3 Months and Happy?

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Logan's Point of View!
3 Months Later!

Its been three months and Prince Michael and I have officially called off our engagement to the press.  I have started working for this Law firm and taking cases.  Not that I need the money but because I like it.  My brother has proposed to Prince Michael's sister and they will be married in the fall.  I've been helping with the ceremony and everything.  I'm the maid of honor and Prince Michael is the best man.  It seems as if everything is falling into place. Lexington and I haven't made anything official but I like him a lot and honestly, I think I might take that step.  I've started back going home on weekdays and my house on weekends just so Lexington and I can spend alone time like go out on a date or even stay in and watch movies.  He's a real gentleman and he treats me so sweet.  He doesn't even yell at me.  He doesn't raise his voice even if I do.  Not that I do we barely have arguments.  I can't believe how amazing he is.  After Luke I broke up for good I didn't think anybody else would live up to my feelings for him but Lexington comes pretty close and even with him not being a royal it still doesn't matter to me.  I mean don't get me wrong Lexington is crazy rich from his parents and he also has his own company as well but it's not about the status for me.  I love how he treats me.  Anyway, I still have my fallouts with my Father but at this point, we just don't talk most times.  It hurts only because we use to be so close.  I was a daddy's girl at one point but now it's so different.  Anyway, I am the only way to the Community Center with Lexington.  He wanted to see why I loved that place so much and they're also having another community outreach thing at the park today.  I'm super excited.  I haven't been in so long.  Also, Michael is coming to help with his girlfriend I guess. 

When we made it to the community center I was so excited.  I ran inside and hugged everyone and then proceeded to help pack things into the car with Lynn, Michael, and Lexington.  We packed everything into the car and we left off to the park. We set up everything and one by one everyone began to show up.  Everything was going os good and all the kids were excited to see me.  I watched as Michael interacted with the kids and I was so happy.  I love spending time with Michael.  He's seriously my best friend.  I watched as Lexington spent most of his time on the phone.  Even when the kids would try to talk to him he would wave them away.  It seriously made me lose all interest in him.  I am a child type of person and this is my passion.  He's not even trying to get to know any of the kids.  He's being so rude.  I walked over to Michael while he was playing with one of the little boys.  " Hey, why is he on his phone, " I asked?  " I don't know.  I'm shocked he even came.  The dude hates kids and this type of thing isn't for him " Michael said shrugging his shoulders.  " Why did you even hook me up with him.  This is all I do " I asked confused?  " I don't know truthfully I told him y'all wouldn't work out because of the same thing once I found out.  He said he wanted you and it was too late for that.  I think you're more of a challenge to him than him wanting a relationship " Michael said.  " why would you let someone do that to me without you telling me.  We are supposed to be friends " I said upset.  " It wasn't my business," Michael said confused.  That made me even madder.  " Not your business.  If someone like that was doing that to you would you be okay with me not telling you cause it's not my business?  Some friend you are " I said mad walking away.

Michael tried to grab me but I snatched away.  While I was walking away I saw Izzy.  She ran up to me and hugged me.  I was so happy to see her.  I looked over and saw Luke walking up and when I say he looked so good.  Luke looked like the last piece of cake and I had my hands out for it.  I didn't realize I was starting until I finally snatched my eyes away.  When Luke finally got over to us he smelled so good.  He always smells good though.  He's one man who knows how to take care of his hygiene that's another thing that makes him so attractive.  He always looks so good and smells even better.  " Hi, Logan, " Luke said.  " Hello, Luke," I said about to walk away.  " Logan, give me a minute to talk to you," Luke said pulling me back.  "  Okay," I said standing there.  " Izzy give me and Logan a minute to talk, " Luke asked?  Izzy ran off and Luke waved for me to walk with him.  " I never got the chance to explain to you why I was acting the way I was acting.  Logan, I know I hurt you and I deserved everything you did to me and more.  I realized the day you left that I had probably lost you forever.  I knew I messed up and the only way for e to fix it is to make things right and fix my wrongs.  These 3 months have been hell.  I left Izzy with my mom and I went to do some thinking about you about me and Izzy.  I stop the thug life and I even started my own construction company.  I'm doing things legit now.  I'm taking anger management.  I've even started being a better person to those I've hurt along the way.  The one wrong I haven't fixed and the one that hurts me the most was you.  I know you'll never trust me again but I just want you to forgive me " Luke explained.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  Luke apologizing.  I was shocked.  It seemed so genuine and he seemed to mean everything he's said.  " Why did you react the way you did when you found out I was a princess," I asked?  " I knew I couldn't compete with the Princes and the royals.  I mean it was different when we were together you were always my Princess you just didn't wear the crown.  When I found out you were a princess it was like damn how can this little sweet and innocent Princess love this worthless thug like me " Luke said with his head down.  " You were never that to me.  Even after that day in the alley. I still looked at you as the sweet, innocent man I fell in love with " I said truthfully.  " That's one thing I never understood.  Why me? Why do you love me " Luke asked?  " Why not you?  You were so sweet and kind-hearted.  You are an amazing father and son.  You were o hard working to make sure Izzy didn't have to experience any heartbreak. You never lied to me.  You always made me feel safe.  Like nothing can hurt me.  You made sure I was okay at all times.  You never gave up on me. You put your all in everything that you do even if it's not the right thing " I said giggling at the last part.  " I lied to you about one thing," Luke said looking at me.  " What, " I asked?  " I am in love with you.  I always was " Luke said.  When he said those words all the heartbreak he had caused seem to disappear.  All the anger and hate had vanished.  I was so happy I couldn't believe it.  He loves me.  He said it.  " I don't know what to say, " I said.

  " I don't want you to say anything.  I just want you to know that I love you.  I'm in love with you.  I didn't mean anything I said to you.  You'll always be one of the most important girls in my life.  You mean more to me than any woman ever could or would and I'm telling you this because I know I mean it.  It had nothing to do with being possessive or unfair.  I didn't want to see you with no other man but me.  I just couldn't put my pride to the side to tell you " Luke said and began to walk away.  " Don't leave " I said quickly.  " I'm trying to stay in a positive headspace but your boyfriend is walking over and he doesn't look too happy," Luke said.  I turned and saw Lexington walking over at full speed.  When II turned around Luke was gone.  Heading over to the basketball court.  I got sad and walked over to Lexington.  " What was that, " Lexington asked grabbing me pulling me closer?  " I was just talking to a friend," I said snatching away from him.  " yeah the same friend that got his boys to jump me," Lexington said.  " You don't know that he did that, " I said defending him.  " Now you're defending him, " Lexington said pushing me back a little.  " Don't touch me " I said pushing him away and starting to walk off.  Lexington grabbed me and start yanking me towards the car.  I was trying not to make a scene so I waited until we got to the parking lot.  I snatched away from him when we got by his car.   " We are leaving, " Lexington said opening his car door.  " No, you're leaving.  By the way, I don't want anything to do with you anymore " I said moving away. " It's not over until I say so " Lexington yelled.  " Hey Logan, are you okay," Michael asked walking up.  " I'm fine your friend here was just leaving," I said walking away to Michael's side.  " You're going to regret this " Lexington said getting in his car and slamming the door driving off. 

" What happened, " Michael asked?  " I broke it off," I said about to walk away from him as well cause I'm still mad at him.  " Hey don't be mad.  I'm sorry.  I should have told you.  I just thought it was one of those things I should stay out of considering I didn't want you to be like I'm just being a bad friend.  I mean come on you did it with Rosie and Linsey " Michael said.  " Okay fine, I'll forgive you but for now on you tell me if you feel like someone's not right for me and I'll do the same.  We are best friends.  We are supposed to tell each other everything " I said rolling my eyes hugging him.  We walked back over to the park and played with the kids.  I was excited cause it the start of fall.  Meaning the kids go back to school and since I don't live with, my parents, anymore I can go to pumpkin patches and bonfires and everything else.  It's going to be super amazing.  I'm so excited about all the fall stuff.  The rest of the night was very eventful.  I truly enjoyed myself.  Now and then I would look over at Lue who was already looking at me.  I couldn't help but get all warm inside. As everything wrapped up Luke walked over to grab Izzy.  " So we are about to go, " Luke said holding Izzy in front of him. " Well I hope you guys get home safe," I said smiling.  " Yeah, you too.  If you want I could like the text you or something and let you know when we make it home or you could text me when you make it home or Izzy can just call you or I mean I know you changed your number but my number is still the same and so it'll be easy for you to text her off your new number and we can have your number " Luke started to stutter like a little schoolboy and I thought it was the cutest thing ever.  " I think my dad wants your number," Izzy said.  " I'll text you when I get home," I said hugging Izzy and walking away.  Luke smiled and we went our separate ways.

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