Running Errands

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As Doc harnessed up Tugger who would be joining them on their errand run for the day, Bdubs went over the different shopping lists the couple had accumulated.

"Eggs, spinach, strawberries, olive oil, jasmine rice, energy bars, soda, honey, green apples, and carrots," he listed off from the sticky note in his hand. "Any other obscure grocery item we forgot?"

Standing up with the leash in hand, Doc snapped his fingers. "That's right! I still have mine but you're out of your yogurt, remember?"

Bdubs nodded and clicked his pen. "Right, right, thank you. Okay, then from the department store we both want to update our wardrobe and you want a new pair of crocs," he read out before adding the item to his grocery list.

"Perfect! Let's hit the department store first then." They shared a quick kiss before Bdubs grabbed the keys and they left the apartment. He smiled as Tugger happily trotted down the stairs. At first, he was slightly skittish about going outside, but it only took about two weeks for him to relax and enjoy the daily walks. 

Bdubs laced his fingers with Doc's free hand and off to run their errands they went.


Humming, Doc pulled two different t-shirts off the rack and studied both before turning to his boyfriend, who had taken over holding the leash of their cat. Tugger sat patiently beside Bdubs' foot as Doc held both shirts up to Bdubs in an attempt to decide which he thought would suit him better. He could tell Bdubs found how serious he was being amusing, but this was technically his fault for allowing the half-creeper to make decisions for him.

"I like both," Bdubs commented. "The black graphic on the white shirt is fun, and I like how the yellow graphic on the black shirt is a little grotesque."

"Yes, but they're both so different. I thought you wanted to settle on a particular aesthetic for your wardrobe," Doc pointed out, narrowing his eyes at the shirts.

Finally, Bdubs began to laugh. "It's okay! We can get both, it's no big deal!"

"Oh! I get it now!" Doc began to laugh as well. "You just want me to spend all my money on you!" He teased.

Bdubs scoffed. "Please, you'd spend all your money on me anyways," he accused, although Doc's only rebuttal was lightly whacking him in the face with the black shirt.

When the shirt was graciously pulled away from his face, what replaced it was a kiss on his cheek. "Alright, fine, we'll get you both. But next time, I'm forcing you to make a decision."

"Wow. Telling a bisexual person to make a decision? That's biphobic," Bdubs stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "I guess that also makes you a hypocrite, Mr. Omniromantic." The hybrid lightly hit his arm and told him to shut up. "Yeah yeah, love you too." As they continued to stroll the aisle of clothes, Bdubs stopped, grabbing Doc's arm with one hand and a clothes hanger with the other.

Doc burst out laughing. "Oh, absolutely I'm getting that!" In Bdubs' hand hung a gray shirt. On it was a black goat head outlined in white. In bold, impact font above the graphic read 'GOAT' and below read 'POWER'. Taking the hanger from Bdubs he added it to their cart. "If you think I won't wear this in public you're dead wrong."

By the time they finished shopping, both had collected their fair share of tees, button-ups, and jeans alike. Doc settled on a pair of deep green crocs and picked out a few charms to go with them. Bdubs found a rainbow one and placed it in his hand with a grin. Before they could check out, however, Bdubs found the assortment of bandanas and grabbed a yellow and a sunset-ombre-themed one.

"Right because you wear your other bandanas that aren't your red one," Doc teased, tapping the mentioned bandana wrapped around Bdubs' head.

He waved off his hand and scoffed. "I- I wear my other bandanas!" Bdubs protested. A kiss was pressed to his temple.

"We should get more hair ties too, in case you want to wear it up more," Doc suggested, reaching around him to pick up a pack of black hair ties.

Bdubs nodded. "That's smart since I only have like- three at home."

Tugger meowed, reaching his front paws up on Doc's leg to stretch. Doc bent down to scratch him behind the ear, cooing at him. Smiling at the sight, Bdubs bent down as well, leaning against Doc as he watched him pet Tugger.


Standing side by side, Bdubs' hand kept hovering over the green apples. "This one," he slowly decided, picking one up.

"No," Doc immediately countered, gently pushing his wrist down so he'd drop it.

"Geez if you're just gonna use your bionic eye why don't you pick out everything," Bdubs teased.

His boyfriend lightly laughed. "Sorry, sorry, you wanted to pick stuff I shouldn't be so controlling I know."

"Nah it's okay," Bdubs assured him, kissing his cheek. "How about you pick out the apples and strawberries, and deal with whatever I pick for spinach and carrots?" He suggested.

"I can do that," Doc agreed with a grin. Once he had carefully selected five apples and a container of strawberries, Doc pushed the cart for them while Bdubs was still holding onto Tugger's leash.

Humming along to the song playing through the supermarket speakers, Bdubs picked out a bag of carrots before moving over to the spinach. "I wish there was a farmer's market near us, I'd prefer to shop there for food," he admitted, placing the groceries in the cart.

"What if when we get home, we can try and find the closest one and decide if it's worth it or not?" Doc suggested as they continued through the store.

He agreed before spotting a sign. "Oh, hey! A sale on honey, let's get two." However as he picked up the bottles, he thought for a moment. "Y'know, I wouldn't mind at all going out of my way just to buy some organic honey straight from a beekeeper," Bdubs admitted out loud.

"We'll have to keep our eyes out then!"

It didn't take long for Doc to become paranoid about Tugger getting hit with the shopping cart or other people. He seemed fine in the department store, but that was most likely because the cat was closer to Bdubs, who wasn't standing so near the shopping cart.

Bdubs lifted him and placed the grey cat gently into the baby seat. "As if we haven't spent enough money on him; we could get one of those cat backpacks," he half-jokingly suggested.

"Please don't tempt me," Doc lightly whined. "If you don't stop me I'll end up spending all of my money on the both of you!"

Thankfully, their pet didn't seem to mind the cart at all. Although it was rather shaky, he was able to lay down, his tail swinging out from one of the leg holes. Tugger closed his eyes, a content look on his face. "That is one unbothered cat," Bdubs noted. 


One completed grocery list later, they were finally able to head home. Tugger seemed more than pleased as Doc managed to convince Bdubs to let their cat sniff out a toy he'd want. He knew that Bdubs found Tugger carrying the plush chicken between his teeth to be just as cute.

"He kinda reminds me of a dog," Bdubs remarked.

Doc hummed. "I guess you're right!"

His boyfriend nudged his side as his grin grew. "But don't worry, you're still my favorite 'Dog'," he teased, causing him to recall their bowling date.

"Oh please," Doc scoffed. Although he wasn't able to suppress his smile. "You're officially on grocery unpacking duty alone."

With a dramatic sigh, Bdubs leaned against him. "Oh, how will I ever cope?" He sarcastically complained.

Lightly laughing at his antics, Doc kissed his head. Since both of his hands were preoccupied with bags, and so was Bdubs', he shifted his bags over to his robotic hand. Now with a free arm, he was able to hold his roommate's waist and give him a gentle squeeze.


Would've made it longer, but this month hasn't been kind to me

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