The Old Swing Set

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Doc cursed to himself as he walked down the street. What does the universe have against him? He always paid his rent on time, and always kept his apartment clean, and was never too noisy. And yet it doesn't matter anymore, because he's being evicted. It's not his fault that the owner of the complex fell into hard times after gambling everything. 

Doc is a hard worker, never taking vacation days and filling in for others. Sure, a desk job was never his dream, but it had good pay and he was a great employee. Or maybe not, since he just got let go due to the company branch downsizing. As fellow city folk passed him by, the hybrid couldn't help but wonder why this was all happening to him.


As the sun began to set, Doc looked to his left and realized he was standing next to the old playground he used to go to as a kid. As he stepped into the empty playground, happy memories of being a carefree child came flooding back to him. Then he saw it. The swing set where he met Bdubs. "Haven't seen him since we were..what? Ten?" Doc thought out loud. As he ran his hand down the chain of one of the swings, he suddenly felt the urge to cry. He sat down on the swing, gripping the chains. Taking a deep breath, Doc closed his eyes and leaned his head back. The occasional gust of wind on the rather warm evening felt calming.


Hearing the shuffling of feet and the rattling of swing chains next to him, Doc opened his eyes and looked next to him. A young man who was around his age was smiling at him. It took him only a moment to realize this person was an older Bdubs. "Hi!" his old friend said cheerfully. The poor hybrid was dumbfounded. A part of him wanted to hug him, but another part of him reminded Doc that it had been over a decade since they last saw one another.

"Hey, Bdubs! It's been a while," he managed to say.

"I know, right? I just happened to walk by when I saw you sitting here. I figured I just had to say hi!" Bdubs explained. Despite having not seen him in forever, the hybrid's old friend was still as bright as he remembered. The only thing that really seemed to change was that he looked a little older and somehow became cuter. "So, how have you been, Doc?" He had managed to forget everything that happened to him earlier, but now it was all flooding back. 

Unlike before, when he was able to hold back the tears, he couldn't keep them from pouring out of his eye. Doc felt pathetic in front of his old friend, as he buried his face in his hands. Bdubs, who was surprised to see his cool and collected friend so distraught, got up from his swing and knelt down in front of Doc. He gave him a hug, hoping he could provide some form of comfort. The hybrid wrapped his arms around Bdubs' squeezing him as he took a deep breath.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I must seem so pathetic to you."

"What? No, Doc I know it's been a while but I still believe you're an amazing person. Everyone's allowed to have bad days." As they pulled apart, Bdubs kept his hands on Doc's shoulders and tilted his head.

"You don't mind me venting for a minute?"

"Not at all."

As Doc explained everything, Bdubs got back up and sat down on the swing, listening. "So yeah, I'm probably going to have to crash at my parents' or something until I can find a place for myself. Finding a new job shouldn't be too hard either, right?" The shorter brunette looked up at the night sky, thinking hard about everything he just learned.

"You can just stay with me," he thought out loud. Bdubs looked back over to Doc, to find that they were both equally surprised.

"A-Are you sure? I'd feel bad, seeing as how we haven't spoken in forever." The taller brunette scratched the back of his neck, trying to hide his excitement of getting to know his old friend again. Who, on the other hand, seemed like he didn't care about hiding excitement, judging by the sparkle of joy in his eyes.

"I mean, why not? I have a futon in my living room, and this will be a great way for us to catch up!" Jumping up off the swing, Bdubs held a hand out to Doc, grinning. "Whaddya say, Doc?"

"Sure!" He took his hand and stood up.


"This is it!" Bdubs declared, dramatically opening his apartment door. Doc looked around before walking in, his suitcase rolling behind him. The freckled brunette closed the door with his foot since he was carrying Doc's pillow and blanket.

"Wow, you've got a really nice place, Bdubs," the hybrid stated. Bdubs dropped the pillow and blanket next to his futon and unfolded it.

"Thanks! It'll only take me a minute to make the bed for you."

"Oh, you don't have to do that, you're already doing far too much for me."

"It's no big, really!" The two argued for a while and ended up making the bed together as they fought.

"I don't really use this closet, so you're more than welcome to put your clothes inside!" Bdubs explained, opening his bedroom closet door. "I keep all of my stuff in my dresser instead. It's messy, but it works," he added.

"Thanks again, truly, for everything," Doc said before carefully hanging up all of his clothes.

"Of course, anything for a friend!" Bdubs nudged him playfully. "Anyways, I'm gonna steal the bathroom first and get ready for bed, make yourself at home!" After opening a drawer in his dresser and grabbing an oversized shirt, he left the room. Doc couldn't help but stare at the messy drawer in front of him and felt compelled to organize the dresser for his new roommate.

"It's the least I can do since he's already done so much for me," he decides out loud.


"Night, Doc!" Bdubs smiled, standing in the doorway of his bedroom.

"Goodnight." Once the bedroom door was closed, Doc rolled over and went to sleep.


Bdubs finally managed to force himself to sit up in bed, rubbing his face. He contemplated laying back down and going back to sleep, seeing as he had the day off, but the smell of something good from the kitchen convinced him to get up. Poking his head out of the bedroom, he noticed Doc in the kitchen, cooking some breakfast. "Good morning!" Bdubs cheerfully called, walking out. Doc looked over his shoulder and smiled.

"Morning Bdubs! I'm almost done making you breakfast." This made Bdubs' heart jump. Woah, calm down. He's just doing it as a thank you or something. He's being friendly. He insisted to himself. Once the bacon and pancakes were done, Bdubs helped the hybrid plate it all and they sat down, Doc at the head of the table and Bdubs next to him.

"Thanks, by the way," the shorter brunette said after taking a bite of pancake. "For not just breakfast, but for organizing my dresser. I noticed it last night, and I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, I'd be more than happy to help cook meals from time to time," the taller brunette smiled.

"You know, I'm glad you're my roommate now, Doc," Bdubs admitted, before diving into more of his breakfast. Doc looked away for a moment so he could get his slightly flushed face under control. 

Swing Set AU; A Bdoc Oneshots CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now