Chapter 24

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I've kinda forgot to update these last couple of days so tonight I'm trying my best to update as much as I can - hopefully I can update maybe 3 chapters !!!

Let's go !!!!
Also always enjoy the book and I hope your all good and healthy !!!!

I love u all make sure to vote and comment !!!



The plan was simple but in a complex way one could say, the only down fall about the plan is that it will take some time - a lot of time. These children needs to catch up with their development and that can't happen over night it has to be a slow and steady journey for them, then and only then they will finally catch up and we can get them back on track.

" Yoongi here's the plan, starting from Monday's make sure to drop the children off to school no matter what they need to attend school, for Hoesok we can try and ask the teacher to allow him to be with Namjoon in Namjoons class, but only for a few weeks. Hopefully if Namjoon and Hoesok be together for a couple of weeks they will start to see how enjoyable school can be, plus they would have each other so they won't be lonely and Hoesok won't have any sort of stress because he will have his brother by his side.

Now for the twins, again no matter how much you have to shout at them they have to attend school, these children need a good strong routine in place to keep them in check. Also you need to start using some punishments, this can help keep Tae in control. Some of these can just be no sweets or having to sit in the corner or anything that will make him regret the bad behaviour he does.

Now on to kookie, when the rest have gone to work I advise you dropping him off at a nursery, that way you can go to work and also have some alone time for a couple of hours. Kookie also needs speech therapy roughly once a week but dont worry about that I'll sort it out and take him to those, now about the children's eating trick that Lisa uses on the kids to eat more is allowing them to help in the kitchen. If you ask the child's what they want to eat and make the meal together, it's more likely they will eat it but it will take time for them to eat a healthy amount so start off small and slowly increase the amount of food.

After school try taking the children to the park, if you do this they can enjoy the outdoors and use up all their energy and after that you can all have a nap, this will also give you the chance to sleep.

But for any of this plan to kick in we need to get the children back to health and I'll help you all the way so don't worry about anything." I finished off smiling to him, he smiled happily with sparking eyes.

I took a deep breathe and said " we should really be going down I'm sure you baby's want your attention" Yoongi just gave me a confused look and laughed as we left the room and was making our way downstairs. And once again I wasn't wrong ( I'm Kim Seokjin when am I ever wrong ;) , Lisa was there feeding Kookie and the rest of the children were sleeping...all but one....Hoesok. The child was crying is eyes out and Lisa look like she was struggling to keep him in control whilst feeding Jungkook.

Straight away Yoongi came to the rescue and picked up the crying boy and shushed him, calming him down with every moment he held the boy. " now why are you crying Hobi ? Don't you want to sleep like the rest ?" He asked the boy with a soft sweet tones " APPPPAAAAAAA~ APPAAASAAAAA" and continues to cry his eyes out, all Yoongi did was bounce the boy a couple of times in his arms and just like magic the child fell asleep peacefully in his dads arms. He then carried the boy up stairs.

Lisa helped Yoongi in the kitchen and gave him to tips on how to deal with the boys now that they are all under the weather and it was finally time for me to say goodbye and go back home to my own devils I mean boys.

" and Rene if you need any help ANY THING WHATS SO EVER FUCKING CALL ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT" I screamed to my ignorant brother who was once again not listening to me - god this guy " I get it hyung I will now leave I wanna go sleep before the child's wake up" was the last thing that son of a bitch said before RUDLY slamming the door in my face...a door on THIS FACE..... fucking crazy I'm too handsome for this I thought to myself before getting into the car with Lisa and driving back home.


I feel care after talking to Jin, I hate him most times but he really is my older wiser brother especially when it comes to situations like this. I finish off cleaning and finally walk upstairs and was ready for bed, there I see Kookie sleeping in on my bed and Namjoon sitting on my bed...waiting for me it seemed

I walked into my room and Namjoon lifted his head to make eye contact with me, the boy was very pale and had dark circles under his eyes. His eyes were bright red and he had tear stains all down his face with bright read cheeks indicating that he was crying. My heart fell seeing my oldest child like this as I sat kneel down to him and finally ask " what's up bud you should be sleeping, you need a lot of rest to get better" I say to him with a smile on my face the boy opened his mouth and paused for a moment of time, as if he had something he wanted to tell me but for some reason chose not to and said with a very fake smile " nothing Appa I just.....wanted to say goodnight to you that's all" he said, I knew he wasn't telling me the true but I didn't want to push him into telling me, " ahhh I see, well good night my dear boy sleep dreams and Appa loves you so much" I said kissing him on a the forehead as ruffling his hair " come ill tuck you in" I offered but the boy declined and said he will go on his own after saying his good nights to me. And just like that Min Namjoon left my room after lying to me...I wonder what got his so upset if only he didn't hide everything away from me....all that emotion is going to build up until it over spills.... Hahah just like what happend to me I guess

Wow he really is like his me right...

Just like his father

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