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With a stupid big smile, Doc sat on the gingham blanket, hugging his knees as he watched Bdubs set up his telescope. They had found a new spot; a secluded area in a local protected park. Although they were both skeptical that they would be able to see much since they were still technically in the city. Thankfully, the stars were sparkling, and barely any clouds were out.

"Okay, it's all set!" Bdubs brightly declared, stepping back. He flashed Doc a big smile. "Wanna look?"

Climbing to his feet, he walked over to the telescope, his feet dragging over the grass with a comfortable laziness. He peered down into the small lens. "Woah, I forgot how clear and crisp everything looks through this!" He laughed.

Bdubs' stomach gurgled and growled, so he stood up straight. "C'mon, let's eat some dinner," he suggested with a wide grin. His husband pursed his lips, embarrassment written all over his face. But he touched his hand and followed him back over to the blanket where they sat down and opened the picnic basket.

For once, neither of them made food. Instead, they got takeout from an Asian fusion restaurant that served a mix of Chinese, Thai, and Japanese dishes. But they repackaged them all into cute containers. Doc handed Bdubs a set of chopsticks. He scooched closer to sit close enough to have their arms brushing against each other.

His cheeks began to hurt from smiling as he watched his husband gaze up at the sky. "You want to know what I'm thinking about?" Bdubs whispered, his eyes searching the stars.

Doc swallowed his bite of rice. "Where the star Vega is?" He joked.

"No." Bdubs met his eyes, his expression softening. "That by next month, we'll have been married for a year."

His face grew hot. "O=Oh, I didn't- yeah, you're right." It never occurred to him that Bdubs could still be thinking of him while so focused on something else. Then again, his husband was always in the back of his mind, so it wasn't completely bizarre.

Leaning forward, Bdubs kissed a grain of rice away from the corner of his mouth. "Do you remember when we did this for the first time? You told me you liked me, and we started dating?"

"How could I forget that?" He laughed. "I blurted it out by accident. But by far the best accident I've ever made." He kissed Bdubs, giggling against his lips as he tasted hot sauce and tofu.

After pulling away, his husband leaned his head on his shoulder. They ate in comfortable silence, Doc finally decided to stargaze too. "One day, I want to get a summer home like Tango and Mumbo have. Out in the countryside, with a perfect view of the sky," Bdubs whispered to slice the quiet.

He hummed in agreement. "We can make that happen." I'll give you everything you want. Whatever it takes to make you happy, I'll do it. All I need is your smile and I'm okay.

When Bdubs covered his food and stood up, Doc couldn't help but frown at the loss of his touch. But he couldn't pout for too long as he saw how much his husband's expression lit up when he looked through the telescope. He kept delicately adjusting the angle to see different areas of the sky.

His heart was pounding so furiously, it was as though he was getting ready to propose. And if he had another ring, he would. "I found Pegasus!" He gasped.

Doc placed down his food and got up. He slid an arm around his torso. "Can I see?" Bdubs pulled his face away so the hybrid could peer through again. When he looked back at his partner, Bdubs pointed up at the sky, tracing the shape of the constellation to make it easier for Doc to understand.

He couldn't help himself and kissed the beaming smile on his face. Bdubs held onto his arms, tugging him closer to kiss the various metal panels on his face. "Did you know the brightest star in the constellation is called Enif?" He stated as if he hadn't already listed all the facts he knew about Pegasus a hundred times over to him. But Doc didn't mind. He loved hearing him talk about his stars.


Bdubs' favorite thing in the world was how Doc looked at him. He slid his hands up to his shoulders, tracing over his planes and up the sides of his neck. He knew Doc cared more about Bdubs' enjoyment of the sky than his own interest in what was up there. But he didn't mind, because he got to enjoy two of the best things at the same time.

"I'm going to discover a new constellation just for you." The hybrid declared, brushing their noses together.

His shoulders raised as he giggled. "Oh yeah? What'll it look like?" He teased.

Doc shrugged. "Don't know. Maybe your smile?" Despite rolling his eyes, Bdubs kissed him.

"You're ridiculous," he scoffed, then kissed him again. Craving more of his dinner, he pulled away from Doc, though he kept a light hold on his hand. He tugged him along back over to the blanket, encouraging him to sit as well.

As he opened his container of food back up, Doc sat beside him, bumping their knees together and bracing an arm on the other side of him. Bdubs leaned into him and hummed as he stared back up at the sky.

It was a little harder to eat, as Doc kept kissing his freckles and making him giggle.

When he picked up an especially good-looking piece of tofu, he looked to his husband and offered it. "You should try some!" He encouraged. After feeding him the piece, the hybrid gave his nod of approval before pressing his nose into the side of his neck.

"Marry me, Bdubs," Doc dramatically sighed.

He laughed, resting his head against him. "Well, I've got some great news for you!" Bdubs could feel the other smiling against his skin. "Are you having fun?" He playfully asked when Doc lifted his head.

"Yeah. I always have fun with you! But being here, it's really nice. I'm enjoying myself." He picked up his food to continue eating, but when he turned away, Bdubs kissed the back of his head.

"Thank you for indulging in my hobbies. It makes me really happy, y'know?" Doc looked back at him. Somehow, each time he saw his smile, it still managed to twist his stomach and send his heart racing.

Instead of any kind of reply, his husband leaned towards him. Their lips brushed against each other before properly pressing together for a soft kiss. "I'm happy too," Doc finally whispered. "I'm really happy with you."

Swing Set AU; A Bdoc Oneshots CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now