This Can't Be Happening!

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Logan's Point of View!

I haven't talked to Luke in two weeks. I haven't been focused on it though. My grandmom is extremely sick and We've literally had to sell her house and now she's living with me and she's not getting any better so I haven't had time for any new drama. She's staying strong and she does things for herself mostly but you can tell she's tired and we're hoping she's not dying. I'm hoping she's not dying. She's my best friend. I can't bear this. Who am I going to tell all my juicy gossip to? Where am I going to escape when I need a break? I can't handle this. Not to mention the press has been on our case trying to find out information. We can't let word get out about this or they definitely wanna know who's next in line to take the thrown official. See right now my dad is step-in until my grandmother is officially gone as in dead. Then My dad will most likely take over the kingdom until Aaron and I are ready and he will renounce his thrown and it's either Aaron or me who will be next in line to take the thrown and or be second in command. Aaron has been falling off the wagon lately and the members of Parliament or not happy about it.

So since I'm the only child who doesn't have any "scandal" they might try to call me. Hopefully, they don't cause I truly don't wanna be Queen. I'm fine with being second in command. Parliament is so particular though. It's all filled with old guys who don't know anything about the new age. Still stuck in the same uptight way for no reason. Anyway, I'm just getting home from work when I see Luke standing at my door. I'm so not in the mood for this. I opened my car door and got out. " Any particular reason why you haven't been answering my calls," Luke asked? " Look I don't have time for this okay," I said going to my door moving straight past him. As I was unlocking my door. I knew he wasn't going away. " Look can we do this another time," I said going inside but pushing my door up so that he couldn't walk in.

" I prefer to do this now," Luke said pushing his way in. Right now my house is like a fortress. We have air purifiers everywhere and when you walk into the house you step into a bubble that cleans the air around you, takes your temperature, disinfects your clothes and shoes. " Stand right there and don't move, take off your shoes too, " I said making him standstill after taking off his shoes. Luke looked confused but did as I said. After he was disinfected so was I and we walked inside the house. " Why did you do this to your house, " Luke asked? " Logan is that you, " My grandma said coming into the living room. " Grandma no go back to bed. I'll be up there in a second " I said walking over to her. She's fragile and weak so right now I've been trying to keep her in bed. Easier said than done with my grandma though. "Come on Logan you know I'll go crazy I sit around like that " Grandma said coming to sit on the stood. After she sat down she began trying to catch her breath. I set my bag on the floor by the door because I have to disinfect everything inside and went to wash my hands. When I came back Luke had come to sit next to my grandma. " You have to go wash your hands before you get too close," I said. He nodded his head and walked to the back. " So I finally get to meet the amazing Luke," My grandma said causing me to laugh. " Oh stop it," I said grabbing my tools to check all her vitals. While I was checking her Luke walked back into the room.

" well, I'll tell you one thing it's great to put a face with a name " My grandmother laughed before coughing. " Well I've heard a lot about you as well and you're even more beautiful than I could have imagined," Luke said smiling holding her hand. " Well aren't you a sweet talker to the old woman. Well if you think I'm beautiful now you should have seen e before I got sick " My grandma said smiling. " Grandma," I said annoyed. I hate her talking like that. " Ohhh let me stop talking you know Logan hates when I bring it up " My grandma chuckled to Luke. I rolled my eyes and walked over to put up all of the medical equipment. " You're a pain old woman," I said chuckling. " Ohh you see how she does me, " My grandma said laughing with Luke. " She does me the same way don't feel bad. She can be a grouch " Luke said. I grabbed a roll of paper towels and threw them at him. He and my grandma began laughing. " Have you eaten? " I asked? " Yes, mom. When are your Father and Mother coming over here " My grandmother asked?

" I talked to the earlier they said tomorrow. Dad had a meeting with Parliament today. I heard it didn't go too well " I said. " Well I'm not dead yet and I get to decide who takes over when I'm gone and if your dad doesn't get it together it'll be you," My grandmother said upset. My grandmother is my split image and that's why she wants me to take over Raines. Change some of the rules for future generations because the way parliament is now is a dictatorship and that's not how we wanted it to be that's why my grandmother has stayed away for so long. My father is exactly like that so that's why she put him in charge but she's sick of his ruling. I'm sick of it too. Dad was supposed to help make everything better for us but in the end, he only made it worst and I'm not going to sit by and let it happen. Not to mention Aaron is exactly like my dad it makes no sense.

" I don't know about being coming Queen grandma," I said. " You're the only one I trust to run our kingdom baby, " My grandma said upset. " Let's get you to bed grandma. We will talk about it later " I said defeated. " Whether you want to believe it or not baby I'm dying. This cancer isn't getting any better. I've fought it for as long as I can but I'm tired. I know it's not what you wanted but this is the price of being a royal. I only trust you. England needs you " My grandma said looking me in my eyes. I walked her to the back room and put her in bed. She laid down and I gave her the remote. After shutting her door to the room I walked back out into the living room where Luke was. " I'm sorry about your grandma," Luke said quietly. " Nothing anybody can do, " I said putting my head down. " So this Queen thing is very serious huh, " Luke asked?

" I guess I don't have a choice anymore," I said with my head down. " so that means when we get married. I'll have to become King or something " Luke asked? I laughed. " Do you wanna become King?" I asked? " Maybeeeee " Luke said in a kid voice causing both of us to laugh. " Thank you I needed this," I said laughing. " So tell me about all this royal stuff. What's going on right now that's so complicated " Luke asks? Luke never askes me about royal life I just figured he just didn't care. I was so excited to talk to him about this because we never talk about it so I just to tell him everything from beginning to end. Luke was so engaged and smiling and laughing with me. It seemed like he wanted to know more. He was even cracking jokes and everything.

" Dude your family is like the royal Mafia " Luke joked as I laughed with him. " No, really they are, " I said laughing. " Well if it means anything, I think you would make an amazing Queen. Nobody knows what's going on in England like you do and you make sure you're apart of it as well. You truly care and these kids need that Logan " Luke said. " I guess I never wanted my life in the spotlight and I've been doing a great job of keeping myself out of it. Especially my relationships besides Michael everything else has been fine and even that sturdy some controversial but I got it under control. I just don't know anymore " I sighed. " Well we can figure it out together my Queen " Luke said causing me to smile. " Oh, and for you to be King you can't have any baby momma drama," I said causing Luke to start laughing again. " Consider her gone for good. I don't wanna lose you. You mean more to me than she ever could. You are my True Love " Luke said. I kissed him and laid on his chest.

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