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Arriving back at the temple Valda saw the clones that patrolled the area and saw them all stand to one side before seeing Kara bolt down the hallway "quickly" she panted making Valda furrow her eyebrows but run as quick as she could through the te...

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Arriving back at the temple Valda saw the clones that patrolled the area and saw them all stand to one side before seeing Kara bolt down the hallway "quickly" she panted making Valda furrow her eyebrows but run as quick as she could through the temple.

Jumping down another set of stairs she watched as the senital guards had him surrounded but where struggling to keep him down.

"Wyatt, stand down" she yelled in a deep orthoriative tone.

"Never"he chuckled as he turned to face her in a creepy manner.

Locking eyes with him she saw his natural blues had turned into that amber yellow and that sickly red colour.

"So what were you harping on about then?" She asked giving the guards a signal to back off while she stepped forwards and drew her unactivated weapon.

"Oh you know. Just playing catch up with the girls. Telling them about how we found you in a pile of spice dressed in Jedi robes"he said in a deep maniacal tone while twitching his head slightly "telling them about how you would run around with your head down and jump at everything. I remeber when you sliced a speeder in half because you were hallucinating."

"I remeber when you stabbed me" she shrugged "oh how did it feel when your braid got torn from your head by the way? I am so sorry I missed that, I would have loved to have seen it."

"How did it feel to fly out if that cargo wagon? Watching your life flash before your eyes?" Wyatt chuffed as the two began circling each other like predators.

"Eh you know. Bit of a kick, hurt more when I realised I hadn't died you know" she shrugged "so what about Sir then?"

"He is going to tear you apart and put you back together like always. Then he is going to Pyro squad-" he began before Valda mimicked a yawn.

"Sorry your boring me to death" she said waving her hand in apology while covering her mouth with her other hand "yes I know about Pyro squad and the whole strange impregantion thing, not to happy about that."

"Oh I'm sure your not. And I'm sure your dear boyfriend wont be very happy either when he finds out your carry another mans child"he laughed making Noire squad look at her "oh they didnt know?"

"I mean, I had a round about idea" one of the Zabraks shrugged.

Wyatt stood there laughing hysterically before activating his weapon and lunging at her.

Moving out the way in a slick motion Valda huffed and activated her own weapon.

"Sir is a man trying to play the role of God and its gonna kick his arse when he realises" Valda spoke sternly as she stood with her weapon in her new holding position.

She had one blade pointed towards the floor whole the other was sat lining the middle of her face.

"And your his puppets, doing what ever he tells you too. All because you haven't been used to full capacity yet. Even he doesn't know what your capable off" he said before twitching his head again violently.

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