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"We're losing ground" Anakin yelled over the gun fire

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"We're losing ground" Anakin yelled over the gun fire.

"We're also losing troops" Ahsoka yelled back as she ducked out the way of flying debris.

"We might loose this sector" Obiwan agreed as he watched another one of his troops go over the top of the trench and immediately fall back down it with blaster holes filling his armour.

"Aren't the 131st supposed to be here?" Anakin asked Obiwan.

"Who?" The redhead asked.

"Lorcans battalion, I thought they were pushing from behind enemy lines" Anakin said in confusion "and the 132nd, Phoenixs battalion."

"They're sending the whole squad of Novas?" Obiwan exclaimed.

"Valdas not coming, I don't think so anyway" Anakin said "you heard what Master Yoda said this morning."

"When has that family ever done as their told?" Obiwan asked as another bomb went off sending dirt everywhere, it even sent half of a clone trooper over the trench.

"She did what?" Quigon asked Lennox as they sat with Obiwan in the common room.

"Blew up half the building" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"She was told to get the target and get out" Quigon exclaimed.

"Its Valda were taking about, when does she ever listen. She sees something with a caution sign and thinks it's a game" Lennox exclaimed quietly "she got ahold of all his holo information anyway. It's more than what he could have told."

"Just gives someone else the chance to take the cell he probably would have been bailed out of with a week" Obiwan shrugged.

"You're siding with Valda?" Quigon asked.

"I'm not siding with anyone. I'm just looking at it in a logical way" he shrugged.

"You're siding with her" Lennox huffed "look. She is still very unstable. It's been maybe a month since we got her off Hoth. Alot of things dont... make sense to her, she hardly speaks aswell."

"Because she has had that drilled into her since she was two. Speak when spoken to other wise get a beating" Obiwna exclaimed quietly.

In her room Valda sat with her back to the door while having her knees brought up to her chest listening to everything being said.

"You weren't there. She had this look in her eyes when she blew the place up" Lennox said shaking his head "she had this look in her eyes. Like she.... she enjoyed blowing that place up."

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