The Honeymoon

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 The first stop on their honeymoon was the ruins of a castle from ancient times. Nature had taken over what was left of the castle, weaving between the cobblestone bricks and transforming the place into a natural garden. The married couple held hands as they climbed up a winding staircase. Up on the roof, they were able to enjoy an incredible view of the vast, grassy moors that surrounded them.

"Ah, feel that breeze," Doc murmured as the wind kissed their faces. It was refreshing to feel whilst the warm, spring sun kept him from wearing a sweater.

Bdubs had wrapped himself around his arm and hummed in agreement. "I wonder what it would be like, to be royalty. To have lived in a palace like the one that was here," he commented.

The hybrid leaned his cheek on his head. "If you're the royalty, then I'm your loyal knight; sworn to stay by your side and protect you to the end of time."

His husband laughed. "How gay," he teased, squeezing his arm. "You should be more sickly sweet more often." Doc pried himself free so he could hold his face and steal a kiss.

"Let's keep exploring until one of us falls."

Bdubs laughed again. They walked around the top floor of the castle, and whenever they found old writing on a brick, Doc took a picture and would then pull out his pocket-sized notebook to copy the characters. "I hope one of these is a really bad pun," Bdubs commented as Doc stood up.

"Well, I think a few people who do the tours or work at the gift shop down the hill know this language, so we'll find out!" He couldn't express how excited he was to be looking at graffiti so old it was written in a language not often taught in schools.

The two ventured back downstairs and wandered through the different rooms that were left. Doc watched with a stupid big grin as his husband traced his hand along the wall. "What're you thinking about?" He asked, already knowing the answer he was about to get. Bdubs immediately launched into a long ramble about the subtle geniuses of how the structure was built in the first place. Doc was never sure if Bdubs knew he'd poke him on purpose to encourage him to talk. If he could, he'd listen to him go on and on all day.


When they inevitably left, there were a few guides near the entrance. They approached the nearest one; a lanky man with short, dirty blonde hair, round glasses, and freckles. "Hi, do you know the language that's written on the walls around here?" Doc asked.

Bdubs couldn't stop staring at his partner. He was completely enamored by the curiosity sparkling in his eyes and the small smile cemented on his face.

"I do, actually! Do you remember what you found?" The tour guide prompted. Doc pulled out his small notebook and explained there were some on a few different pages. "Well for starters, this first one says; 'the crown stands tall', which was a common phrase used to inspire soldiers and keep spirits up. And then this one over here says 'Lana and Nadine forever'. They were the last reigning queens, and we believe they wrote this before their coronations and were only just dating."

A nauseous, suffocating feeling clung to his chest. Bdubs stood there, watching as the tour guide noticed with each explanation, Doc's face would light up and he'd nod with a warm smile. Bdubs could tell the man enjoyed watching his husband's excitement grow and flipped a page to keep talking.

He tried to think of something to say that was subtle enough to make the guy back off and not be tempted to act on any ideas. "You know I could help you learn the language; maybe over lunch or something?" The tour guide sheepishly suggested.

Doc seemed too engrossed in his new findings to pick up on the connotation of his offer. It took everything in Bdubs to hold back his jealousy to the point where he was nearly shaking with anger. Still, he flashed a smile and touched Doc's arm. "Oh, we don't have the time," he interjected with a sweet voice. "My husband has our entire honeymoon planned out, so there's not much spare time for other things."

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