Chapter 11

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As promised I'm uploading more this is the second one this week 🥰🥰 don't worry there will be more  😘
Stay safe guys ❤️❤️

Also remember to vote and comment thanks to all you lovely's who votes 🥺🥺- love u all

The children were all in bed sleeping and it was once again me and Namjoon join at the kitchen table waiting for him to finish all his meal, I started to recognise some bad habits which were sleeping in school, pouting all the time when he doesn't get it his way, clumsy VERY clumsy as well as eating the bare minimum to keep him alive.
"Namjoon if you don't finish your meal your going to end up in the hospital with a needle in your arm is that what you want" I asked sitting across from where he was, all he did was looked at me and looked back at his plate not making any effort to pick up the spoon and start eating. Wow this child is really testing me. ME out of all people. The audacity

I stood up and sat next to the miserable boy and picked up the spoon now feeding the boy myself, thankful he didn't complain and ate the majority of his meal and was about to go to bed before I stopped him. " Namjoon I want to talk please sit on the couch with me"I patted on a space next to me as he carefully sat down " joon I'm worried about you your always asleep in class and your still not eating the right amount for your age, please kiddo tell me what's bothering you" I unconsciously pulled him into my lap and was stroking his hair waiting for some sort of answer from him, but all I heard was whimpering from the boy. I pulled his head up and saw him crying, I wiped his tears and held him tight trying to comfort my son not caring about the answers that have been bothering my mind.

"Appa I'm so sorry your so good to us, the them, to me I'm sorry" my heart instantly broke after hearing thoughts words " Namjoon of course you boys are my everything stop apologising you silly boy" I chuckle as I continue to stroke his hair out of his face , there was a few moments of silence until he started talking again " eomma had a boyfriend and he wasn't very nice to us, he would always hit and yell at us all the time. So I would stay up all night to make sure he didn't come and hurt Hoesok or the twins, I had to stay up for them Appa I didn't want anything to happen to them. And now......I just can't go to sleep and it drives me crazy but I don't know what to do!" He was now screaming and crying...screaming for help. My child went through so much at such a young age I'm so happy I have them, I want them to get better and get better quickly. That's what motivated me to try and get them back on their feet ASAP

I picked him up and took the crying boy to his room, from there I help him get dressed and ready for bed and lead him into mine and Kookies room.Kookie was sleeping in his crib and I picked Namjoon up and placed him into my bed " sleep with Appa I'll stay awake up till you fall asleep" he looked at me with tears in his eyes and came closer putting his hands on me and clutching. I smiled and brought him in closer humming a melody into his ear and stroking hair and just like that Namjoon was a sleep, thank god.

It was now around 3am the house was quiet not even a whisper until.......,."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH PLEASE DONT ILL BE GOOD I SWEAR I WONT DO IT AGAIN" Namjoon woke up screaming his lungs out waking not only me but the rest of the children up. My body zoomed up to meet Namjoon screaming in tears too scared to keep his voice down and Kookie in his crib now crying.....even better I can hear the twins and Hobi awake which is amazing.

I tried to calm Namjoon down the best I could and quickly went to Kookie to see if he's ok, I managed to get him to sleep again and walked into the twins room to check on them. The twins room was empty sending my adrenaline crazy I ran Hobis room and thankfully they were there now sleeping with their older brother, I smiled at the sight and walked towards them and gave them a kiss on their cheeks before leaving again.

I was back with Namjoon on my rocking chair trying to calm the the boy down " Joonie I got you, Appa got you and I will protect you forever please don't cry it's ok" and whispered other things to the boy but he didn't sleep until 4:30 and when he did he was completely out from crying that much. My sleep is precious to me and I'm losing so much of it I fell into my bed and fell asleep just for my alarm to wake me up at 5:30.....great.

I wake up early for many things first of all it gives me time to clean the house up before the boys get up and mess it all up again and secondly it gives me time to do some work that might be incomplete. I got up had a shower and started to clean my house, I used to live like a pig but now I can guarantee my house is cleaner than your grandmothers - trust me. And after cleaning I went into my producing room and started on a song that needed doing for my new album that I couldn't wait to come out, unfortunately it's taking me longer because I have children now and most of my time goes to thoses devils- but it issss what it issssss. The clock finally hit 7:00am and it was now time for the boys up, all the children had to go to school today because I didn't have time to keep them at home I had work. I walked into Hoesoks room and woke him up as well as the twins and then went into my room where I woke up Kookie and Namjoon " come on Kookie open up those eyes it's morning" I said to the sleepy bunny " joon can you please wake up you have school darling" Rubbing his eyes he finally made his way to the bathroom.

I met the very tried children at the table and chuckled " boys if you all don't fall asleep in school we can all have a cosy nap in my bed together, how does that sound" the boys all looked up and their eyes sparkled with joy "OK APPA" they all screamed which I smiled to. I looked to my right to see Namjoon already falling asleep on the table not bothered to eat his breakfast, I let out a sigh " Joon pleases eat I need you to eat" the boy didn't reply so I pulled his head up and once again spoon feed him which he accepted without no complaints.

After breakfast I finally got all the boys ready for school and took them to their classes until Namjoons teachers asked for a 'word' with me which instantly gave me shivers and gave me flashbacks of when I was at school - truly a nightmare. So here I was with Kookie on my lap sitting in front of Namjoons teacher waiting for the 'word' to come out her mouth...

"Mr Min your son keeps falling asleep in class and it's starting to concern me, does he not sleep at home?" I took a deep breathe and really wanted to say that it's none of your business but understood that this was her job " I'm also concern and know about him falling asleep in class, at home he doesn't sleep...he has nightmares so he try's his best to stay up all night and sleeps all morning" I tried my best to explain the situation the best I could and was just hoping she understood where I was coming from "hmm I see I think it's time for him to see a doctor about him, a child needs sleep to help them develop I also want to know if Namjoon is any good in academics but so far I haven't seen anything from him" I nodded " yep don't worry I'll sort it all out as quick as I can is it ok if I can go now?" She giggled at my request " yes mr Min you can leave now" she said giggling to me,I looked down and walked out getting in my car trying my best for that giggle to not effect me.......shit

Appa??!! Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz