Later That Night!

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Luke's Point of View!

While the boys and I sat up and talked I went to go check on Logan who had gone up to bed about an hour ago. I walked into the room and saw her lying there oh so peaceful. I walked over and pulled the cover over her more and kissed her forehead about to walk out when I heard her soft sleepy voice. " Luke" Logan said halfway to asleep. " Yeah baby," I said turning back and walking to her. " When are you coming to bed," Logan asked? "Soon baby I know it's late. I'll be here in a minute " I said kissing her. The kiss turned into a full make-out. I just can't control myself sometimes with her. I pulled away before things got too out of hand. " Why'd you stop, " Logan asked frustrated. " Because I don't want to just have sex with you Logan. I don't want it to be a quicky. I want to make love to you. I want to take my time and my toes curl. I want you to scream and try to run knowing I won't let you. I want you to know that I'm not just fucking you. I'm making love to you. I want you to feel my love through every stroke. I can't give that to you right now baby " I said frustrated.

I could tell I turned her on more by my words and she grabbed me and kissed me. I kissed her back grabbing her waist to pull her closer. " Luke come here man " Joey yelled from downstairs. Logan looked so frustrated and pushed me back burying herself under the cover again. I fixed myself and walked back downstairs. " Dude, what the fuck is your problem," I asked as I went back downstairs? Joey pointed to the door and there stood Crystal. All my horniness was replaced with anger. I'm so sick of this bitch popping up. " Why are you here," I said low. " Because I miss you, baby. I want us to be a family again " Crystal said slithering her arms around me. " Man you just want him because you know he happy. you always trying to fuck up his happiness you fucking hoe " Joey said annoyed. Joey never liked Crystal from the beginning. " You just never wanted us to be together anyway," Crystal said back. " Crystal man I'm happy I don't have time for this," I said. I don't love her anymore. Truly I don't but I didn't want to let her go either. " Come on Luke just think about it. We can be happy again. No other woman will make you feel how I did " Crystal said. " Is that so? " Someone behind us said. I turned and saw Logan. I pushed crystals hands from around my neck and moved back. " Baby," I said walking to her. Before I could grab her she put up her hands. " Don't. You know what. She can have you " Logan said going upstairs. " Man you need to leave, " I said. " Fine but just think about it. We can be happy. A real family " Crystal said before walking out the door.

" I don't have time for this shit," I said irritated. " Man this your fault fuck you mean, " Joey said. Before I could answer Logan was coming back downstairs with her purse and her phone with her shoes on. " Where the hell are you going, " I asked grabbing her? " I'm done. I'm not going to wait for you to pick me. I'm not going to keep feeling insecure over another girl. You can't have your cake and eat it too " Logan said snatching away from me. " I told you I don't want her " I yelled back at her. " Well if that was true there wouldn't have been any discussion and she would know her place " Logan yelled and proceeded to leave slamming the door. " You always fuck up something good for that bitch " Joey said going to get his keys and running out after Logan. " How the fuck is this my fault," I said upset. " You're going to sit up here and act like you don't know. Bro Crystal only wants to mess up your relationship bro. She doesn't want you. She never has. You are one of the most feared men alive you telling me you can't keep this bitch away. Naw just tell the truth you don't want her to stay away. Like Logan said you want your cake and eat it too and bro I'm not gone be around to see you heartbroken again and truthfully Logan's not going to stick around for another heartbreak either " Adonis said grabbed his keys walking out.

I sat there know everything they said is true. I sat there knowing that Logan isn't going to take any more heartbreak from me. First off, because she doesn't deserve it, and second because I'm not going to let her. Crystal was good in bed, yes but she didn't give me half of the things Logan does. Logan has changed me for the better. She made me a better person. She taught me how to truly love without borders. She's made me a man. She taught me how to trust. She's even made me realize that sex is a nonfactor. It's gotten to a point where I don't even want sex from her, Well that's a lie I want sex but I want her more. I want to know her mind, body, and soul. I respect her to the utmost. She's my kryptonite. I always do this to her and she doesn't deserve it. Let me give her a few days and then I'll go see her and talk to her. I texted her " Hey baby I know you're pissed and I promise I can explain. I'm going to give you a few days and then me and you will talk. I love you, baby. I do. " After I sent it I laid down and thought. I have to get my shit together before I lose her.

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