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Logan's Point of View!
Two weeks later!

It's been two weeks and I haven't seen or heard or even thought about Luke.  I've been so busy interning at this law firm since I passed my bar exam and also making sure Michael and I keep up the appearance of our engagement.  I've made sure I stay busy so I don't even think about that guy.  I don't even want to see his stupid face.  I have officially quit the center.  I don't have time anymore anyway so I don't even go over to that side of town anymore.  I still make sure I wire some money over there for donations because I truly do still love all those kids but as far as helping out there no.  I can't risk seeing him anymore.  I never really told Michael what happened either.  I just told him we stopped talking and that was that.  His mom has my number but I haven't heard from her about Izzy.  I miss her and of course, I wanna talk to her but I can't just reach out it's not my place.

Anyway, I just finished on a date with Michael. Outside of our fake marriage, Michael and I have grown extremely close. He's the best friend I could ever ask for and ever since he's been dating Rosie he's become a different person. He's awesome.  Honestly, I don't even mind fake marrying him anymore.  At first, the thought of it made me sick but now he's pretty fun to be around.  Also, Michael hooked me up with one of his friends so I won't be lonely when he's with Rosie.  His name is Prince Christopher of the Davison's palace.  He's a sweet guy. I just know I'm not exactly ready for a relationship.  I still have feelings for Luke and they just won't go away yet.  I mean why would they? It's only been two weeks. I decided that I'm just not going to think about it.  I fell in love with him to fast as it is.  Anyway, I'm shopping downtown right now.  When I ran into Prince Christopher. 

" Hi, Princess," Prince Christopher said bowing.  " Stop.  I told you I don't want that.  I don't wanna be Princess just call me Logan and don't bow " I said.  " Where are you headed, " Prince Christopher asked?  " Just shopping how about you," I asked?  " Getting a present for mom's birthday, " Prince Christopher said.  " Oh okay I'll umm see you around," I said smiling walking away.  Christopher is not my type and it's only because of Luke.  The dorky thing isn't my type anymore.  I walked around and did a little more shopping when I got a call from my girl Lynn.  I answered.

Lynn and Logan's conversation!
Logan: Hey Lynn, girl wassup.
Lynn: Logan, I need you to come down to the Community Center right now.  It's Isabella.  She's in trouble.
Logan: I'm on my way.

I rushed to my car and threw everything inside.  I quickly drove as fast as I could to the Community Canter.  When I got there I ran inside seeing Lynn pacing back and forth.  " What's going on " I panicked.  It's Isabella.  She's disappeared.  Her dad and her grandma have been looking for her all morning. She's completely disappeared " Lynn said. I freaked.  I ran out and drove over to Miss. Vanessa's house. I got out and ran up to the door banging on it.  While I was knocking a car pulled up. I noticed it was Miss. Vanessa.  I ran to her as she got out of the car.  " Have you found her? " I asked?  " No, we looked everywhere we could think of.  We still can't find her " Miss. Vanessa said with worry written on her face.  " What happened, " I asked?  " Luke and she got into it about her seeing you.  He hadn't told her you guys had broken up.  Well until now.  She waited until he went to the bathroom and she ran out the door with a bag.  That was around 11 this morning.  She hasn't been seen since " Miss. Vanessa said with her head down.  " I'm so sorry," I said hugging her.  " I'm glad you're here," Miss. Vanessa said hugging me back tighter.  " What can I do to help, " I asked pulling out of the hug?  " Search on your side of town.  With any hope, she's headed your way " Miss. Vanessa said.  " She's a little girl.  How far could she have gotten " I said running to my car and driving towards home? While I was driving I began freaking out. I can't stomach the thought of her being away.  I have to find her.  I drove around looking for her when I got a call from Michael.  I picked it up.

Prince Michael and Logan's Conversation!

Logan: I can't talk right now.  I'm super busy.
Prince Michael: She's here at your palace.
Logan: Who?
Prince Michael: Isabella.  I'll keep her here until you get here but hurry because your dad is not happy at all.
Logan: I'm on my way.
I hung up.

I drove as fast as I could to my palace and when I got inside the gate I parked my car and ran inside.  I saw Isabella sitting on the couch with Michael eating cookies.  I ran and hugged her.  " Where have you been? Are you crazy! Why would you do this " I said grabbing her arms.  " I'm sorry.  I don't want to be with him.  He's so mean to me now anytime I even mention your name " Izzy said.  " You don't run away.  You could have died " I said sternly.  " I'm sorry," Izzy said.  I hugged her.  " Logan " I heard with a stern voice from the corridor.  I walked out into the corridor to see my father standing there.  " Yes Father," I said.  " Why is she here? Who is she "  My father asked?  " She's one of the children from the center.  She ran away from home and I was the first place she thought to come " I said looking at him and my mom.  " This isn't an orphanage. She can't stay here.  What do you think Prince Michael will think of his future wife associating herself with people of lower grade " My father whispered.  I stood back I couldn't believe he just said that about her.  " Henry are you serious right now.  You're lord Henry your job is to help the people of Brixton.  She's just a little girl and If  Prince Michael was anything like you she would be smart enough not to marry him " My mother said before I could even talk.  I was so happy she said that.  I love my mom.  Most of the time she stays out of it but when My father ticks her off she goes at it with him. 

My mom grabbed my hand and walked back into the living area.  " Hello, sweetheart, What's your name, " My mother asked? " Isabella," Izzy said.  " Hi Isabella, I'm Princess Logan's mom, " My mother said.  " You're so pretty just like Logan," Izzy said.  I smiled.  " If you want to come with me I can show you around the palace," My mother said holding out her hand.  " Can I Logan? Please " Izzy said pleading.  " Sure I'm going to call Miss. Vanessa to let her know you're safe " I said. Izzy nodded and walked away with my mother.  I called Miss. Vanessa to let her know Izzy was here and then I sat down and talked to Michael.

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