be if the elves made their way to Halloween Town to get Santa back," Bdubs wondered out loud, mouth full of chocolate.

Swing Set AU; A Bdoc Oneshots CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now