Officially Queen!

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Logan's Point of View!

While we sat in Parliament presents my heart was beating a mile a minute.  I don't know If I can do this.  I walked grandma to her seat where she sat down and the meeting began.  " Have you reached a decision, Queen Lizzy? " The chairman asked?  " My decision hasn't changed.  Logan will be the next Queen of London and I believe she will be an amazing Queen " My grandmother said.  " Lord Henry, Prince Aaron do you guys have anything you want to add, " The chairman asked?  " Logan shouldn't be Queen," My father said.  " Why's that " Another chairman asked?  " Logan is currently dating and he is not a Royal and he also has a Kid and lives in Brixton, " My father said.  I turned and looked at him.  " Not to mention she doesn't have the approval of the Queen she doesn't even know about it, " My father said.  Parliament started to whisper to each other and began to start to chatter amongst themselves.  

" Princess Logan is this true " The chairman asked?  " Yes,  I am dating and no he is not a royal and has a kid but that is my personal business and the only thing I had to get permission for is to marry him not to date him.  With all due respect, it wasn't their business that I was involved with unless it deals with marriage " I said.  " This is how she knows about what's going on with Brixton.  She's laying down with the scum of the earth from there " My father said.   " Enough.  I knew about him from the beginning and I know he's an amazing guy and he is super sweet.  I've sat and had discussions with him and even met his daughter who I know will make a great Princess if it ever came to that.   It's time to let a new look take over England. it's easy for us to try to control everything because we are still stuck in the past and what things used to be.  It's a new day and I trust my granddaughter to make the right decisions at all times " My grandmother said.  

" I have also met Logan's boyfriends and I don't think he will be a problem.  They love each other and I volunteer to follow them and to help him become the King he needs to be.  My grandmother is right my sister is perfect for the throne whether she realizes it or not.  I officially renounce my throne " Aaron said.   " Aaron what are you doing we worked too hard for this, " My father said grabbing him.  " I'm doing what's right.  I won't be much of a King I know that.  I'll be fine as second in command but not t rule over all of London.  Let me help.  I'll keep my sister on the right path and I'll make sure Luke follows the right path as well.  Give my sister the chance " Aaron said moving away from my Father.  My father got up and stormed off leaving.  " Queen Lizzy it's your call.  Who is the next Queen or King of the Isles of Wales and All of England " The chairman asked?  "  Logan," My grandmother said.  " Young lady," Another chairman said pointing to me.  " Yes sir," I said standing up.  " You've been quiet in both meetings.  You haven't spoken up once to prove your case or even explain why you deserve the honor to be Queen! Do you not understand how serious this is?  This makes no sense " Another chairman said upset.

All the chairman started to talk all at once.  " Can I say something?" I ask?  " Hey," Aaron said yelling!  Everyone stopped and looked over at us.  " Thank you.  Look I'm not about all the talking.  I don't talk.  I show what I'm going to do.  I've told you guys my plans.  I've said what I was going to do.  Now it's time to do it.  At first, Aaron's right,  I didn't wanna be Queen but now I'm ready.  This is what I want.  I won't promise you I'll be the perfect Queen.  I won't promise you'll I'll bring to the table what everybody else has but I think that's what will make me perfect for it.  For generations, it has been a constant dictatorship with the people having no say in what they think will help their communities.  I don't want that.  I think a change is needed and I'll be that " I said.  " We will hold your Coronation and until then Queen Lizzy you need to address the public and introduce your granddaughter as our new Queen with everyone behind her.  Even Lord Henry Whether he likes it or not " The chairmen explained.  " It'll be done by the end of the week " My grandmother explained.  " Coronation will follow, " The chairmen said as we all wrapped up.  I walked out with my grandmother on my arm.

We walk to the car and drove home.  When we got home I gave her a deep clean and then I put her to bed.  Things are really about to change.  I just hope I'm making the right choice.  Honestly.  I mean this is a big step. I just hope I can actually handle it. I sat on the edge of my bed and thought.  While thinking a ring on the door came.  I walked and opened it seeing Aaron with bags.  " I got kicked out," Aaron said laughing.  I laughed back with him letting him in. Aaron walked to the back and I let him know I would be back.  I walked to the car got side ad drove to see Luke.  When I pulled up I walked up to the door knocking.  About a minute later  Luke opened the door.  " Hey baby what are you doing here," Luke asked hugging me?  " I just would much rather be with you right now," I said walking in.  " Go upstairs I'll bring you some snacks," Luke said.  I nodded taking off my shoes and going upstairs.  I got in his bed and laid down.  My head hurt and I needed some Luke time.  I mentally laughed at how funny that sounded.  Luke walked in with a bunch of snacks.  I smiled cause he had everything I liked.  Most of it he didn't even like.

" What are you smiling at, " Luke asked nudging me over.  " How much of a complete teddy bear you are at times," I said smiling.  " It shocks me to babe, " Luke said getting in bed with me snuggling close.  " Any news on Queen Logan, " Luke asked?  " My dad brought up the fact that I and you are dating without any royal permission to parliament," I said.  " What," Luke said sitting up.  " Yeah, I didn't even know he knew.  That just means he's fighting dirty.  Until I'm officially sworn In I can't have any scandles.  No pop-up baby momma drama and no old habits.  I am under review " I said getting a headache.  " Logan I told you Crystal is gone.  She signed over her right to Izzy and moved back to California with her sister " Luke said.   " Good," I said laying my head down.  Luke grabbed me and kissed my head.  We laid down and watched the movie.  

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