The Beach Episode

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"C'mon Etho, we didn't come all this way for you to just sit in one spot the whole time!" Iskall teased, leaning over with their hands on their knees.

The four had decided to make use of Iskall's car and drive out of the city to a fairly popular beach for the day. Because Iskall and Etho provided the transportation, Doc and Bdubs had graciously provided the food.

However, once they got there, the moment the umbrella was set up the white-haired male laid out a towel underneath and planted himself on the ground.

"Who says I can't? I like sitting here!" He protested with a wide grin.

The hybrid watched in great amusement as the non-binary brunette grabbed their boyfriend's arm and hauled him to his feet. Despite the whining, he watched as his friend was dragged to the water.

"You want to join them?" He turned to Bdubs, and immediately laughed as he saw him pull out a shovel and a pail.

Sticking his tongue out, the shorter stood up. "In a bit, I want to build a sandcastle first."

"How old are you, five?"

"Excuse me, I am never too old for sandcastles." Despite his teasing, Doc got up from his spot on his towel and followed him towards the shoreline. He watched as he filled the bucket with enough wet sand and brought it to a spot that was far enough that it wouldn't get swept away by the ocean but close enough that the trip back and forth wouldn't be too much.

He immediately felt like a hypocrite because he decided he wanted to help. "Hey, if you outline where your castle is going to go, I can dig you a moat!" He offered.

"That'd be great!"

Humming to himself, Doc felt great pride in his ability to dig out a fairly deep moat around the area Bdubs marked out. And, although he could just- fill it with water he decided to just stick with what he used to do as a kid and dug a channel that led from the moat directly into the water.

"Nice!" Bdubs laughed after adding a third tier to his castle. He glanced up and watched as he began adding little details such as indents into the towers and even marked out tiny windows.

A shadow loomed over Doc and he felt water drip onto the back of his shoulders. When he looked up, he found a completely soaked Etho standing over him. "You're telling me that while I was dunked multiple times underwater, you've been building a sandcastle?"

Grinning, he stood up from where he was digging his channel and looked over Etho's shoulder to find Iskall slowly making their way back. "Don't tell me you're jealous," he teased. "I'm sure you're having just as much fun."

"Oh don't get me wrong, every moment with Iskall is a dream, but I'd rather build in the sand than be submerged in the salty water." Raising an eyebrow, he looked back to Bdubs who was just watching the two talk.

"Why don't you take over for us, then?" He suggested, leaving Etho momentarily confused as he walked over to his boyfriend. Without a word, he scooped him up into his arms.

"Wait, I'm not done yet!" Bdubs protested, flailing around and laughing.

"Have fun!" Iskall said with a grin as they passed them heading to shore.

Doc hummed, ignoring the struggling man in his arms as he waded out into the water. Once he was waist-deep, he finally asked, "You ready?"

Whining, Bdubs tightly wrapped himself around him. "No, don't drop me in the water!" He dramatically pleaded, squeezing his torso with his legs.

"What, afraid your head won't be above the water if you stand?" He teased.

"Okay I'm not that short you don't have that much height on me," he scoffed, poking his face.

Grinning, Doc peeled Bdubs off of him and dropped him into the water. Immediately he broke the surface and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him down on top of him.

Amidst the disturbed sand around them and the saltwater, he opened his robotic eye. He found Bdubs' lips, while said man grasped the end of his hair. As they kissed, he felt Bdubs push against them and roll them over. His back pressed into the sand and saw as his boyfriend climbed off of him and emerged from the water.

He too stood up and wiped his face of the salty water. The shorter was breathing heavily with a wide smile. "Water's nice," he noted, pushing back his light brunette hair.

"Very," Doc agreed, splashing him.


Iskall and Bdubs couldn't stop laughing, as the freckled man tried to pull himself up on the tube they were sitting on. (Etho and Doc were busy trying to splash each other to death)

"Hold on, I gotcha!" Iskall giggled, helping him slide up and lay across him. "We did it!"

The two cheered as they looked at their respective boyfriends. Now they were just wrestling.

"Sorry about your sandcastle being ruined by the way."

"Nah it's fine. I'll simply dig a hole to stuff that kid in," he joked, flashing them a smile. He was shoved off the tube and although he tried to grab it, he failed as he flopped into the water.

When he emerged, he pushed over the tube, throwing Iskall into the water as well. Someone else splashed him, and when he looked around to spot the culprit, he found Doc winking at him. Scoffing with a grin, he splashed him back but managed to hit Etho as well.

One thing led to another and the four of them were attacking each other with the saltwater.


Once they all grew tired of fighting in the water, the four had gotten themselves slushies and sat down under the umbrella.

Bdubs hummed in satisfaction as he leaned against Doc, his cherry slushie cooling his hand and condensation dripping onto his leg.

He felt his boyfriend lean his head against his hair, presumably enjoying his own slushie of the same flavor. Glancing over at his friends, he grinned to find them both asleep against each other, empty cups stacked beside Etho.

"Today was really fun," he whispered, playing with his straw. A hand touched his thigh and lightly squeezed.

"It was," Doc quietly agreed. "Can you believe it's been a little over a year since we bumped into each other?"

"Can you believe we spent our first anniversary being lazy in the apartment last month?"

"Well, I had fun. Because I got to hold you all day."

Bdubs' face grew warm. It was true, they decided to spend their anniversary in their pajamas, half the day in bed sleeping and the other half on the couch watching dumb movies and sleeping. Sighing, he closed his eyes and pressed against Doc. "I love you, Gorgeous."

"Love you too," he murmured, pressing his lips against his hair. "Y'know tomorrow is supposed to be really humid, maybe we can do that again."

"Sounds perfect," Bdubs agreed, already looking forward to not having to get up. 

Swing Set AU; A Bdoc Oneshots CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now