Midnight Snacks

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Doc woke up to complete darkness, but a growling stomach. He let out a tired groan, feeling far too lazy to get up. Rolling over, he tapped his phone screen. It was a little past midnight, which used to be his usual bedtime. However, as of late, he was supposed to be sound asleep.

I can just ignore it, he reasoned when his stomach screamed of his emptiness again. Doc rolled back over, pressing his face to Bdubs' chest, and hugged him. His husband was still softly snoring, but it felt as though his stomach was louder.

It didn't help that the apartment was so cold, and their bed generated such a warm and comfy surrounding. I need to start wearing shirts to bed in the winter, he admitted to himself.

When it finally felt as though his stomach was going to collapse in on itself, he reluctantly sat up. A heavy sigh followed him as he climbed out of bed. On his way out, he stole the throw blanket from the end of the bed and draped it over his shoulders as he trudged to the kitchen.

He poked his head in the cabinets and the fridge, trying to deduct what he was craving.

In the pantry, there was a box of crackers that he pulled out and looked at for a good minute. Ultimately deciding against it, Doc continued his search. All the while he did his best to keep quiet. The last thing he wanted was to wake up Bdubs.

Suddenly, a strong craving for buttered popcorn hit him. But, that would be far too noisy, and even if there were a quiet way to make it, the strong smell alone would wake him.

I'll have to think of something else.


Typically, Bdubs wasn't one to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night. So he had no idea what compelled him to do so. However, he quickly realized he was missing a warm body pressed to his and blinked his eyes open. He frowned at the empty side of the bed and slowly sat up.

First, he assumed Doc was in the bathroom, but in his silence, he was able to pick up on the sound of cabinet doors and pieced together the truth.

Finding himself starting to smile, he climbed out of bed. To fight against the cold air, he pulled on one of Doc's hoodies. After taking a minute to soak in the familiar smell of cologne stuck to the fabric, he trudged out of the bedroom.

He held back a laugh at his husband, with the blanket wrapped around his shoulders. "Do you want a light on?" He called out, nearly startling the hybrid.

"Oh, shoot, did I wake you up? I'm sorry," he instantly worried.

Bdubs waved his hands and shook his head. "You didn't, I woke up on my own. But seriously, do you want a light on?"

Doc hummed. "No, because that might make me more awake. Which is kind of redundant since I'm about to eat." He stood near the half-creeper with a silent excuse of wanting to help keep him warm, but truthfully, the darkness surrounding them was too eerie.

"What're you gonna eat? Because whatever it is I'm going to steal from you."

"Figures, and I'm fine with that," Doc laughed. "Honestly I'm craving some popcorn. So I'm gonna pop a bag in the microwave, I guess."


The two sat at the kitchen counter, shoulders pressed together as they shared from the same bowl. Neither spoke more than a few words. And Doc was more than happy with their situation. He was concerned over his husband's fear, and he hoped the hand he kept on his knee was enough to ground him.

He watched as Bdubs picked up a few pieces, but was careful to drop a half-popped kernel back into the bowl. His smile grew at the small gesture. Doc picked it up and kissed his temple before crunching on it.

"I want to go on a road trip in the summer." His husband suddenly decided.

"Really? Where would we stop? What's our destination?"

Bdubs was silent, pausing his popcorn eating. "I'm not sure. But would you want to? Go on a road trip, hypothetically. Do you like that idea?" He nodded, but when he worried it was too dark for the gesture to be seen, he vocalized his agreement.

"Hasn't Ren done one before? Maybe he can give us tips or something," Bdubs suggested.

"Yeah, good idea!" The hybrid idly rubbed circles into his knee. As they fell into comfortable silence yet again, he took time to admire the hoodie on his husband. It was an older one; the dark gray color fading and whatever logo was imprinted on the front was barely there. He had gotten it near the end of his final semester of college, and Doc from that time would never have been able to imagine who would end up wearing it.

The bowl was pushed closer to him, and he quietly thanked Bdubs for letting him finish the rest. He felt flustered as the other simply watched with a warm smile as he ate.

Once finished and cleaned up - the bowl was waiting in the sink to be cleaned in the morning - it was back to bed.

"Not gonna take that off?" Doc teased when Bdubs climbed under the blanket with the hoodie still on.

He laughed. "No, it's too comfy!" Chuckling, he crawled in with him. When Bdubs curled up against him, he wrapped an arm around him, grabbing a fistful of the hoodie fabric. Naturally, he wasn't able to fall asleep right away, even though they both stayed seated at the counter for another five to ten minutes after eating. But simply daydreaming, letting his mind run off wherever it pleased, was nice as is.

He thought of the road trip Bdubs wanted to go on, their honeymoon plans, and what he would cook for breakfast. And when he heard familiar, soft snoring, he recalled the details of some of their earliest dates until he fell back to sleep. 


Did not proof read this one; maybe I'll edit it in the future lol

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