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Logan's Point of View.!

           Every girl craves a chance to plan their own life.  Every girl is supposed to figure out their path and have fun on the journey.  My life, on the other hand, has been planned out since I was born.  Lately, I've been questioning what I want in life as if I get a say so in it.  This is how it has been for generations upon generations.  Everybody has their role and we stick to it.  No time for games.  My father Henry's role well he's considered a Lord.  He's in charge of our entire community and he does it very well.  My mother Maggie, well her role is to take care of the family and the home. Also, assist my father in any of his needs. Then there's my older brother Aaron, he's next in line to take the throne so he's in constant training to do exactly that.  Then, there's me I'm in school to be a lawyer but I also have my Princess duties as they call it.  I'm being arranged to marry.  There are tons of eligible bachelors in our Kingdom but I just haven't found one who worth the time. Or that I'm interested in.

         It doesn't matter though I'm a Princess.  I know my role and I shall do as such. Anyways I just got out of class so as of right now I'm on my way to the community center close to Brixton.  My dad hates that I go anywhere near Brixton without our guards but I swear the community center is amazing.  I love it over there and of course, they know who I am but they don't care they see me.  The kids there are so amazing.  They're funny, smart, and very talented.  I had my driver drop me off at the community center and I went inside.  When I got inside all the kids ran to me.  I hugged everyone and smiled.  " Alright, guys let's finish our activities," I said going to the youth counselor that works here today.  We continued the activities.  The Center closes at 7.  After a couple of hours of Activities, it is time for everyone to go home.  While everyone is cleaning up and waiting on their parents I get a call from my Father.

Logan and Her Father's conversation!
Logan: Hello
Henry: Where are you?
Logan: I'll be home in a second father.
Henry: Hurry home Prince Michael is coming over with his family.
Logan: I'll be there in 20.
End of conversation!

" Hey, can you take Linsey home? Her parents didn't show again today " one of the workers asked?  " Again? That's fine I'll take her " I said grabbing my bag. " You sure? You've never even been to Brixton " another worker asked?  "It's fine," I said and walked out of the room. I went and grabbed Linsey and I had her show me where she lives. I think they were right I haven't been to this side before. It looks so broken down. Not where I live. I'm never coming over here again. All these drug dealers and hood people. I've only seen this in movies. So much scarier in person.  " I can walk from here if you're too scared," Linsey asked?  " Not happening I need to make sure you get home safe," I said. " Well, I would advise you to put your phone in your bra and put your head down. They don't like when you watch them " Linsey said looking at me then putting her head back down. I proceeded to do the same. We got to her house and guys were sitting outside at least 5 of them staring at me.

" Hey Linsey who's your friend, " one of them asked winking at me. " She's not interested. And she's my youth worker " Linsey said grabbing me pulling me into the house. Her parents weren't home but she has a key. " Will you be okay here by yourself? " I asked? " Yes. That's my brother outside with his friends. I'll be fine " Linsey said. I hugged her and left-back out of the building. Three other guys had shown up. I looked down and proceeded to walk down the steps.  " Hey, so you're Linsey's friend. Why don't you be my friend " The guy said following me. I ignored it and kept walking. " Aye can't hear bitch " The guy yelled. " You will not speak to me in that way pig " I yelled back turning around. " aye she thinks she's Tuff yea " Another guy laughed. They started pushing me around. " Don't touch me " I yelled kneeing one of them and running. One guy caught me and grabbed me pushing me to the ground.

" Aye stop that's a female y'all tripping, " the guy said standing in front of me. I looked up but I couldn't see his face all I saw was his back and the guys looking at him and backing up. The mystery man turned around and he was so handsome and well put together.  I mean no suit or tie but very put together besides that.  The guy helped me up and grabbed my bag and handed it to me.  " Look you shouldn't be walking around over here by yourself. Where are you headed to " The guy asked?  " Back to the community center. I was going to get a ride from there " I said quietly. " Come on I'll give you a ride I was headed that way anyway," the guy said walking over to this nice sports car.  I didn't know if I should get in the car but I also need to get home and I'm kind of scared to even walk around out here now. I walked over to the passenger side and stood there. " What are you waiting for get in, " The guy said rolling down the window. Is he serious? He's not going to open my door. I opened the door and got inside.

He drove off and headed back towards the community center. It was quiet in the car and I wasn't looking at him. " What part of Britain are you from? I know for a fact you've never been to my side " The guy laughed. " Not this side that's for sure," I said low. " It's obvious. What's your name " the guy asked.  " Logan. What's yours " I asked? " They call me Death " The guy laughed. " I'm not going to call you that. A gentleman always tells a lady his name " I said looking at him. " I'm not a gentleman," Death said. " Then what are you," I asked?  " Exactly what my name is. I'll see you around Logan " Death said pulling up to the community center. I got out of the car quickly and walked into the community center.  I called my driver and asked him to pick me up. While I was waiting all I could do was think about that guy. What kind of name is Death and why was it so easy for him to get those guys to leave me alone? Why did he say he'll see me around? What's to this guy? My driver pulled up and he opened my door and I got in. When we got home I quickly changed and put on my proper attire. Puffy pink dress with heels and My hair in a bun. Time for Princess duties. I'm trying to pay attention but all I could think about was this mysterious man. I have to see him again even though I know I shouldn't.

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