Chapter 12

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Here I was back at the doctors trying to get some sort of medication for Namjoon, thankfully the doctor proscribed some sleeping tablets for him to use. Currently it was just me and Namjoon in the car the rest of the boys were at Jins house playing so I took this opportunity to take my eldest usual Namjoon loved the shops but unlike the other children he never really touched the toys and objects he liked he just observed them from a distance, I was currently looking at some clothes for Kookie and saw Namjoon had his eye on something " Namjoon you can get something if you want just don't go to far please" he hesitated for a bit and finally walked over the toy he was staring at for so long. After choosing some adorable clothes for Kookie I finally make my way to where Namjoon was, the boy was standing holding a l bright green soft blancket with a cute purple bourse on it. " found anything you like ?" I asked him and immediately he smiled showing off his dimples making me smile with him " appa......Hobi still gets really bad anxiety when he's at school, I can thinking this little blanket would help him feel more safe when me or you aren't around. Is it ok if we buy him this?" I couldn't stop smiling, Hobi your brother really does love you. " of courses Namjoon but isn't there anything you want ?" " not right now Appa all I want is Hobi to feel safe in school, when he's ok then I'll think about myself" - my children really are something aren't they.,,,

We finally paid for everything and I treated Namjoon with ice cream for bing such a good kid and we were in ally making our way back home, when We came back Namjoon helped me unload the shopping and then we went straight to Jins house to pick up the kids.

Lisa opens the door with a bright smile greeting up as we walk in " I hope they weren't any trouble" I asked knowing that one of the probably broke something or even worse, Lisa just chuckled and said " nope all good boys here how was Namjoons appointment then?" " the doctor gave him some meds I'm just hoping that it works fine with him and I can gets some sleep" Lisa laughed again " ahhh Yoongi you and your sleep" she laughed making me smile.

Lisa has always been a big part of my life she's a sister to me, when Jin and me would have arguments Lisa was always by my side and would always help me out if I ever needed it. The best thing about Lisa was she would offer help without the offer , I find it hard to ask for help from others so Lisa has learned to help me without asking which makes me happy. I really couldn't ask for a better sister in law than her.

"UNCLE !!!" And just like that I was tacked by Jackson...a six year old and I was on the floor....he really is a strong kid not far from him Bambam also grabbed onto my leg and Yugyeom.

"Look who's finally here boys!" Jin screams on the top of his lungs which caused all the boys to jump onto me leaving me and my back in a pretty bad state.

After everyone finished attacking me I was sitting on the couch with Jin and Lisa as we all watched the children playing around, Namjoon and Jackson are both six so they were playing together with Hobi who's a year younger than the boys  whilst Bambam and the twins were playing  together (who were all the same age). That left the two year olds to play together, Yugyeom speaks a lot for his age but Kookie still doesn't speak, I mean he can say the basics such as Appa, Hyung and play but that's it - I do try planning more play dates between Kookie and Yugyeom hoping that he Yugyeom would be a good influence on him and help him to speak.

"What did the doctor say about Namjoon then, everything ok? Do you need help with anything? You look tried." Jin questioned as usual " they gave him pills to take and no hyung I'm ok stop worrying about me I'm a grown adult" and there he goes with his windshield laugh slapping my back causing me to flinch a bit " ahhhhhhh I'm sorry Yoongi I keep forgetting you a 'big boy' now"

" well hyung this 'big boy' has a lot of 'big boy' things to do so if you don't mind I'll be on my way. BOYS LETS GO"


Sorry guys for this short chapter 🥺🥺I'm going to try and release 3 chapters this weekend to make up for this slow update !

REMEMBER TO STAY SAFE ❤️❤️- love you all

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