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"You do know this plan wont last forever, they will find out what you've done" Pheonox snapped as him and Lorcan were thrown into metal cells.

"That's a perfect voice recording Master Nova" Fareeha chuckled.

"The hell are you planning to do now? Hmm kill Valda?" Lorcan asked.

"Either her or her pathetic boy toy who is infact making our job easier" Lena chuckled.

"If any of you lay a god damn fuckin finger on my daughter I swear to the force I will run you dry of your serum" Lorcan spat again.

"And another beautiful audio recording. Your help is highly appreciated." Jo snickered before following the two.

The three walked into a medical bay where battered and beaten droids scurried around before making sure two if them were prepared for the transformation.

"This will last a month or so. Get it done quickly" Sir demanded as he watched Fareeha and Lena lay down on cold metal beds before being strapped down with large leather belts "you know your mission."

"Yes Sir. After we have Valda, what will we do with the two Novas?"

"Leave that to me" he chuckled before leaving the room.

Arrving back at the temple Valda hopped out of the ship and saw Lorcan and Phoenix stood with her troops.

"Is everything okay? I got a red light?" She asked in worry before seeing just Jo step out.

"Sir was there. He got Lena and Fareeha. I just about made it" she explained in a shaky voice.

"They're dead?" Valda asked earning a nod "did he kill them? Pyro squad? What happened?" She asked in panic.

"We found Raviel. He lied to us, told us he would keep us safe. He didnr he lied. Sir was there. He choked them to death, I only just made it out. I couldn't come back here so I found your family and they provided sanctuary" Jo cried making Valda run a hand down her face.

"Bloody hell fire, why doesn't he just come after me" she groaned.

"Because he wants to whittle you down" Phoenix said making Valda hum.

"Well its working. Do you have any idea on where he might be?" She asked.

"No, I just ran" she cried.

"Valda come on. We need to go now"Obiwan said walking towards her with Cody.

"What? We just got back" she said in confusion.

"I know but were needed in Christophsis."

"Understood. Yo boys we've gotta go get one ship ready" Valda yelled making Quartz look over before rounding up a group "stay safe."

"I'll try"Jo sniffled before seeing Valda run off to her ship.

"What's going on?" Anakin asked.

"I dont know but it's just me and Jo left now" Valda sighed "this is going to sound bad. But it's a good thing it's just the two of us now. The less of us noires there are the better."

Once in Christophis Valda and her battalion followed Obiwan into one of the buildings.

"I'm guessing I'm only here because the council doesn't trust me" she asked looking down at the streets.

"That's probably it. Why? Do you not want to he here?" He asked.

"Well. I dont want to he in the temple but being with you and Anakin puts you at risk of me and the people after me" she said.

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