Chapter 17

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HI GUYS ITS BEEN A WHILE HOPE U ARE ALL WELL - lockdowns been a mess
Guys just wanted to say make sure u stay happy through this time !!!!! Also your metal health matters plz take care of yourself and make sure your eating and drinking well ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love u all


my loves thank you for the love for this book - means a lot
Sorry I don't regularly update as much anymore - I'm in my last month of college and I've been revising and getting my work done and kinda forgot about this book

Hopefully when college is done I can give you more updates - but for now I'll try my best to give you one once every 2 weeks or once a week if I can 💛!!!!


I have a child who's peed on the floor ( Kookie ) I have a son who's being sick everywhere ( Taetae ) and I have a baby covered with his brothers sick....jiminie

Fun times I know....

First things first I took Tae into the bathroom next to the toilet "Tae if you be sick do it in the toilet please" I said to him firmly before leaving Jimin naked in the bath and running to Kookie on the other side of the house.
And there ladies and gents I see my 2 year old son playing in his own pee as Namjoon stood their in make things better I see Hobi jumping on the bed and laughing at the whole situation that's going on

The most I can say is I'm tired, I'm not just tried I'm frustrated and...upset ? Is that the I think lost is the best way to describe this situation. There's too much going on all I can hear is giggling screaming and crying at this point I'm also at the point of crying and hoping all of this is just a bad dream.
Just when I was about to give up the fatherly instinct that was surprisingly still in me kicked in, I grabbed Kookie and dragged him into the bathroom. From there I stripped the boy and washed his body dry and gave him to Namjoon and told him to dress him...ok one thing done ! The next job was to clean up the pee that was left from the 'imposter', it wasn't a pleasant job but shit just had to get done and in no time it was all clean.

I washed my hands feeling some what proud of my self until I hear a loud scream coming from the twins room. Fuck. TAE

From that I throw myself to the other side of the house and ran into the bathroom where i see my poor boy looking unbelievable weak and pale, his body looked like it was giving up on him and his eyes were all wet of tears. I picked up the boy and told Jimin to get dressed into some fresh clothes whilst sorting out this last situation I had to deal with.

I picked up his fragile body and placed him back into his bed " hurts...make it stop" I rocked and cradled the boy, hushing him every time he wined until finally he fell asleep. He's taken his medication and had a bath he just needs some rest to allow the medication to kick in then hopefully he will be back to normal.

"APPA !!!" Jimin screamed running to him whilst I hushed him " Jimin your bother isn't well can you be a big boy for Appa and be quite so he can rest ?" The boy nodded happily but the concern he had for his twin was clear. " Appa...will Tae go to school tomorrow ?" He asked innocently " no baby he's not well" i replied making my way to the kitchen to make dinner "do we still need to go to school ?" I looked back down and see the tears forming in his eyes, I let out a deep sigh "yes baby just because Tae is under the weather doesn't mean that you all get a day off, it doesn't work like that" and from that I turned around and suddenly my ears get filled with a horrible screech

"NOOOOOO!!!!" Jimin then thumped his foot on the floor " I AM NOT GOING TO SCHOOL, NOT TOMORROW NOT NEXT WEEK !!! NEVER AND YOU CANT MAKE ME" I was left dumbfounded at his reaction as I watched the very VERY angry mochi leave the kitchen and LOUDLY make his way up the stairs slamming his down displaying the anger....well ....he's got my temper then

I ignore what happend with Jimin, at the end of the day he's a child and children get fussed over the smallest things so I wasn't really concerned, what was concerning me was Hobi. He was very quite and wasn't speaking much , I found it strange just a minute ago he was happy and laughing jumping on the bed like a monkey and now he's quite. Again I let it slide and just wanted to enjoy the silence I had, my shoulders were in pain and my back felt as if I was double my age.....fuck sake all I want is some sleep and the only way I can get that sleep is if the children aren't at home and in school ( which they cleanly LOVE....).

I finally made dinner and called the four boys down whilst taking Tae's food upstairs. I opened the door to him sleeping, I gently wake the boy up " baby here have something to eat and drink, after that you can go back to sleep" He simply nodes and starts eating. I stay with the boy until he's finished and make my way down stairs back to the table where the boys are, I walk in to see none of them have ate a single noodle from their bowl.

"Why haven't you guys eaten" they all looked you but with different expressions written in their faces. Hobi looked scared where as Namjoon look annoyed Jimin looked angry ( angry motchi is very dangerous as we know ) and Kookie just looked tried...

As u know and as I always say...this is gonna be fun...

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