Always Here for You

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Bdubs checked the clock on the wall one more time. Smiling to himself, he did a little dance as he continued to prepare dinner. Doc would be home any minute and he was just really excited to see him. Because of their different work schedules, they hardly see each other during the week and even had different days off. But today, the freckled male was able to switch his days off so they lined up with his boyfriend's, and couldn't wait to tell him the news. He hummed to himself as he tightened the bow in the back of the full-body apron. It was a pearl-colored apron with white and pink daisies in the top right and bottom left corner. Doc had bought it as a joke, but he and Bdubs just started using it more often and they even ended up buying a second one.


Feeling tired from an emotionally-draining day at work, Doc sat at the bottom of the apartment stairs. He wasn't a big fan of getting yelled at by his boss, especially when the problem was out of his control. He fiddled with the key in his hand and brushed back his hair. I don't want Bdubs to see me like this. Despite his boyfriend finding him at his worst, back when he lost his previous job and home, it still hurt his pride to be seen in such a low state. Running a hand over his face, he begrudgingly stood up and headed up the stairs.

He hesitated to turn the key and pressed his forehead against the front door. It was just one bad day, don't let it get to you. He scolded himself. Taking a deep breath, he plastered a smile on his face and opened the front door.

"Welcome home!" Bdubs tackled him with a big hug and kissed his cheek.

"Smells good in here," Doc tilted his boyfriend's chin up so he could give him a proper kiss.

"I was just getting started on some mushroom stew," he explained, heading back for the kitchen. "It shouldn't take too long to finish, though."

The darker brunette slumped on the couch, letting his fake smile fall. He glanced over at his cute boyfriend, who was humming to himself while he stirred the stew. Doc just wanted to absorb some of that joyful energy, so he stood back up and made his way over to his roommate.

The freckled brunette jumped as he felt arms wrap around his waist from behind. He smiled as the taller brunette rested his head on his shoulder.

"Rough day?" he softly asked, giving Doc's head a little pat. His boyfriend mumbled in response, nuzzling his neck. Bdubs planted a light kiss on his temple before turning back to his cooking.


"Taste this," the shorter brunette took a small spoonful of the mushroom stew and offered it to his roommate.

"Mmh, it's perfect," the hybrid kissed his cheek before finally letting go so he could help get out bowls and glasses.

After filling the bowls with stew and pouring two glasses of water, Bdubs suggested they eat on the couch tonight.

"Are you sure? What if we accidentally spill something?" Doc protested.

"It'll be fine. Besides, I just want to spend the rest of the evening relaxing with you," he kissed the worried hybrid's cheek before plopping down on the couch.

"Don't you have work tomorrow?" the taller roommate pointed out as he sat down next to him.

"Not since I got my schedule changed so our days off lined up," Bdubs slyly admitted, turning on the T.V.

"Wait, really?" his rather bad day suddenly got that much better as the freckled brunette nodded.

"Now we can both be lazy tomorrow!" he laughed as he selected a movie musical about high school kids all getting summer jobs at a resort.

Swing Set AU; A Bdoc Oneshots CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now