In Which Secrets Become Uncovered And Names Become Revealed

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A.N: HEY HEY HEYYYY! School is exhausting. Especially since I'm doing online, for some reason online learning seems harder than in-person instruction 🤨.


Disclaimer: I don't own Haikyuu. Haikyuu is owned and created by the one and only Haruichi Furudate-Sensei.

•featuring extreme procrastination~

Chapter 13-

      "Do you mind telling me where you've been, Nozomi?"

'Why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why oh why did this have to happen to me?!' Nozomi internally groaned. She had two options: Plan A: Come up with a plausible excuse. Now that Nozomi thought about it, she could have been anywhere. She could just say that she felt like taking a walk. Or that she went to the bookstore. For around five hours.

Plan B: Run. Once you think about it, it isn't a bad idea. The door was right next to her, she could just bolt out at any minute.

"Why so quiet? I'm only asking a simple question. I mean, it really isn't hard to answer." Hanako said, purposely coating her words with intimidation. And yes, Nozomi could see it bright and clear as day.

The grey-haired girl sweat-dropped, biting her lip. Here goes nothing.

"I-I was out for a walk!" Nozomi stuttered, knowing her tone was not at all convincing. She honestly wished she reverted back to her quiet, blunt, reasonable past self. This would have gone by a lot easier.

"Mmm. Yes, I suppose it's totally natural for you to go out on a walk in those clothes. Well, at least you wore the blouse I got you."

'I knew she was the one who snuck it in!' Nozomi tried to drive herself away from the situation, but unfortunately it could not be helped. This was reality.

"Look, I'm really tired. Can we pick this up tomorrow?" Nozomi was about to steer herself across the hallway, but was immediately stopped when Hanako gripped her upper arm, restricting her from leaving.

"Oh no, you are not running away from this." She sternly said, dragging her back.

"Nee-san, please—

"No more words from you, sister!" Hanako ordered, a pair of fake glasses magically appeared on her face, and Hanako was pressing the middle frame of them like a detective would.


"NOW SIT DOWN AND GET COMFORTABLE! BECAUSE RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME I FINALLY GET SOME ANSWERS OUT OF YOU, NOZOMI! AND YOU AREN'T LEAVING UNTIL I'M DONE!" She boomed, dramatically pointing a finger at Nozomi. Nozomi sweat-dropped at her older sister.

For the next thirty minutes, Hanako interrogated Nozomi like a detective. Yes, she was now in the detective act. Nozomi either stayed silent or made excuses, which of course Hanako did not believe the slightest.

"According to my calculations, you have gone on a nightly walk every Friday. Now tell me, are these really nightly walks you have?" Hanako questioned, pushing her glasses up with her finger. Nozomi stay put, not wanting to let a single word out. She glanced at Hanako, who gave her an intimidating stare. The younger sister sighed, an answer forming on her tongue.

"Yes, Nee-san. I already told you, I just like to go for walks at night." Nozomi nervously watched as her sister narrowed her eyes. Yeah, she didn't believe her at all.

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