Chapter 90 - The Guide for New Vampires

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Sebastian comes back to the living room with an old, thick, and massive book in his hands and slams it on the coffee table. My fish and I jump because of the loud noise. I scold him.

Khawla: Seb, you've scared the fish!

Fish: ...!

Sebastian answers me playfully while collapsing on the sofa beside me.

Sebastian: Don't worry, little fairy. It'll forget in three seconds.

I roll my eyes to the heavens, but he isn't wrong. Golden fishes have a memory that lasts only for three seconds. Soon, it'll be recovered from the fright, not remembering even if it got scared one day.

Fish: ...

I get my attention to the cover of the book that my wolf has just brought. Huge, thick, heavy, black, with letters written in red blood-like color, where can be read, The Guide for New Vampires – How to control your new powers, by V. Bartholy.

I stare at Sebastian, not believing in my very eyes.

"Firstly, how does he get these secular books? Secondly, is it for real that there is a book about this theme? Thirdly, is the old fox a best-seller author? Fourthly and the most important thing, I'm not a vampire, I wasn't transformed, and the fact that I have hung up with these bloodthirsty creatures for my entire life doesn't make me one of them."

Khawla: I'm not a vampire.

I state to him with conviction, and Sebastian mocks me back.

Sebastian: No. But you need to learn how to control your abilities.

Khawla: I KNOW how to control them.

Sebastian: Oh, really, little fairy? It wasn't what you have told me a few minutes back.

I let out an annoyed sigh, regretting sharing with him what is happening to me and my worries. I would never expect his irony and sarcasm, rather, his comprehension, caring, and protection.

Khawla: Seb, look at me.

Sebastian turns and faces me. I can see apprehension and increasing worry in his fierce amber eyes, which don't match his sarcastic behavior. He is trying to hide all his feelings because he is as scared as me. He is trying to hide himself in his protective shell, attacking me, like a corned wounded animal.

Khawla: It isn't only about losing control. I have been sick and weak lately, and then, healing at speed. I have been having types of dreams that I don't use to. I have beginning to read minds.... Something is happing to my body!

Sebastian answers me harshly, with a cold tone of voice, as icy cold as winter winds that make me shudder.

Sebastian: Maybe only what you must have to do is stop drinking and doing drugs, so you can be healthy and have control over yourself again.


With these very words, he unmutes the television and restarts watching the hockey match, ignoring my presence and all problems that I mean to him.

I think a punch in the stomach would hurt less than his accusation. I let out a defeated sad sigh, and shake my head from one side to another in a no. No. He can't understand me. He can't understand my feelings, my pain, and my struggles.

I get the heavy book and head to the bed to read it, as the curiosity is gaining me. But I can't help feeling broken-hearted with Sebastian incomprehension and harshness. I wished that his studio has doors so I can lock myself out of his view. Well, the only door is the bathroom's one, but I won't read inside of it, mainly because, as per some religions, some demons inhabit there, and it is more than enough my inner demons; I don't need more of them around me.

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