Next Day! Izzy's Birthday Party

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Logan's Point of View!
Next Morning!

I decided I will go to Izzy's Birthday party but I won't talk or even look Luke's way. I'm done letting him decide what I do. He broke up with me. I'm going to show him what he's missing. I straightened my hair and added some curls to the end. Then I got dressed. After I got dressed I grabbed my purse and headed out to the party. I stopped and picked up her a present and then I headed over. I arrived at Miss. Vanessa's house and saw many cars parked out front. When I finally found a parking spot I went inside. It wasn't a lot of people but it was enough. I set her present down and then went to find the little birthday girl. I found her by the candy table in a beautiful little Princess gown.  " Well, who is this beautiful Princess," I said tapping her shoulder. Izzy turned around and practically jumped on me.  I hugged her and she started taking me around to meet her friends and family.  She was so excited for me to meet everyone.  While walking around I spotted Luke.  It was as if he wanted to say something to me but he just didn't.  I don't wanna talk to him anyway.  I honestly don't want anything to do with this man at this point. 

I started talking to Miss. Vanessa about the party and she was setting out more food so I made sure to help her with anything she needed help with.  " So you know just as well I do I don't get into y'all business cause I think this whole thing is so dumb because I know you still love him but what's this he's telling me about you having a boyfriend and all that, " Miss. Vanessa asked? " I don't have anything," I said confused.  " Who's the guy from the club last night " Miss. Vanessa asks to stop what she was doing to look at me?  " That's Lexington, " I said smiling.  " so I'm guessing he's someone special " Miss Vanessa asked?  "No, I'm just trying to teach Luke a lesson.  He threatened to kill him yesterday and pulled a gun on him and made me leave the club when I was having a great time "I said upset.  " Oh no he didn't.  Oh yes definitely handle your business.  If I were you I would step it up a bit. Don't let him do that to you.  Show him who boss but I also wouldn't take his threats lightly.  Luke has never been in love before and for the life of him he can't figure out why he can't let you go or why he's so possessive over you.  I try to explain it to him all the time but he never listens to me.  Just make sure you don't push him over too much " Miss. Vanessa warned.  " He wouldn't hurt me would he, " I asked?  " I doubt he would hurt you at least not purposely but he can get crazy and super possessive.  From what Izzy has told me and what I've seen when he's talked about you.  Just try to get more hood.  Drop the proper at least with him.  Show him you will not be jerked around and it's either he wants you or you'll find better " Miss. Vanessa said.  Just as I was about to ask more questions. Luke walked up.  " What is she doing here," Luke asked referring to me?  " Izzy invited her and I wanted her to come " Miss. Vanessa said.  " Don't talk about me like I'm not sitting right here " I said snapping my neck.  Luke looked shocked and Miss. Vanessa looked like she approved.  " So tell me more about your boyfriend Logan. I like him so far " Miss. Vanessa said pulling me away and walking towards the kids.

  Luke looked so upset.  I wanted to laugh but I just shut up.  As the party went on all I could do was think about why Luke is so upset. Is it because he doesn't want me around or is it because he really is in love with me and just doesn't know how to deal with it?  As the party went on I stayed mostly around Miss. Vanessa and Izzy.  " Hey Logan, Can you go into the house and get the candles. We are going to sing happy birthday" Miss. Vanessa asked?   " Yeah sure," I said walking off into the kitchen.  While I walked into the house towards the kitchen I heard faint arguing so I sat back and listened because I heard Luke's voice.  " Why the hell are you even here " Luke practically yelled.  " She's my daughter to Death I have a right to be here as much as you do, " A woman said.  " You haven't seen her in years.  She doesn't even know you.  you're not going to confused my daughter by jumping in and out of her life.  She's a child " Luke yelled.  " She's a girl and girls need a mother " The woman yelled back.  " She needed a mother for 8 years and now you finally decided to come around and I'm just supposed to say yes " Luke yelled.  " Let her decide " The woman yelled in defense.  Before they could finish the conversation it got silent and I walked from behind the wall before they caught me. " Hey um, Miss. Vanessa wants to sing happy birthday " I said.  Luke looked upset.  " Who the hell are you " The woman said getting in my face.  She looked funny.  I backed up.  " Get out of her face " Luke yelled pushing the girl back.  " I use to be Izzy's youth counselor, " I said back to her.  I wasn't looking for a fight and I don't want to get into it with anyone.  " You don't have to explain anything to her " Luke said annoyed.  " I'm going to go see my daughter, " The woman said walking off and heading for the back.  " Are you okay?" I asked? 

Luke walked away and headed outside as well.  I sighed and grabbed the candles heading that way as well.  When I got outside I handed the candles to Miss. Vanessa and she looked annoyed as well.  " Who's she, " I asked Miss. Vaness?  " That's Crystal the baby momma from hell " Miss. Vanessa said and I was shocked cause Miss. Vanessa doesn't curse so I know she doesn't like that girl.  Izzy was sitting with her friends when Crystal walked over to her.  Izzy looked confused and after about 3 minutes Izzy ran away from her.  Izzy ran over to Miss. Vanessa and hugged her.  " Isabella get your ass over here " Crystal yelled causing everyone in the party to stop and look.  " Aye, you will not talk to my child like that a day in your life " Luke yelled in a way he's never done.  I mean it immediately scared the crap out of me.  " She's my daughter too " Crystal yelled walking up to Izzy and snatching her by her arm.  I grabbed Izzy and pulled her back before she got too far.  Izzy stood behind me and held onto my waist.  " Crystal get the hell out of my house " Miss. Vanessa said.  " Why is this bitch butting into me and my daughter's business," Crystal said getting into my face.  I pushed her back hard to where she stumbled backward and almost fell.  She tried to charge at me but Luke stopped her before she got too close knocking her on the ground.  " I'm taking Izzy into the house," I said to Miss. Vanessa.  I heard more screaming as I walked Izzy inside the house but I made sure to cover her ears. I took Izzy up to her room and had her play with some of her toys.  When I looked out the window it looked like Miss. Vanessa was having everybody leave.  She was handing out goody bags and things to the kids and everybody was leaving. 

" Logan, can I go home with you," Izzy asked?  " Umm, I don't know.  We will have to ask your dad or grandma "I said.  " Okay," Izzy said putting her head down.  I hugged her and we just sat there playing with her toys while I tried to keep her mind off of the situation.  After about 30 minutes Miss. Vaness called me back downstairs.  Izzy walked down with me.  " Hey, baby are you okay," Luke asked Izzy picking her up.  " That lady was mean," Izzy said stuffing her face into Luke's chest.  It was the cutest thing ever. " Hey, Logan we are sorry you even got involved " miss. Vanessa explained.  " Nothing to apologize for.  I would do it again.  You know Izzy is my little best friend " I said laughing.  Miss. Vanessa chuckled.  " Well the party is over I know you're probably busy," Luke said hinting for me to leave.  " Naw I could stay all night," I said just to get a rise out of him. " You're welcome to " Miss. Vanessa agreed.  " Can we sing Happy Birthday?" Izzy asked.  " Sure munchkin come on Logan let's grab the cake " Miss. Vanessa said. We went and grabbed the cake and sang happy birthday to Izzy.  Once she blew out her candles we cheered and Luke asked her what she wished for.  " I wished that I could have a girls' night with Logan at her house tonight," Izzy said. " I don't see why not " Miss. Vanessa said. " I'm sure Logan has a busy schedule getting married and having a boyfriend, " Luke said annoyed. " I only have a boyfriend I'm not getting married and I don't see why any of it is your business in the first place," I said back. " Izzy go upstairs and pack for your movie night. I'll be up there in a second " Miss. Vanessa said. Izzy ran off. " Do not try to demean her character in front of Izzy. She's one of the first women besides me that Izzy has ever taken a liking too and it's good for her to have a positive female role model. I get your hurt because you know you fucked up with her but do not take it out on her " Miss. Vanessa said walking away afterward.

Luke was about to walk away but I stopped him. " Look if you don't want Me to take her I will make something up. I love Izzy and I want to be apart of her life but not if it's like this. I don't want to cause problems " I said. " Just leave me out of it. And don't have your boyfriend around my daughter " Luke said. " He'll be sleeping elsewhere tonight," I said. " Yeah whatever, " Luke said. " if you want you can even drop her off. I don't live too far from here maybe like a 20-minute drive. Just so you can know where she is and know where she'll be tonight " I said. " I've been to your palace before princess " Luke rolled his eyes with a smart tone. " I've moved into my place but you know what. You need to grow up. I'm trying to be cordial and figure things out to make stuff better for Izzy so we aren't at each other's throats every time I see her but you can put your pride to the side for one minute to make things better for her " I said upset.

" Just keep me out of it and keep your boyfriend Away from my daughter as well," Luke said upset. " he will be sleeping else we're tonight, " I said rolling my eyes. " yeah whatever. I'll let Izzy know you're leaving " Luke said walking away upstairs. I left the house and went to the store. I got us all types of snacks and things and then I went home to set up for whenever Izzy comes over.

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