Night Out!

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Logan's Point of View!

I left the office at around 8 PM. I hurried home to take a shower and get dressed. When I finally finished getting dressed It was around 10:30 p.m. I called Michael to come to pick me up and we headed off to the club. I texted Luke to see how long till he gets here and he told me he was just finishing up getting dressed and should be here within the next 30 minutes. Michael and I went inside to get a table and dance. I started dancing with Michael and we were truly enjoying ourselves. I love hanging out with Michael because it's never any judgment and he does question my decisions. We always have an amazing time. I love how great of a friend he is. Even with all his girlfriends and everything. Michael is my first call for anything. While we were dancing I felt a hand on my arm. I turned around and saw Michael's girlfriend. I walked to a table and sat down and let them dance together while I waited for Luke. While I was sitting this guy walked up to me. " Hey mate. Wanna dance " The guy asked? " No thank you. I'm waiting for someone " I said turning away from him. " Well we can dance until they get here, " The guy said. " Naw I think she's good," Luke said grabbing me and pulling me to him. I smiled hugging him and I guess the guy walked off. " I'm sorry I'm late beautiful. You look amazing " Luke said spinning me around. I smiled. " That dress is a little short don't you think, " Luke asked? " Yeah but I wore it for you," I said confused. " Well, I don't want you wearing it anymore. I don't need guys looking at your body like that " Luke said. Luke was trying to be nice but he hurt my feelings. I was confused. I wore it so he would look at me not other guys. I thought he would like it. Not to mention I spent forever doing my hair and he didn't even say anything about it.

I sat back down at the table and just looked around. Luke sat next to me. " Did I say something wrong?" Luke asked? " It doesn't matter," I said looking around for Michael. " Baby I'm sorry. I'm just protective " Luke said. It was sorta loud in here so it was already hard to hear him I didn't care to talk anymore. " Can we dance or something?" I said Luke looked disappointed and walked onto the dance floor holding my hand. We got by Michael and his girlfriend Lexi and we all started dancing. I was having such a good time. After about 30minutes of dancing Luke and Michael went to get us some drinks. Lexi and I continued to dance around and stuff. While we were dancing I felt someone behind me. I turned around and saw this guy. I pushed him back and he grabbed me. " Let me go," I said slapping him. The guy slapped me back and I fell. Lexi knelled down to my side and I looked up seeing the guy being punched in the face by Luke. Luke and the guy started fighting and the guy pulled out a gun. Luke yelled at Michael to get us out of here and Michael listened while they were fighting over the gun I was fighting to stay with Luke but Michael wouldn't let me go. I heard shots going off while Michael drove off. I was freaking out the entire ride home. When I arrived home I continued to call Luke and he wouldn't answer. I was so worried I couldn't even think straight.

" Logan I have to get Lexi home. Are you going to be okay here by yourself " Michael asked? " Yes I understand go head," I said still calling Luke. After a while, his phone started going straight to voicemail. " I'll come back after I drop her off," Michael said. " No it's okay just text me when you make it home," I said hugging him. " OKay best friend. I love you put some ice on your face " Michel said hugging me back and leaving. I locked the door and went to lay down on the couch. I tried texting and calling Luke but he wouldn't answer. I grabbed my keys and decided to drive to his house to see if he was there. When I arrived I didn't see his car out front. I pulled into the driveway and waited. While I was waiting for Luke a car to arrive on the side. I watched as a girl got out and walked up to his door knocking. I couldn't see her face. I got out of my car and stood there. " Can I help you?" I said. When the girl turned around I saw it was Izzy's mom. " What are you doing here," Crystal asked popping her neck. " I'm waiting on Luke. He told me to come over. Why are you here " I asked? " I want to see my child's father," Crystal said emphasizing the last part. " I don't think he will wanna see you tonight. We are going out " I lied. " You think he cares about you? Do you think he wants you? I am the mother of his child. I gave him the best gift he could ever have. He'll get tired of you and come running back to me. He always does. I was and always will be the love of his life " Crystal said. " That's to what he told me," I said looking at her. " Do you think he would tell someone he's trying to fuck that " Crystal said? " What are y'all doing here," Someone said behind us. I turned around and saw Luke. " I was just telling little Miss. Bougie here, where she stands " Crystal said.

" Leave now. I don't even understand why you're here " Luke said to Crystal. " Hey, I just thought I would tell her. I and you both know you'll be running back to me like you always do " Crystal said walking back to her car. Before she could Luke stopped her by grabbing her. " Those days are over. You and I are over for good " Luke said through his teeth. " Yeah, you said that last time," Crystal said smiling at me and walking away. Crystal got into her car and drove off. Luke looked at me and I started to get into my car and he stopped me. " You lied to me " I yelled pushing him back. " You really about to listen to her. She just wants to start shit " Luke yelled back. " You told me it was nothing more than her being one of the girls you messed around with. I asked you and you lied to my face " I yelled with tears falling. " Man this some bullshit " Luke said. " I am leaving," I said about to get in my car before he slammed the door shut stopping me. " Are you fucking kidding me? I just had a fucking gun in my face and fought over you tonight and you're seriously pissed over a bitch " Luke yelled.

" No, because you sat there and lied to my face. Who's to say you aren't still messing around with her now. Funny she seems to be popping up a lot now " I yelled back. " What? Are you kidding me I worked my ass off to get you back and this is truly what you want to do? If I was still messing around with her you would have never been back in the picture " Luke said. " I'm not in the picture," I said trying to open my door. " Bro what do you want from me " Luke yelled slimming his hands on both sides of me blocking me in. " The truth " I yelled back. " I was in love with her. She was the first girl I ever really loved or at least thought I did. I wanted to be a family and have kids. I was young and naive and didn't realize she only wanted me for my money. She got pregnant with Izzy. She wanted to get an abortion they said she was too far along. She finally told me she didn't know if I was the dad she was cheating on me and shit with my homeboy. We broke up. After she had Izzy I tried to step up. I got a DNA test she was mine. I came back and told her I wanna be a family let's work it out. I proposed she denied and that was that " Luke said mad.

" Instead of just telling me you lie," I said. " It wasn't your business, " Luke said. " Since you feel like that there's nothing else to be said, " I said. " Are you being serious " Luke yelled? " Move luke. I'm ready to go " I said calmly. " Fuck man why do you do this to me " Luke yelled slamming his hands on the car. " Stop hitting my car and move out my way," I said calmly as well. " You think I'm about to let you leave you're a damn lie," Luke said grabbing me. " I will scream and this isn't Brixton it will raise some red flags," I said snatching away from him. " You wouldn't," Luke said through his teeth. " Try me," I said back. Luke backed away and I got into my car and drove off. I'm not doing this with him anymore. I'm done. I drove home and took a nice hot shower. After my shower, I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it I assumed it was Luke. " What do you want," I said then stopped. " Is that anyways to treat me?" Aaron said. " Aaron what are you doing here," I said hugging him. " Royal life beginning to be a little too much for me as well," Aaron said coming In and going into the living room. I sat up and talked to my brother for about 2 hours and then we headed to bed. I was tired and so was he.

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