Chapter 34

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Hi hiiiii hope ur all good !!!!

Here's another update it's been 10 days since the last Update so I'm doing ok I think 🤣

Guys plz make sure u vote for each chapter it means a lot let's try getting to 35k!!!!

As always stay safe stay hydrated and take care of urself everyone !!!
Love u all !!!!

Taehuyng is everything to me, I love him just like the rest but sometimes....just....sometimes he can't be such a fucking pain in my arse.....

Let me break it down to you kids....hopefully me telling you my amazing day will remind you all to wear a condom before dancing with the devil....


We came back from the park with a screaming Taehyung because he didn't want to come home every tho we were there for a good 5 fucking hours. After that he's been messing all day fighting with his brothers and breaking anything and everything in his sight.

It's Sunday the next day the boys have school and I'm currently feeding Jungkook and getting the boys ready for bed. I've already gave Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook a bath but I still have the twins to do....but here's the thing I don't have the bloody temper for Taehuyng right now.

After feeding Kookie he was falling asleep so I went upstairs and placed him in his bed and went into the two eldest boys room, both were ready for bed I gave my good nights and went into the twins room. Jimin was playing on the floor with his toys and Taehuyng was jumping on his and Jimins bed, I rolled my eyes and looked at them both " boys it's time for bath time and then it's bed time" I say grabbing their clothes ready for them to get dressed into...straight away I hear screaming from Tae insisting that he doesn't need a bath  and what's to play more I ignore him and walk to Jimin. "Jimin baby should we have a nice bubble bath?" I smiled at him stroking his cheek. Jimin loved bubble baths his eyes sparked and he jumped into my arms full of excitement, I picked him up and carried him into the bathroom which only lead to Tae's behaviour getting worse.

I got the bath ready and start removing Jimins clothes and place him into the nice warm bubble bath, from the corner of my eye I see Tae at the bathroom door watching however I ignore him and keep my attention on Jimin. Whist washing Jimin Tae starts to act up again this time screaming and shouting at me saying he doesn't want to sleep or have a bath, " Tae you can scream as much as you want your having a bath and you will be sleeping" I say with a stern voice again not bothering to look him in the eye.....this is where his behaviour went EXTREME

Jimin was now finished and I was helping the boy put his fresh clothes on until Tae starts to punch and kick me from behind, I turn around and he screams in my face and again try's to punch me. At this point I've had enough. I grab onto his hands to stop him from hitting me "MIN TAEHUYNG GET TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW IM NOT HAVING THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOUR IN MH HOUSE!" It didn't seems like he cared tho the screams were getting louder and I didn't know what to do at this point. Taehuyng was having a full tantrum in the bathroom and suddenly Jimin started crying, I rolled my eyes and grabbed onto Jimin leaving Tae to scream on the bathroom floor. I placed Jimin in his bed " baby why are you crying shush everything's fine Tae just acting up for some reason" trying to calm him down but it didn't work he only cried even more, I was ready to call Namjoon for some help but I hear a big


Shit....that's came from downstairs.....

I ran out of the twins room and flew down the stairs to the living room where I see Taehuyng looking at me with an angry expression......and my big expensive platform TV on the floor in a million parts......

I'm ready to throw in the towel at this pointed.....

At this point I've had enough I hear Kookie crying from upstairs and I completely lose my shit with this kid

" GET THE HELL UPSTAIRS RIGHT NOW! I DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT UNDERSTOOD TAEHUYNG!!" I scream from the top of my lungs, at this point Namjoon comes running down the stairs and examines the room before grabbing on his brothers hand and dragging the still screaming boy up the stairs.....

I've met my breaking point with this boy today....

I couldn't calm down I couldn't think straight....and I definitely couldn't clean this mess on my own....

The only thing I can think of is wanting to call Jin...I need hyung even if it's just his comforting words...I need it right now...

I pick up my phone and click on Jins number waiting for him to answer, I can't help but to feel embarrassed for calling him. I can't even control my own kids, what a father I am. The arsehole really does take his god damn time picking up the phone but when he did it was truly a sign of relief

"Hellooooo Yoongiiiahhhhh how are you my beautiful brother!!! How's the kids"




I'm spacing I going to faint or mind wonders off and I find myself lost in thoughts....

I snap out of it when I hear annoying screeching coming down the stairs and that's when I see Tae hitting Namjoon who was trying to control him. Tae grabbed onto a wooden chair and throw it onto Namjoon in a fit of rage and ran straight for me....
He hits my legs and starts to scream, that's when I drop the phone and crap onto him and yell at him

" that's it I regret it !!!  YOU ALL HEAR ME I REGET TAKING YOU FROM YOUR MOTHER !!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED WITH THAT SLUT !!!" The scream cause Hoseok and Jimin to run down whilst Namjoon looks shocked by my words and Tae.....he doesn't seem like he gives a shit...

" GOOD I WANT TO GO BACK TO MUMMY I HATE YOU APPA !!!! I HATE YOU !!!!" That was Taehuyng last words before bitting my hand and running up the stairs dragging teary eyed Jimin with him. Jungkook starts crying and Namjoon doesn't look at me as he grabs onto Hoesok and runs back up slamming the door behind him....

I fall onto the floor...
I can't do this
This shit is too much for me...
I really can't do this

I look down to see the phone is still on I pick it up and bring it to my ear...

"Hyung.." I say tears on the verge of falling

"Shuuuush baby bro I'm coming, hyungs coming!" Is the last thing he says and I find myself passing out

The rest is a blur.....

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