Two Months Later!

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Logan's Point of View!
Two Months Later!

Because of everything that has been going on Michael and I called off the wedding. We didn't call it off to the public just to our family. Everybody is still waiting for a date and we are positive we don't want to do this. Michael loves me and I love him. Just not as husband and wife. Believe me, we've tried out the whole dating thing we did. For the last month, we've tried dating even kissed there are no sparks there. He's an amazing friend. Just not for me. Michael and Rosie broke it off about two months ago. She claims she didn't want to be a mistress to an engaged guy. I truly stopped liking her a long time ago. It seemed like all she wanted to do was hurt him. It just wasn't my place to get into their business. I started at a law firm as well. I'm officially a working woman. I have my own house and I'm being a big girl now. My Father has completely disowned me and that's fine. My mother on the other hand still has the same unconditional love she always has. She even gave me a housewarming present. A butler and my maid Noelle. Not that I need it for this somewhat small house but they only work on Weekends. I appreciate it a lot. It does help with all the work I've been doing lately. It's kinda crazy Izzy has a birthday party this weekend at Miss. Vanessa's house and she wants me to come. Miss. Vanessa sent me an invitation but I don't know if I'm going to go and if I do go then what. Like I know he's going to be there and I know Izzy wants me there but what about her father like I don't want to go anywhere I'm not wanted and I don't want to be fighting with him on her special day. I might just drop off a gift and go home. I don't know anyone.

Anyway, right now I'm working on a case, and then I have dinner with another one of Michael's friends. I don't know why he keeps trying to hook me up with his friends but it never works out. Michael is moving on from Rosie and dating this new girl names Linsey. I don't like her either. She seems sneaky to me. Anyway, we have a double date and I don't exactly know how to feel. We aren't going to a fancy restaurant though. We don't wanna be seen by paparazzi. I finished up my casework and then went home to get dressed. I got in the shower for about 20 minutes and then got out. I dried off-putting on my lotion and underwear and then got dressed I decided on something simple yet sexy for tonight.

After getting dressed I waited for Michael and soon he arrived and we left

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After getting dressed I waited for Michael and soon he arrived and we left. After about 30 minutes we arrived at a restaurant and got out. " So is your friend here," I asked? " yea they are both here. I told them we would meet them here just in case you know anyone followed us. I think you'll like him though " Michael said. " Yeah you said that same thing about Prince Christopher," I said doing a fake bow mocking Prince Christopher. " Hey he's a pretty cool dude everybody can live up to Logan's bad boy standards," Michael said and we both laughed while walking into the restaurant. We saw Linsey and Lexington sitting at a table. We walked over and sat next to them. " Well Hi Princess, I'm Lexington," Lexington said. " Just Logan and Hi nice to meet you," I said hugging him back. We sat and talked for a while. Lexington continued to try to put his arm around me and things and get close but I'm not interested in dating just yet. " I mean don't get me wrong Lexington is beyond hot. I mean he's amazing looking but I don't know. I can't get Luke off my mind.

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