Chapter 8

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It's been about 2 weeks since the boys have moved in with me and since we got the new house, I still haven't got through to Stella and was slowly giving up on that bitch but I tried to not let it get to me my kids are my first priority. The haven't been to work since the boys have came into my life and I spend my day taking care of them and helping them learn new things, they have also became god friends with Jins children so me and Jin have been spending more time together as well. My parents finally found out about them and let's just say......they had the same reaction as Jin

It was Monday and also known as the kids first day of school, I was looking forward of getting rid of them for a couple of hours as I also had work to go to today. All the children where pretty scared and didn't like the idea of school and education, which I agree with but unfortunately they have to go and it may be the only peace I have away from them. We were all at the breakfast table eating without saying a word after finishing I gave a couple of instructions
"Namjoon make sure you have everything and don't forget anything, Hobi get your jacket please and twins can you please explain to me why your both wearing different colour socks?" They let out a giggle and say "fashion" at once which made me roll my eyes and get myself ready

After finally getting myself and look ready I get the twins and sort them out whilst Namjoon was ready and was helping Hobi, we finally make it to the car and I started driving to the school....finally

The car journey felt long, baby Kookie wasn't happy to wake up this early and was whining whilst the twins were once again fighting, Hobi was crying saying he didn't want to go to school and Namjoon fell asleep at the back of the car. Didn't they go to school with Stella ? I mean Namjoon is six he should have been to school.

We finally get there and the first thing I do is get the two older boys out of the car, I pick up Hoseok and tap Namjoon to wake up. I tried to calm Hobi down telling him that he will make new freonds and everything will be fine but the boy didn't really believe me and thought I was getting rid of him, soon his new teacher came and introduced herself to me ( and damn what a beautiful lady she was 😏- besides the point )
"Don't worry Hobi I will come and pick you up at the end of the day" I say to the crying child who was hugging me tightly not wanting to let go
"You promise ?" He looks at me, I smiled and stroke my hands through his hair and chuckle
"Of course I promise, how can I live without my Hobi without my hope" I gave him a finally kiss and the still upset boy went into his classroom, following his teacher - one down three to go....

Next I took the twins out of the car and made them hold Joons hand whilst I was getting Kookie out, I was picking up Kookie and had Taehyung in my other hand whilst Namjoon was holding onto Jimin. We walked to Namjoons classroom whilst the boy still looked unbelievable tried..what was he doing all night does he not sleep? I try to ignore it and finally drop him off with no complaints - off course Namjoon is my only good child ( even though he burned down my house....) but before I left him I wanted to reassure him. " be a good boy for daddy and have a good time, after school I'll pick you up and make sure you tell Appa everything you did today ok" I said patting him on the head, all he did was nodded and mumbled tiredly. I quickly gave him a kiss on the forehead and went to take the twins.

Next was the twins, it was hard holding Kookie and having the twins at once but we managed to get to their classroom saftely. I placed the boys down and they hug me tightly I tell them the say things as I did with Hobi and finally Tae let go and ran into the classroom already talking to another student. But my little Jimin didn't let go or like the idea of making new friends, I smiled at the boy and said " Jimin you have made new friends with JB Jackson and BamBam, this is going to be the same. And after this we can all get ice cream together ok. " I gave him a kiss on his forehead and he finally smiled and let go placing a kiss on my cheek
"Appa I don't want ice cream I just want you to come back. Make sure you come back Appa." Was the last words the boy said before walking to his twin getting comfort from him. I was shocked did they really think I was going to get rid of them ? I though after school I would speak to the boys properly about what being an appa is, about being an Appa means I will never leave them.

My thoughts were cut short by Kookie crying and complaining my baby has quite an appetite and was hungry (again) so I picked him up and took the two year old back home.

At home Kookie was laying on the couch drinking his milk whilst I was picking up the things I needed for work, all the company found out about my children and really wanted to see them so I was planning on taking Kookie with me. Plus he's two years old how much bother would he be...


I was at work composing a song that I needed consisting by the end of the week, jungkook was a pretty easy kid to look after he was very sociable and went to anyone and rarely cried so it was easy for me to do my work and not be disturbed by anything. Right now I was almost finished with the song and Kookie was with my best friend Kihyun everything was going fine until I hear Kookie scream, my brain went crazy hearing my baby screaming I ran out of the studio room and to the main room where he was. There I see my brother Jin teasing my baby (😑 not impressed) I was pissed...Jin is the biggest baby's I know and now here he is PICKING and BULLYING my son....!!!

I stormed towards him and grabbed the cookie out of his hand and gave it to Kookie
" HEY that was mine !" He screamed I raised my eyebrow at my OLDER brother listening to Kookie laugh
" can you stop messing with my child, god sake your him uncle stop teasing him or I will happily rip your teeth out!"

Hi guys I'm hopping ur liking the story so far I'm going to try and release more updates but this is the first update for today 😙
Plz remember to vote and comment for the chapters it means a lot also if there's an request you would like for certain chapters I don't mind just let me know !!!!
Last note - I hope ur having a good day and have a good weekend it's been a long week 😅😂 DONT FOR GET STAY HAPPY AND STAY SAFE 😘😘🥰🥰

Love you all😘

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