Pet names, Pets, and Names for a Pet

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I meant to upload this yesterday, but hey, it's the 30th, still April :D

Although the thought of nicknames for each other had been sitting in the back of Doc's mind for months, he didn't mean to let one slip. It wasn't like that was something they talked about. (and he didn't know if that was something they needed to talk about)

He had tried to get Bdubs up that morning. Normally he was a morning person, but today he just wasn't having it. So he decided to steal the pillow out from under his head, and that really got him up.

"Give it back," the shorter whined, lazily reaching up for the pillow. Grinning, Doc just sat up and held it over his head. Bdubs grumbled nonsense as he grabbed his shoulder and half pulled him down half pulled himself up.

"You're not getting it back," he laughed, giving him a light push off of him.

"Doc I want my sleep!" A small, annoyed smile had begun to form on his face as he slowly sat up. Swinging a leg over his lap, he once again braced himself on his shoulder as he reached up for the pillow.

Doc continued to laugh and held it higher. "Bee," he said.

And there it was. A simple little nickname that made him stop everything. Does he think it's weird? Does he think I'm weird?

"Gorgeous," Bdubs responded, taking his eyes off the pillow and instead of locking gazes.

Now he just stopped functioning. He slowly dropped the pillow and the tan male quickly snatched it. Sure this wasn't the first time Bdubs used that nickname for him, but in his defense, the last time he did was what felt like forever ago.

A pillow collided with his face, snapping him from his gay panic. "Honey, I love you, but don't take my pillow." His face burned and he felt far too flustered far too early in the morning. Bdubs burst into a fit of giggles and dropped the pillow back on his side on the bed. He kissed him, and it took Doc a minute to respond. Once he realized what was happening he quickly reciprocated.

With newly regained confidence, he shifted so his legs could hang over the side of the bed. Seizing the smaller by the waist, he pulled him up and over his shoulder. He ignored the sputtering protests from the other and carried him out of the room.


"Hey, don't forget your umbrella," Bdubs said, handing over one of the two dark blue umbrellas. "Also, I'm going to be home a little late today," he reminded him, bracing himself on Doc's arm so he could reach up and kiss his cheek. After double-checking he had everything for work, the hybrid kissed his forehead.

"I'll see you later, Bee." Once he disappeared out the door, Bdubs smiled to himself as he pressed his hand against his cheek. He was unsure if he should tell Doc that's what a certain someone else used to call him, but he had to admit it sounded much sweeter coming from the dark brunette.


After a torturous day of work, the heavy rainstorm was just the icing on the cake. Doc opened his umbrella as he stepped out of the building and onto the sidewalk. Although he had to admit- the sound of the raindrops hitting his umbrella was a rather soothing sound to him. He just hoped there'd be no thunder or lightning since Bdubs is still at work.

Like most days, his walk home was filled with silence. There wasn't anything too special about the route he took. His office was too close to make a subway trip necessary, and although he could always hail a cab the hybrid found walking much more enjoyable. But considering the weather, he thought about just taking one home.

I'll walk a little further, and if things get worse then I'll just take the drive home, he decided.

Only a few minutes had passed when he saw something... strange in the approaching alleyway. When he got closer, that's when he heard it.

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