Chapter 6

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I woke up as Jin had to leave, the children were all ready for bed wearing their new PJs I bought them. The house was finally quite which I haven't had for a while I took the time to call my boss and let him know about my situation and asked for a couple of days which he happily allowed, after that I get a FaceTime call from no other than Jin. God this man just can't leave me alone. I accept the call and spoke to him whilst making myself a cup of tea and finally sat down onto my couch discussing to him about my children.

" Yoongi I think you should make an appointment with their doctor soon, I've sorted all the documents and papers out for you" I listened to jin whilst talking a sip of my tea
"Yh hyung I know I just don't know when I can do it"
"Make an appointment right now for them and stop wasting time your their father you have to be on the dot 24/7" it pissed me off that my hyung interupted me but I understood his point
"I'm concerned about them Yoongi-ah, jungkook is two years old he should be talking and babbling and he's not doing either as well as the rest don't eat the amount they need. I'm more concerned with Jimins weight he's seemed reallly malnourished"
I took notes of both of our concerns and called a doctor to book an appointment for the following day to ensure they are all healthy and hope they can advise me with what to do with the boys weight issue.

/////////////////////- the next day

"NO TAEHYUNG DONT PROVOKE YOUR BROTHER" I yelled at the boy as he kept poking the twin who was losing patience with his brother that's until Jimin grabbed a hand full of Taehyung hair and was pulling it leaving the boy screaming and crying.

I guess your wondering what's happening in the Min house hold I'll tell you about it....

About an hour ago I told the boys I made a doctors appointment and let's just say Hobi wasn't happy about it so was having a tantrum on the kitchen floor begging me to not take him, the twins have been fighting all morning since the moment they woke up which was pissing me off and Namjoon....well Namjoon was no where to be found and as for Kookie the child was in the living room making a mess on my wall with milk.....what's this kids problem with spilling milk!

I was on my last nerve with these brats all I could here was screaming, crying laughing from Jimin the evil twin and jungkook practically breaking my walls WHERE THE FUCK IS NAMJOON !

I took a deep breath and grabbed the five year old who was kicking and screaming on the floor and moved him into the living room, he started to pant and dry heaving " HOSEOK STOP CRYING YOUR GOING TO MAKE YOUR SELF SICK" I yelled at the boy out of frustration which only made him cry more I made the mistake of just leaving him there and grabbed onto the twins and took them out of the kitchen and moved them into the living room, I just wanted them all in one room. "JIMIN PACK IT IN AND STOP FUCKING ABOUT" the boy looked scared of the tone of my voice and started crying whilst Taehyung was still crying over Jimin pulling his hair, I went and grabbed jungkook off the floor not knowing he had his milk bottle ( which was opened) and spilled it on the two of us leaving us both soaking in milk..."MIN NAMJOOOOOOOOON!!!!!"

I watched as the boy came into the living room with a guilty face....what did he do now
" what have you done" I said raising my brow up and instantly the boy looked nervous, I was going to further question the boy about it until....oh shit....Hoseok made him self sick and it went all over my BEAUTIFUL CARPET.......WHAT THE FUCK! The boys appointment was in 15 minutes!!!!! What am I going to do! I ran to Hoseok and placed the boy into the bath where I also throw jungkook and quickly gave them a rinse, after I told Namjoon to help them get dressed whilst I cleaned up the vomit and finally got my self dressed after that I grabbed onto the twins who once again who were fighting. One in one hand and the other in my other hand and plut them both into my NEW family car, I ran back into the house and grabbed onto Kookie and Hoseok and Namjoon followed behind. I finally buckled and children in and finally made my way to the doctors....almost half an out late (😤)

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