A Sky Full of Stars

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"Woah, this is a beautiful spot!" Doc exclaimed. He and Bdubs were standing on top of a hill out in the countryside. Bdubs placed the telescope case in front of them and looked up at the sky.

"This is the perfect spot to see stars," he sighed, reminiscing about his previous star gazing. His smile slowly began to fall, as bad memories followed. Pushing them away, the shorter brunette opened the case and began setting up the telescope. The taller brunette watched him with concern, worried about what his roommate could be thinking. He'll talk to me when he's ready. He told himself as he set up a picnic blanket and placed down the basket of snacks they brought.

"I wish I knew where the different planets were," Bdubs laughed as he looked through his telescope. He subconsciously gripped it tighter than needed, but the freckled roommate couldn't help himself. Looking over his shoulder, he smiled at Doc. "You wanna look?" the hybrid shook his head.

"Nah, it's fine."

Bdubs plopped down next to his friend, who handed him half a sandwich. The two sat quietly, staring at the stars as they ate.

Doc was amazed by how beautiful the stars truly were, especially from out in the country. Although, he kept finding his eyes drifting towards his friend. The soft glow of the lantern between them bounced off Bdubs' skin. The taller roommate thought back to the night before, and he had to stop himself from wrapping an arm around him. You'll only make things awkward. He convinced himself, before looking back up at the sky.

The smaller roommate could've sworn Doc was looking at him, but when he glanced over, Bdubs saw him staring at the sky. A part of him wanted to reach over and hold his hand, but no. He'd probably move his hand away as soon I brush it, then things would get too awkward. I don't want to ruin this moment. Still, he couldn't stop his heart from pounding as Doc glanced at him, and smiled. Taking a deep breath, Bdubs tried to suppress his blushing. He looked back to the stars, trying to find a constellation.

The hybrid roommate felt his eyes grow heavy. Looking at the stars was indeed peaceful, but it was making him tired. It also didn't help that he'd stayed up so late the night before. Doc's eyes drooped and he could feel his body slumping.

Bdubs practically jumped as he felt Doc leaning against his shoulder. He smiled at his friend's peaceful and rather cute state. Ruffling the sleeping roommate's hair slightly, the freckled brunette leaned his head against Doc's and gazed up at the bright stars. As a slight breeze kissed his face, Bdubs could feel a tightness in his chest. Why can't things always be like this? Hesitating, he reached for his friend's hand. Don't be so selfish Bdubs. He scolded himself, moving his hand back to his lap.


The sound of a car door closing and familiar laughter stopped Bdubs' heart. He clenched the blanket beneath him as the sound of two old 'friends' drew near.

Doc stirred, groaning as he sat back up. He blinked as he realized he fell asleep on Bdubs. "S-Sorry," he mumbled. His roommate looked petrified. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he apologized, feeling awful. The terrified brunette slowly looked at Doc, forcing a smile.

"Ah, no, you're fine," his smile was quick to drop as he stared at his lap. "It's uh, it's not that," he whispered.

"Then what-" Doc asked, although his question was quick to be answered as two figured appeared behind them.

"Woah, Bdubs? Is that you?" a condescending voice laughed.

"Hi Hels," Bdubs sighed, standing up and turning around. Hels smiled as EX rested their arm on Hels' shoulder.

"We haven't seen you in forever, why didn't you call?" EX teased, grinning.

"What do you two want this time?" The shorter brunette crossed his arms, forcing himself to stay calm. Hels' eyes drifted towards the telescope.

"That's a pretty telescope you got there. Would be a shame if someone were to nudge it off a cliff," he sneered. Gritting his teeth, Bdubs moved so he was blocking their view of it. Doc slowly stood up, unsure of what to do.

"Leave me alone," Bdubs' demanded, his voice low.

"You don't want to catch up? That's kinda rude Bdubs." EX put their hands on their hips, stepping closer to Bdubs. They looked down at him, narrowing their eyes. In turn, Bdubs stood his ground, even when Hels came up behind him and wrapped an arm over his shoulder.

"Aren't we friends?" he teased, gripping Bdubs' shoulder. Doc grasped Hels' arm, lifting it off of Bdubs.

"Leave him alone," he said with a calm and low voice. Hels ripped his arm from his hold, glaring.

"Hey! No one grabs Hels like that," EX snarled, balling their hands into fists.

"Xavion you two better leave us alone. We're not friends. We never were." Bdubs stepped in between the two of them, surprising Doc with the level of authority and anger in his voice. The hybrid remembered when they were younger, he was always sticking up for his friend. Doc was his knight in shining armor, even last night when he comforted him from the storm. I guess he's really matured.

"Since when did you tell us what to do?"

The taller roommate was snapped back to reality as EX grabbed Bdubs' shirt collar. He wanted to step in, push them away, but the shorter roommate seemed to have it covered. He shoved his knee into EX's gut, startling them. Dropping Bdubs, they stumbled backward. Hels shoved Bdubs to the ground, climbing on him. He tried to punch his face, but the freckled boy managed to dodge, feeling the wind of Hels' fist slicing his cheek.

"Get off!" Bdubs cried, shoving Hels to the side. Doc helped his friend up, before turning to EX. He stood over them, narrowing his gaze.

"Leave," he growled, picking them up by the collar.

"Or what?" EX shot back, taking Doc's hand off of them. Hels came up behind Doc, resting a hand on EX's shoulder.

"Let's get outta here, Bdubs isn't fun anymore." He gave Bdubs and Doc a side-eye before walking away. EX turned around to leave as Bdubs stood beside Doc. In a split second, EX whipped around and threw a rock at the telescope, knocking it down. Crying out in horror, Bdubs lunged himself at it as the telescope slipped off the cliffside. Luckily, he managed to grab it and hugged it close to his chest as half of his body was over the cliff. He gripped it tighter as he heard Hels and EX laugh to themselves as they walked away.

"I should've punched him when I had the chance," Doc muttered to himself.

Sighing, he gently wrapped his arms around Bdubs' waist, pulling him up and into his lap. The smaller roommate hugged the telescope as he leaned his head into Doc's chest and bit back tears. The taller brunette's head was swarming with questions, but he told himself that now was not the time. He gave Bdubs a big hug, hoping that he couldn't hear his heart pounding.

After putting the telescope away safely, the two went back to sitting on the gingham blanket.


Once an hour or so had passed, Doc realized he hardly spent any time looking at the sky. It's not that he didn't like looking at stars, it's just he found the stars on Bdubs to be more beautiful. As the freckled roommate smiled at the open sky, he could feel his heart pounding.

"I think I really like you." 

I said that out loud, didn't I? He realized as Bdubs stared back at him, his face red. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't- after what just happened I-" Blushing, Doc quickly tried to come up with an excuse. He gripped his pants, looking away.

"I really like you too," Bdubs whispered, resting his head on Doc's shoulder as he hugged him. The hybrid blinked back tears, clinging to Bdubs' shirt with one hand and holding his head with the other.


"Are you sure this is fine?" Doc double-checked with him as he rested his head on Bdubs' lap. Smiling, he ran a hand through the darker brunette's hair.

"Of course," he reassured him. Doc felt the world around him go dark, falling asleep. A soft smile resting on his lips as he felt Bdubs' soft hand in his hair. 

Swing Set AU; A Bdoc Oneshots CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now