Chapter 29

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😶 Is it me again....erm hi....

Hope your all ok and having a good time with life/work/school or whatever your doing ~ missed you all !!!!

Loved the comments and had to make sure I get an update for u guys !!!!

As always I do hope you like this chapter it hasn't been proof read so I do apologies, remember stay safe be happy and healthy as much as u can !!!!!

Love you alll !!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Well it's Monday ladies and gentlemen....and we all know what's happening this Monday....the boys are going back to school....

I couldn't sleep last night, tossing and turning knowing they boys are NOT gonna like going back to school. I woke up around 5am and started with cleaning the house then around 6am it was time to wake up the boys.
I started off with Kookie, waking him up from his slumbers and sorting his out ready for nursery. He seemed to be in a good mood so it was making my life very easy.

Now comes the slight hard part, getting the twins up and cooperating with me.

I walked into the room where I saw one angel sleeping peacefully all tucked into his covers and one hanging off his bed with bed sheets on the floor and nothing conversing him. Guess who's who.

I thought it was a great idea to wake up the devil first (big mistake), "Tae wake up my love we have a buddy day ahead of us!" I say cheerfully trying to set a positive mood. Yhhhhhhhh it was pretty clear this rock isn't moving, time for plan B - tickling no child can resist
I walk to him and place him into my lap tickling the boy awake until his had tears coming out of him, the loud laughter woke up my dear dear angel ( should add another dear ) and practically the whole house.

"Appa!!!! STOPPPPP IT IM GOING TO PEEEEEE" he screamed, from that I carried the little boy into the bathroom and help him out, " sunshine today you have school" I say.....he stopped laughing and the mood instantly changed his eyes were sharp and annoyed - clearly he loves school just as much as he loves me ;) .....well in other words I ignore the death stares and go back into the room to see Jimin arms crossed on the bed not looking too happy with me

" what! Why you sulking" I question his " u know whyyyyy" he says in a sassy tone moving his head way from me and looking outside the window. I roll my eyes and move closer to him " Jimin get up I'm not going to ask again, now both of you get ready and I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast" I stormed out and went into the next lot of 'victims'

Now when I came into the room both boys were clearly wake and very much not happy when they saw me....damn Tae's laugh is TOO loud.....

"I'm NOT going school" Hoesok loudly announced,
"Ermmmm yes you are...." I childishly answer I didn't want to say much to the boys so I told them to get ready and come down for breakfast the left the room to start breakfast.

Downstairs I start making the boys something to eat, I went for toast and some eggs today to help them stay warm. The weather truest refceted how I felt today, missrable my mind was full of incomplete deadlines and sleep. I had so much to catch up on plus wanted to sleep as well as being a father ? This isn't the life I'm telling you, wasn't worth the 10 seconds of pleasure....damn why didn't I pull out??!!!

"OI APPA THE TOAST IS GONNA BURN" Taehuyng shouted "Tae stop saying Oi I'm your father and shut up if it's burnt your still gonna eat it" I place everything on the table and one by one the missrable boys come onto the table and 'show off' their pissed off faces, I ignore it once again and start packing up some lunch for them as well as making a shopping list. I finally join the boys to breakfast, it was silent but I was enjoying the quiet so I didn't bother starting a conversation with anyone, they all started to leave the table to get ready which left me to clean up.

Finally the last task of the day is making sure all the boys have had their medication, all the boys take supplements because their under weight plus Hoesok taking his anxiety tablets and Namjoon his constipation pills. I sorted the 3 small boys out first and they happy took them now it's time for Hoesok, now Hoesok isn't a big fan of taking his medication I have to sit with him and convince him to eat it so it's gonna be fun.
He was correctly sitting on the couch watching tv so I pick up his meds and a glass of water and take a seat next to him, " right are you gonna be daddy's angel and take your meds for me Hobi ?" I say with a bright smile, the boy looked up at me and didn't look too happy of me interrupting his TV time. "Erm no" he decided. "Hobi don't make it hard for me I need you to take them if you don't I'll have to force it down you" butttt my threat didn't get to him and he just shook his head. I took a VERY deep breathe and tried to stay calm to I'm on the edge at this point "Hobi I'm leaving this here and your gonna take it, if you don't I'm going to send you to school on the weekends as well" the boy looked absolutely terrified and finally took his meds. Ok his Namjoon now...time to find him.

I looked for his everywhere and couldn't find his " NAMJOON WHERE ARE YOU" finally I see him walking out of the bathroom with a sad look on his face "Appa...h tummy's hurting again I don't think I can go school....." he says

No we need to do some critical father skills is he A actually not feeling well and I could send him school with constipation issues or B faking it and just wanted to skill school well......

"Namjoon all I can say is take you medication and your going school, hurry up now I'm going to get the rest into the car" I said placing his medication on his bed side table and getting everyone into the car. Everything is finally in the car and we make the drive to school with jungkook crying in the back, the twins arguing, Hobi looking stressed and Namjoon with his hand on his stomach....great I know.

I first dropped it Jungkook to nursery which was PAINFUL then the twins which was also very PAINFUL now finally for the two eldest. I dropped Hobi off who was my biggest concern and yep he had a full meltdown before I left and now it was Namjoons turn. I took close eye on his he's been quiet and hand still on his stomach- maybe he was telling the truth I took him to class and spoke to his feather about his little 'problem'. Before leaving I did have a word with his "Namjoon listen to me I want you to enjoy today BUT if the pain gets too much let the teacher know and I'll come collect you" he didn't reply and practically ignored me with a stern look on his face. There wasn't anything I could do for him I have work to do and sleep to catch up on, just need some time for myself..,,

I finally got home and did some quick cleaning, sorting out the boys clothes and preparing some quick dinner before heading out to work. At work I was greeted with friendly face which I missed and finally made it to my studio, I couldn't help but worry about the boys but I had to push that all aside and get on with my work ! Plus ~ school is good for children it helps to educate them and not make me :/

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