The Date/ Eye Opener Part 2

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Logan's Point of View!

The date was coming to an end and I was smiling like a little church girl.  Luke took me on a long walk on the beach. We talked and walked and talked some more.  " I had an amazing time tonight," I said as Luke drove home.  " I had a great time with you as well.  I don't think I've ever seen you smile so much " Luke said. " Well you tend to bring the best out of me," I said smiling. " I hope you feel that way, " Luke said glancing at me as we came to a stop sign. " Do you have to go home right now? My homeboy is having a party tonight and I would love to show up with an arm candy like you " Luke asked smiling? " You want me to meet your friends, " I asked? " You mean a lot to me. You already met the most important people in my life. Why not meet my friends too " Luke asked? " Okay, I'll go," I said smiling. " Okay well it's about 10 minutes from here," Luke said driving towards Brixton. " It's in Brixton, " I asked a little worried? " No need to be worried. I'll protect you and nobody messes with me anyways " Luke said shrugging his shoulders.

I sat back still uneasy. We drove for about ten minutes and arrived at this hotel. We parked in the parking garage and took the elevator to the 3rd floor. We walked to one of the rooms and Luke knocked. The door opened with someone letting us in. There were more than 20 people here. They were drinking and some people were smoking on the balcony. " Death my boy " Someone yelled to Luke as they did a handshake. " Wassup Joey " Luke said laughing. " Man we haven't seen you in weeks I was going straight to your house from here if you didn't show, " Joey said laughing. Four other guys walked up and I noticed it was Luke's crew. They talked and did handshakes and then Luke turned to me. " You guys this is my baby girl Logan. Logan this is Mickey, Jo Jo, Adonis, Pee Wee and my main man Joey " luke said introducing me. " Hi, guys, " I said low and sweet. " It's good to finally meet the one and only Logan " Pee-wee said smiling. " Yeah my man won't stop talking about you, " Jo-Jo said. " You're as beautiful as he describes, " Joey said hugging me. " Back off Joey she's mine," Luke said pushing him back playfully. We all sat down on the couch and they began to talk.

" Do you want a drink " Adonis offered me as he handed Luke his drink? " Naw she doesn't drink," Luke said. Adonis took the drink and passed it off to someone. I looked around and checked out the room. There were girls here half-dressed and the guys were so bummy. Luke and his friends were the nices dressed guys here. " Baby are you okay," Luke asked rubbing my leg. " Yeah," I said smiling and zoning back into their conversation. While they were talking these girls walked over and sat next to Luke's friends. " Logan this is Sharlet, Olivia, Destiny, Milla, and Angel. Ladies this is my baby Logan " Luke said. They all said hey and that was that. I just waved. " Let's smoke, " Adonis asked? " I'm good. I'm moving away from that for a little " Luke said. " Man We use to throw blunts back when we were handling business. Like that one time " Mickey was saying before he was cut off by Luke. "Let's get a drink," Luke said standing up cutting them off. All I could do was side-eye him. I knew he had some shady things he's done but I feel like it's more I don't know.

They walked off and the girls started talking. " So is it true what they say about the famous Death " Scarlet asked? " I don't follow, " I asked confused? " Girl you know about his magic stick," Milla asked? " Wow, you know what I don't know," I said annoyed. " Girl I can't believe a man like Death is taking it slow with a girl," Olivia said. I just sat there quietly. " Every girl throws herself at him. I mean who wouldn't he's so fine " Angel said. "Well, you know some people don't have to. They just have it like. Some women don't need to use their bodies to attract a guy. Sorry, you ladies wouldn't know about that " I said. I stood up and walked to sit somewhere else. After about 5 minutes Luke came back to sit with me. " Hey, why'd you move I was looking for you, " Luke asked? " No reason," I said with an attitude. " Did the girls say something? " Luke asked? " Nothing I didn't already know " I mumbled. Before Luke could ask more questions I got up and went back to sit with his friends. I sat and talked to Joey when Luke walked back up. Luke sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh.

We talked to his friends and Luke and I danced and it was okay. By the time the hotel party ended we headed out to the parking lot with the guys everybody headed to their calls as some people started lingering around in the parking garage. Just talking. Luke gave me the keys so I could start the car. I got inside and sat and watched as their group stood around and talked. While I was watching Luke started walking to the car and got inside before yelling to the guys " Meet me at my house in a little while. " Luke got inside the car and put on his seat belt. " So am I taking you home or are you staying with me," Luke asked? " Do I have much of a choice your friends are coming over?" I asked Confused? " Just Joey and Adonis " Luke shrugged. " Do you want me to stay over?" I asked? " I always want you with me. That's not much of a question " Luke said. I smiled. Luke started to pull off when we heard yelling. We looked over and saw Joey, Adonis, and Mickey arguing with this guy about Angel. Angel was there with Joey but it looked like the guy was her boyfriend.

" Not right now," Luke said low. Three other guys walked up and pushed Joey and Mickey on the ground with guns pointed at them before they could grab theirs I'm guessing. Luke reached into his glove compartment and grabbed his gun. " Luke please don't "I begged starting to cry. " Stay here and stay down " Luke screamed. " Please don't " I begged pulling him back. Luke pulled away taking off his seat belt and getting out. " Lock the door and get down " Luke yelled shutting the door and running over to Joey, adonis, and Mickey. I laid back and cried. I watched as Luke knocked one of the guys in the head taking the gun from him that he was holding it and pointing it at them. Mickey, Adonis, and Joey stood up and pulled their guns pointing them at the guys. The guys put their guns down and put up their hands. " Shoot them Death " Joey yelled. " We not doing that tonight. This about a bitch. Fuck her bro. You can have her " Luke yelled. " Man he tried to steal my bitch " One guy yelled. " Take the bitch and get out of here. Nobody forced her to come " Luke yelled back. The guys backed off and ran off with Angel. Luke said something to them and ran back to the car. I unlocked it and Luke got in Locking the door and speeding off after making sure the guys got to their car safe. I was freaking out crying. This is not what I wanted the night to end like. I never expected this. Luke grabbed my thigh rubbing it trying to calm me but it wasn't working worth anything.

We got to Luke's house and pulled into the driveway. Luke pulled his car into the driveway and we both got out. I didn't want him opening the door for me. I didn't want him touching me right now. I was scared. Anything could have happened. He could have died over trying to protect his friends. Luke grabbed my waist as we walked into the house. I slipped off my shoes and walked upstairs and into the bathroom. I shut the door before Luke could come in locking it. I heard Luke knocking but I ignored it. I sat on the floor and cried. I was so scared it wasn't even funny. Once I finally calmed down I walked out of the bathroom to Luke standing right there. " Are you okay? " Luke asked hugging me? " Can I get something changes into? " I asked pulling away from him. Luke sighed walking away. Luke came back with some shorts and a shirt. I walked into the bathroom and took a hot shower. I was in there for at least 30 minutes. I finally got out and lotioned up putting on Lukes's clothes.

I put my clothes in his hamper and walked out. I walked around looking for Luke to see he wasn't there. I looked everywhere. I grabbed my phone and texted him. " Where are you," I asked? " I had to handle something with Joey and Adonis. I'm headed back now. Do you want anything " Luke Texted back? I didn't respond. I just left him on seen. I went and sat on the couch watching a movie. After I started the movie about twenty minutes into the movie Luke walked in with Adonis and Joey. " Hey, Logan," Adonis said waving. " Hey sis," Joey said smiling. I smiled and got up to head upstairs. " Oh baby you can stay down here we will be in the kitchen, " Luke said stopping me. I went to sit back down and finished enjoying my movie as they went into the kitchen. After about an hour I went upstairs and went to bed.

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