The Tales Of A Sea Urchin And An Apology-Part two

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Chapter 22.8-

      Moments later, Masami heard her doorbell ring throughout her house. She stumbled onto her feet, running downstairs and towards her front door. She didn't care to text him first if it was him—she didn't want to waste any time.

       When she opened it, she was met with a panting and disheveled Iwaizumi, with a white plastic bag dangling from his folded fist. Behind him was presumably his bike, which Masami assumed he used when he was on his way here.

       After staring at him for a few seconds, Masami shook her head, immediately ushering him in.

       "Hey." He mumbled, glancing around her house thoughtfully. Masami closed the door behind him.

        "Hi." She replied quietly, draping a strand of her untied hair over her ear.

"Where is he?"

Masami gulped, looking down at her feet. "Upstairs. He isn't looking too good, God—I'm—I'm scared, I'm so, so scared—Sea-Urchin—


Masami flickered her face up in surprise, her eyes watering. By the sound of his tone, she expected him to look annoyed, or irritated.

But it was no such thing.

He gave a soft expression, no hint of any sort of aggressiveness written on his face at all. Although, his expression did hint something else— it was expectation.

Masami hesitated, before sniffling and rubbing away her un-fallen tears, putting on a brave face.

"There she is, I was worried she went missing somewhere." He joked with a stern face. Masami narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh shut up."

Masami quickly led Iwaizumi up the stairs, the two walking down the hall. She didn't have to open the door to her room—as she never closed it in the first place. Iwaizumi caught sight of her brother, who was sleeping on her bed. Yup, he didn't look too good.

"Turn on the lights. It's freaking dark in here." Iwaizumi pointed out. Masami did so, quickly switching her lights on. Thank god her room was clean.

The sun-kissed boy bent down on one knee by Hiro, placing a hand on his forehead. He cursed immediately.

"Shit." He whispered, staring at the pained boy.

Masami hugged her sweater tightly, swallowing. "Yeah. Shit. What should we do?" She says down on the side of her bed, placing a hand on her brother's with care, mixed with worry.

Hiro's skin was cold, but at the same time it was hot.

"Where's your parents?" The volleyball player inquired, taking a quick glance at Masami, who's breath shuddered.

"They—they're not here," Masami stuttered, fisting her bangs. She bit her quivered lip.

        "Do you have any other siblings?"

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