Chapter 3

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When leaving the children in the kitchen I made my way to the suitcase left by their amazing mother.....if only I used protection( safety first kids ) the suitcase was quite large but it didn't make sense to me that all five children's belongings managed to fit into this tiny suitcase. I took it to my room and opened it up, there was clothes shoes socks diapers all pushed and creased into the box, I picked the clothes and outfits out of it and started separating them for the children and saw the children only had 2 sets of clothes within the suitcase. I sighed at the sight and did the same with the shoes until I had five different piles for each of the children, I placed them onto my bed and throw the suitcase on the other side of my room.

Before I could disappear into my own thoughts I heard a load crash in the kitchen, rage and concern filled me as I ran into the kitchen to see milk all over the floor and all over jungkook, Namjoon had Jungkook in his arms and by looks of it was trying to control the twins as they played on the spilt milk on the floor whilst Hoseok had his head in the washing machine.

"What happend there?" I said crossing my arms and waiting for an explanation but at last I didn't get one they all just stood their looking at me in fear some crying and some close to crying. I let out a sigh and though it's time to give them all a bath...this is going to be interesting.

Namjoon as well as the rest of the children are still too young to have a bath on their own so that leads me with having to give all 5 children a bath by myself . I took jungkook from Namjoon hands and told them all to wait for me in the bath room which they all did, Taehyung complains all the way...that child gonna be trouble I can feel it. I cleaned up the milk on the floor and took Kookie into the bath room as well where I see all the boys waiting for me seated on the floor. I told them all to wait on my room so that I can give them all a bath, so they moved into the room and I could hear them playing around.

I start to take off jungkooks clothes and placed him into the warm bath making him squeal a bit but he was fine when in, I gave him a quick rise and didn't wash his hair ( big mistake because he was unbelievable dirty ) as I wanted to hurry and give the rest a bath so I could finally get some work done and sleep. After rinsing the boy I go back into the bedroom and grab his clothes taking him out of the bath and finally putting him into a clean diaper ( which took me a LONG time to figure out how to do) and finally the boy was dressed and done. I walked back to my bedroom and place the now sleeping Kookie into my bed and watch as the twins were causing mischief and Namjoon trying to control them whilst Hoseok just stood there laughing,

I finally scoop the other two children up and took them into the bathroom whilst leaving Kookie on my bed and his two older brothers watching cartoons on the tv. Jimin wasn't much of a problem when taking off his clothes and following instructions but Mr Taehyung was another story, the boy screamed and shouted not listening to a word I said I didn't want to yell at him and tried my best to keep myself controlled.
"Taehyung please get into the bath I need to clean you up" I said looking at the stubborn four year old
"NOOOOO I DONT WANT A BATH!" He screamed back at me I let out a sigh and placed Jimin the more obedient child into the bath and ignored the stubborn child. I didn't have much strength to deal with him and like I said making the boy cry was the last thing I wanted to do but he was making it hard for me to do that.

I scrubbed Jimins hair as he cried when the water fell from his head, I calmed the child down and finally rinse him off and put some new clothes of the boy allowing him to leave the bath room and play again in my bedroom. I was now left with a fully dressed brat still refusing to have a bath and making my life harder
"Taehyung I'm going to ask nicely again it's either you have a bath now or when the rest of your brothers are having fun you won't be allowed" I looked at his sternly as he simply made his decision and ran out of the bathroom and straight to his twin.

I ignored his behaviour and let it slid
"Namjoon Hoseok come on its your turn" I called motherly as I watched the six year old and five year old come into the room and start to get dressed. I helped them both into the bath and started with Hoseok "aishhhhh I have to cut your hair Hoseok it's getting into your eyes, can you remind appa tomorrow so I don't forget" I say to the boy who gave me a nod and a bright smile.

A strange thing I realised from the boys is that they were VERY dirty- and no not the type of dirty as they didn't have a bath in a week it was like they RARLY had one possible once a month with the amount of times I had to wash their hair and body's. Another strange thing I recognise was all the boys were really scared that the shampoo would go into their hair even Namjoon needed to be comforted to allow me to rinse it out, have they never used shampoo? Have they always been washing their hair with just water?

Hoesok was now done and was playing with his brothers whilst I was washing Namjoons hair for the 5th time with shampoo. I rub his soul gentally as the boy tightly keeps his eyes clothes not wanting it to get into his eyes and trying to not show his fear. I pulled the shower head down and above his head allowing the water to wash away the shampoo and leaving Namjoon gasping under it
" Joon it's ok shhh after this your done it's going to take just a couple of seconds" it seemed the nickname calmed the boy down making me smile- I didn't know what happend and how this happen but these kids truly are cute. Aiiigoooooooo I sound like a mother when talking to them .....(heavy sigh)

After taking the boy out of the room and helping him put his clothes on I get a small smile from the boy, showing off the dents in him cheeks making me give him a gummy smile. Namjoon MY eldest son had the most heart warming smile EVER - I don't care what anyone says my children are the cutest kids in the WORLD. Every other child is under them. And that's factsZ.

I pat the boys head before giving him further instructions " can you try getting Taehyung here I need him to have a bath" I asked him softly " I'll try appa" he said running off again to find his naughty brother

Appa.....he said it....I cant stop smiling....what have these kids done to me

But then I here screaming which caused my smile to fall....ahahhh still have the troublmaker to sort out.

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