Next Day!

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Logan's Point of View!
7 AM!

I woke up to banging on the door. I grabbed my robe to put over my shorts and bra and went to open the door. I opened it to see a very upset Luke. " I've been calling you all damn night and you block my fucking number " Luke yelled forcing his way in my house. " Luke lower your voice," I said closing my robe. " Man I'm not trying to hear that shit at all. What the fuck is your problem " Luke yelled back. " It's either you lower your voice or get out of my house," I said. " Logan why you think this a game man " Luke yelled grabbing me. " Stop," I said trying to pull away. " Whats to you. First, you wear that tiny shit to the club and shit and then now you blocking me over my baby momma bro " Luke said. " Luke I wore all that for you! It took me an hour and a half to get my hair straight like that and you didn't even notice. I put on the dress for you because I thought maybe you would like it. I did none of that to impress any other man except you! You're so stupid you can't even realize it! Also, I blocked you because you're a liar. It had nothing to do with her " I said annoyed at this point

" You think I would like something like that. I don't want no other man seeing what is mine " Luke said sternly. " I truly don't care anymore. Leave " I said annoyed. Luke took a deep breath and moved away from me. For about a minute it was silent. Luke turned back to me. " Let's go sit down," Luke said calm and quiet. we walked into the living room and sat down. " How are we working on things if we can't talk about stuff baby. Come on I'm sorry I get so upset. You looked gorgeous last night baby you did. I'm just pissed off about dude touching you and seeing your damn face bruised " Luke said rubbing my face. " So are we not going to talk about you lying to me, " I asked. " Look she means nothing to me anymore. That's all that matters. She's nothing to me. I don't want her I want you "Luke said looking at me. " You promise," I said putting my head down. " I do baby. I have been done with her for two years " Luke said picking my head up. " Why did you lie to me," I asked? " Nobody wants a guy who couldn't get over his ex. It would have made you question if I was truly ready to move on and I didn't want to deal with that " Luke said. " Alright don't lie to me again please, " I said. " I promise baby," Luke said kissing me. I kissed back and then stood up.

" What you doing in here naked, " Luke asked fiddling with my robe untying it. " Luke," I said laughing grabbing my robe. Luke pulled me to him and started kissing my stomach. I couldn't help but moan honestly. I love his kisses. " Luke stop," I said moving away. " Why baby, " Luke said chasing after me and picking me up. I laughed as he spun me around. " Logan " I heard in front of us. I pushed myself out of Luke's hands and stood up. " Aaron what are you doing up, " I asked closing my robe fully. " Who's your friend, " Aaron asked? I looked at Luke who looked highly upset. " Um this is Luke," I said. " What's up mate I'm Prince Aaron, " Aaron said walking over with his hand out. " I'm Luke," Luke said shaking his hand. " What palace are you from, " Aaron asked? " I'm not from any palace. Just some regular guy " Luke said. " Aww, how do you know Princess Logan " Aaron asked? " My daughter was her youth center kid," Luke said. " Oh you know her from that place," Aarons said rudely. " That's how it started I guess, " Luke said starting to get upset. " Aaron why don't you just go back into the room, " I said.

" Why logan? I would love to talk more to your friend. What do you do for a living " Aaron asked? " I'm in construction, " Luke said standing his ground. " So, you have a kid. In construction and my guess is you live in Brixton " Aaron said in the most judging manner. " Like you don't have to even answer that, " I said getting upset myself. " No, I want to. I don't I'm from Brixton, yes but I live closer to here than Brixton. I have a daughter who's 8 years old and very smart. I started my own construction company which is doing amazing that I am very proud of. I own my own home and I drive a 2021 BMW convertible and I handle my business as I should. Any more questions " Luke asked in a smart tone? " Yeah why are you here," Aaron asked? " I was coming to see if my soon-to-be wife would like to go out to dinner tonight," Luke asked facing me? " Yes," I said. " I'll see you later babe," Luke said kissing my head and then walking to the door leaving. " Are you serious Logan? You moved out to live like this " Aaron said yelling at me. " What I do isn't any of your business," I said upset. " It is my business when it can embarrass the family," Aaron said. " You're not telling them " I yelled. " What are your plans with this? If the press finds out they will have a field day. You're royalty stupid. You think this is okay. He's a construction worker. You'll lose your title for Queen ruin your entire future over a guy you don't even know. If he breaks up with you or something you would have lost your title for nothing. Is he worth that " Aaron asked yelling?

I was quiet. I never realized how much I was giving up. I never realized what my life would be like if I let him completely change my life. Never in the history of my family has anyone ever done this. What about my children? What about my happiness? I don't know if Luke is truly worth me giving up my entire life for. The only way a Royal can date/marry a commoner is with the King or Queen's permission and I doubt any of them will permit it. I'll be disowned and have to give up my royal title. Is a guy worth all that? I mean I know I always said I didn't care about that but who am I if not a royal. This is the only life I know. I don't know anything about being a commoner. I mean it's easier to say oh I don't care but to do it is a completely different thing. Aaron walked away shaking his head. I sat down and thought for what felt like hours.

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