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Sitting in the meditation gardens Valda had her eyes peacefully shut while not feeling much at all

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Sitting in the meditation gardens Valda had her eyes peacefully shut while not feeling much at all.

The battle of Christophis wore her out quite abit.

Her main focus was to get rid of her anger towards Obiwan agter thr meeting with Ventress.

"You know, to stop the negative feeling stop thinking about it" Obiwan said as he saw Valda sat under a tree looking as if she were asleep.

"Kind of hard to do when thays all that's on your mind" she replied opening her eyes and looking at him.

"Val I'm sorry" he said sitting opposite her.

"I understand" she replied again before rubbing her head slightly "alot's going on right now, losing the girls and all."

"I know, but like you said, the less assassins there are, the less in danger everyone else is" he smiled making her nod before her com went off.

"This is Valda Nova" she spoke.

"Valda, can you make it to Naboo, somethings happened, I'm with JarJar, you know where to meet me" Padme said before ending the com.

"Oh great" she huffed before standing up.

"Please be careful" Obiwan said standing up aswell.

"Its me Obi, name one time I've been careful" she chuckled.

Arriving at the loading dock, Valda saw Padme step out of a Naboo star ship and spot Valda.

Getting in the ship the Assassin saw C3P0 and JarJar.

"What happened?" Valda asked as the ship took off.

"Droids have been spotted in Naboo" she explained.

"Oh joy" the assassin sighed.

"What's happened?" Padme asked before seeing her shake her head "Obiwan? What's he done?"

"We were on Christophis and Ventress was there, he just flirted with her the whole time"Valda huffed.

"Oh, wow, that does explain your attitude, you have every right to be pissed" Padme agreed.

"But it was like a week ago, so I think I'm just being petty at this point" she sighed.

"Maybe, but it happened, has he apologised?" She asked.

"More or less yeah, about five minutes ago" Valda nodded before they saw Naboo come into view "I dont think I've ever been to Naboo."

"Really, I thought you were with us when Quigon-"

"-No, I was under mind control at that time" Valda said quickly.

"I know you didnt do it Valda, but this is where it happened" she said making her nod.

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