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Obiwan rushed to the hanger with Quigon as they sensed Lennoxs presence

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Obiwan rushed to the hanger with Quigon as they sensed Lennoxs presence.

Inside they saw the ship with the back ramp down and Lennox stumble out the back.

Just Lennox.

As Lennox got to the bottom of the ramp his knees gave way and the usually calm and collected man curled up on the floor and let out a single sob while clutching her lightsaber.

"Lennox. Weres Valda?" Obiwan asked in a shaky voice still not seeing her come from the ship and seeing Lennox crumble.

The man stood up and had Quigon support him before seeing his bloodshot eyes.

Holding out the lightsaber he looked at Obiwan "im sorry"he rasped in a quaking voice before seeing a single tear fall from the boys eye.

Quickly wiping it away Obiwan felt as if his chest was being torn in half incredibly slow and his throat was being held in a tightening vice.

"Master Lennox its good to see you have returned, may i ask were your apprentice is?" Master Windu asked before seeing the lightsaber "I'll inform the council" he spoke before making a swift exit.

Windu was never keen on Valda, but loosing a child in a mission was something no one should have to go through, let alone loosing a child at all.

The pain for that has no name because no one can describe it.

The three men sat in Lennox's living quaters in silence "what happened?" Obiwan asked with an emotionless tone.

"A gunner, be balsted away the wall, leaving a large hole, then he sent another shot and the force of it sent her out, she held onto this support beam, i tried. Belive me i tried, but it wasnt strong enough.... she fell"he explained still hearing her scream.

Even though she wasnt a Jedi the temple still held a funeral for her.

A fire was set and people attended.

They may not have known her but they still payed their respects, many had seen her in the halls, she had helped them look for stuff in the archives, given younglings directions and made people smile.

And made Obiwan understand why attachments are forbidden.

As mindnight rolled around both him and Lennox still sat at the fire watching as the final embers died down "now i get why the code is in place" he rasped before sniffing and wiping away another tear that he had hidden under her hood.

Even wearing it was painful, her scent never left it and it was the only thing of her he had left along with memories and regrets.

"You didnt tell her did you"Lennox asked before seeing him shake his head.

"Not fully" he said wiping another tear "did you finish the mission?" He asked looking at Lennox who had red eyes and wet eyelashes.

"Yes, i went down and tried to find her body. There was nothing, she was gone"he explained "sleep in her room if you like, as its now the end of your seperation" he said before rubbing his eyes.

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