Words Can Be Hard

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Early chapter this month because I was craving some hurt/comfort <3


Doc dug through his pocket for his key whilst softly humming the tune to a song he had heard blasting through a car at the last traffic light. Finally unlocking his door, he stepped in with a smile on his face. "I'm h-"

The moment his eyes caught a glimpse of the inside of the apartment, his face fell, his chest tightening.

He never thought he'd catch Bdubs like that. It was mortifying.

Finding trouble figuring out what to say, he carefully closed the door, locking it behind him as he left his keys on the small table like normal. However, no matter how hard he tried he knew he couldn't pretend everything was normal. Not with Bdubs like that.

It was easy to tell Bdubs was attempting to form words, but couldn't manage to.

Instead, he continued like how Doc found him.

On his knees, sobbing as he made poor attempts to wipe the tears which seemed to be endlessly flowing down his cheeks. Bdubs was shaking with every attempt to take a deep breath to the point where he began to hiccup. Doc wished he knew what he could do or say as he pursed his lips to keep himself from bursting into tears as well.

But then he recalled around two years ago - give or take - when he had gotten home from a bad day. How Bdubs hadn't pushed for an explanation and instead gave him all the comfort he needed. Although there had been plenty of moments since then where they would confide in each other, he had yet to find himself in that specific kind of situation.

And so he knelt, gently pulling his fiance closer. As Doc tried to pick out the right words to ease his mind, Bdubs was quick to grip his shirt, sobbing harder into his chest. "Oh, Bdubs," he whispered, tightly holding him as he buried a hand in his disheveled hair. "I'm- it's going to be alr- going to be- okay. I'm here. I'm right here."

The hybrid tried to mentally file through every possibility of what could have caused him to cry so hard. Naturally his mind dove straight into the worst possible options. He took deep breaths, watching Bdubs move with his chest, hoping it would help him regulate his breathing.

"You don't have to tell me what happened, just let me know when you feel better. But until then- until you're sure you're okay, we can stay right here. As long as you need to," he whispered. He hoped it was enough. He hoped he was enough.

Sniffling, Bdubs numbly nodded as he moved his arms to wrap around him, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt.

Doc closed his eyes as he pressed his lips to the top of his head, lightly scratching his scalp as he combed through his hair. He felt helpless and terrified, but overall disappointed in himself for not knowing exactly what to do.

It didn't take long for Tugger to find them, blinking at the sight of them a few times. While Doc considered how petting their cat would help lift Bdubs' spirits, it appeared he had found something better to do and dashed towards the bedroom.

He realized Bdubs had gone quiet, his hold on him not as strong. At first, he had assumed he had fallen asleep, but he heard him sniffling. "Sorry for getting your shirt all wet," he finally muttered.

Gently cupping his jaw, he created enough space between them to view his face. "Who cares about the state of my shirt? How're you feeling?" He gently asked with furrowed brows.

With his thumbs, he wiped his cheeks and the corners of his eyes, Bdubs humming at his touch. "My knees hurt from being on the hardwood floor and I feel gross from crying so much," he mumbled.

Doc kissed his forehead. "And you'll get a headache if we don't get you some water," he pointed out. "How about you sit on the couch and I'll get you a glass, hm?"

Helping him to his feet, Bdubs squeezed his hands.

Once he was seated on the couch and Doc beside him having handed over some much-needed water, he patiently waited until he put the glass down to speak again. "Did crying make you feel better?" He whispered as he brushed the hair from his freckled face.

"I don't know," he sighed. His body slid to the side, leaning against him.

"I'm- I'm sorry I'm not always the best at comforting you. But if there's anything more I can do, just say the word." Doc wrapped an arm around his waist. He took one of Bdubs' hands so he could hold the back of it against his lips.

Gently pulling his hand free, Bdubs touched his cheek. "No, Doc you're perfect. You have no idea how much your words and actions mean to me," he assured him.

Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Okay enough talk about my insecurities. Do you want to talk about why you were crying? Is that something you're able to do?"

With a heavy sigh through his nose, Bdubs repositioned himself to be leaning against his chest. "It- it wasn't just one thing. All day I- it was like a- buildup of a lot of little issues and concerns and then I hit my tipping point and lost it. Suddenly it felt like every small thing that hadn't gone okay in the slightest today was suffocating me but then it came to the point when I didn't even know what in particular I was crying about. I just- couldn't stop." He quietly explained as he stared at his hands.

Humming, Doc idly played with his hair. "I can't remember the last time I saw you properly break down like that," he admitted. "Next time you think it might be happening again if you're able to, call or text me if I'm not there. I don't want you to be alone while you're crying."

Bdubs nodded. "I will, promise." When he yawned, Doc fixed the pillows behind him so he could lay down, with Bdubs on his chest. "And you don't think you're good at comforting me," he murmured, leaning up to lazily kiss him. With a second, bigger yawn, he snuggled against him.

Cracking a smile, he continued to comb through his hair. He wasn't that tired from work or the walk home, but he closed his eyes anyway. With tangled legs and matching, steady breaths, Doc's mind wandered off, dragging an imaginary Bdubs off with him. 


When he woke up, Bdubs didn't want to move. Although yes, he was feeling better, he still couldn't let go of the feeling that slammed into him the moment Doc had returned home. He had felt so pathetic being found like that. His desperate attempts to pull himself together were foiled so he had completely broken down against his fiance.

"Hey," Doc softly called out. He must've noticed he had woken up. "How're you feeling love?"

Humming, Bdubs shifted further up to bury his face in the crook of his neck. Doc lightly laughed, hugging him tighter.

"How about I get dinner started and you just relax?" The hybrid suggested.

He once again repositioned himself so his arms were crossed over Doc's chest and he propped himself up slightly. "Works for me," he quietly agreed with a soft smile. As he kissed him, Doc slowly sat up, pulling him into his lap as he moved. His fiance kissed his forehead before moving him onto the couch and getting up.

Bdubs watched him head into the kitchen, waiting patiently until he saw him beginning to prepare dinner. He brought the almost-empty glass of water with him as he followed. He trailed behind Doc as he kept moving around the kitchen, wrapping his arms around his waist when he was stationary for more than a minute.

"I said you could relax," Doc laughed.

Laughing as well, Bdubs pressed a cheek to his back. "This is me relaxing!"

Swing Set AU; A Bdoc Oneshots CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now