Playing with Danger

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Logan's Point of View.!

    I woke up to a knock on my door.  " Come in " I groaned sitting up. " Miss. Logan breakfast is ready and your parents are on their way down " Noelle our maid said coming in to grab my dirty clothes. " Thanks, Noelle," I said getting up and going into my closet to put on something to wear for today.  After I got dressed and did something to my hair I went downstairs and went into the dining-room with my family.  I sat at the table after kissing my Father and Mother. " Well isn't it great that she finally graced us with her presents " My brother Aaron said?  " Well everyone can't look as terrible as you do all the time," I said smiling.  " I'm not even going to justify you with a comment today," Aaron said.  " Good, " I said.  Our butler brought me out a plate and I began to eat.  " So what's on the agenda for today," I asked.  " You have been requested for a date, " My mother said. I choked on my juice.  " Are you alright darling?" My Father asked patting my back?  " With who, " I asked?  " Still on the hunt to find someone who will be stupid enough to marry her " Aaron laughed.  " Says the one who can't get a date," I said back. " Stop it you two, " My Mother said.

" Who is it, " I asked again?  " Prince Michael, " My mom said happily.  " Mom I don't want to go on a dad with him " I whined.  " You will and you'll like it.  Every guy that has requested to date you've shot down.  You are being arranged to marry and every guy we've tried to arrange you've shot down " My Father began.  " Sweetie if you don't marry you lose your spot as Queen " My Mother finished.  " I don't care about that.  I want to be happy.  I don't want to be with someone who is so stuck up they forget that they're human as well " I started talking before I was interrupted.  " Enough! You will go and you will like it and I don't want to hear anything else about it.  Our family has been doing this for years and it will not end because my daughter can't follow her royal roots " My Father spoke.  " Henry," My Mother said.  " I've spoken, " My father said getting up and walking away.  I got up and grabbed my keys leaving out the door.  I'm so sick of this.  It's my life and yet I have to follow what they want for it. It's been like that for generations so why not change it now. Just because they feel like it how it should go doesn't mean it's right. I'm tired of them running my life.  I got onto my bike and drove off. I decided to take a drive to the community center. My pal Lynn is usually here on Saturday. I parked my bike and went inside. " Hey, Logan," Lynn said looking at me.

" What you doing," I asked helping her move boxes?  " Get ready for our community outreach party at the park tomorrow.  Are you still coming to help? " Lynn asked?  " Of course I wouldn't miss it for the world.  What do we need" I asked?  " We still need help with food and We need help making up all the goody bags and stuff which is in these boxes," Lynn said.  " I'll take two boxes home and finish it after I attend this date tonight," I said rolling my eyes.  " Being a Princess is that hard " Lynn joked.  " I'll give anything to be a regular person for just one day " I explained.  " Well around here you are, " Lynn said tossing me boxes.  " Yea but, then I have to leave here and go straight back to being a Princess who has o say in her own life.  They set me up with a date tonight with Prince Michael.  He is so annoying and all he talks about is how big his mansion is and How rich his family is.  I don't care about any of that stuff " I said rolling my eyes.  " You know for a Princess.  You aren't a Princess " Lynn said laughing.  " No, I am not, " I said laughing with her.  " I'm going to go take this deposit down to the bank.  Can you finish up here and I'll be back in about 20 minutes " Lynn asked.  " Of course.  My date isn't until later anyways " I said going through the boxes.  " Alright, I'll be right back," Lynn said grabbing her coat and purse and walking out.  I continued moving the boxes and played some music.

I heard the door open as I was looking through the grilling supplies.  " Geez, girl you got back quick.  I found the grilling supply " I said turning and seeing Linsey and another girl next to her.  " Linsey, what are you doing here," I asked?  " We were playing and we saw the door open," Linsey said.  " You know the community center is closed on weekends," I said.  " Yea we wanted to make sure everything was okay," Linsey said.  " Who's your friend," I asked?  " This is Isabella.  She's my best friend " Linsey said.  " Hi Isabella, I'm Logan," I said smiling at her.  " Hi," Isabella said. " what are you doing Miss. Logan " Linsey asked?  " Getting stuff together for the cookout at the park tomorrow.  Did you remember " I asked?  " Oh yes, I'm super excited.  Can Isabella come " Linsey asked?  " If it's okay with her parents I don't see why not, " I said smiling. " You have to ask your dad Izzy.  It'll be so much fun.  They do it every year " Linsey said.  I smiled.  The door opened again.  " Linsey, Isabella " A familiar voice bombed through the building.  When they finally walked all the way in I see that death dude and Linsey's brother.  " Did we tell y'all not to leave our sight?  What the hell is wrong with you Linsey " Linsey's brother asked snatching her.  " Hey, it's no need for that.  It was my fault.  The girls were talking to me about the Cookout at the park tomorrow.  It was my fault " I said quickly.  " Whatever " Linsey's brother said.  " Can I go tomorrow?" Isabella asked death.  " I'll see kiddo " Death said grabbing her hand. 

" I'll see you, tomorrow guys," I said going back to doing my work. I heard the door open and close.  I felt like I wasn't alone still.  I turned around and saw just Death.  " Can I help you?" I asked.  " So you aren't talking to me, " Death asked.  " I thought I made myself pretty clear last night, I'm not going to play this game with you," I said still working.  " I told you I want you.  I always get what I want or do you not understand that " Death said.   " And I told you don't talk to me ever again or do you not understand that, " I said looking at him.  " All this because I won't tell you my damn name " Death said.  " Yes and also because you don't seem to understand that I'm not gone to be played with.  I'm not one of your groupie jump-offs.  I am a woman of high standards and I will be treated as such " I said.  " I have a reputation to uphold.  I can't have my mates thinking I've gone soft for a chick I barely even know " Death said.  " I'm not a chick.  My name is logan and you will address me as such or you will not speak to me.  I'm not asking you to do any of that.  I just want to know your first name because I would like to address you as the human being your parents named.  Not some Thug that you want to be " I said.  " It's not want to be I am.  Don't you get it?  I am a Thug.  A ruthless thug " Death said.  " I don't believe that, " I said.  " Believe what you want to, but Dealing with me is like playing with danger and I don't think you can handle what I have to dish out, " Death said.  " Like I said just stay away from me.  You can let yourself out " I said getting back to work.

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