It's Romance

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Chapter 45-

       "You seem to be in deep thought."

Nozomi had thought about all the other things she could have said—like maybe something subtler, because of how things have been lately. She had been replaying different scenarios in her head, and was trying to avoid the ones where Oikawa would just walk away.

This wasn't a run in any of her scenarios. Saying that, it wasn't even something that brushed through her mind.

But when she saw him standing there, it—reminded her of when they first met. A small part of her wondered for a moment whether that's what he saw when he first saw her.

Nozomi found it guiltily humorous when he whirled around, staring at her in surprise. There was a flicker of a small smile that was momentarily on her face, before it disappeared. Is that what she looked like when he said that to her?

She rose a hesitant hand, her other hand behind her back. " . . . Hi."

Instead of a reply, Oikawa handed over something . . . her notebook. Huh?

"You left it at school." He put simply, then nudged it towards her. She blinked at it.

Okay, she thought. Wait, what?

"O-Oh," she cleared her throat, taking it from him quickly. Did he read it? No, he's not that cheeky. Wait, scratch that, he is. Please tell me he didn't read it, It—

Her cheeks puffed red. No. She immediately shook her head, this wasn't what I was here for. Well, this isn't what I expected either, to be exact.

"Thanks." She murmured. This wasn't part of the plan, but to be honest—what plan?

Nozomi could feel Oikawa's eyes on her. "Why did you call me here?"

Nozomi found herself not answering right away. Her heart was beating out of her chest, and her fingers dented through the cover of her notebook.

She heard Oikawa click his tongue, seemingly annoyed. Nozomi understood, after all—she hurt him for her own selfishness. She shut him out.

"You were right." Her voice came out small, so small and hushed, shaky too. Oikawa widened his eyes slightly.

She couldn't seem to look at him in the eye. "You were right. I—I—I love you."

A long breath escaped her lips. That was a start. Her shoulders felt a little lighter, but still heavy like drenched clothes covered her body. There was only silence from Oikawa.

"I was scared." She added, holding her notebook tightly in her chest with one hand well her other hand clenched on the small stack of papers behind her back. "Because I had never loved someone that way before. Which is why I . . ."

"We—we're polar opposites! Don't you see? You can feel that way now, but how about the future? You don't know what will happen in the future!"

       Her eyes closed shut, wanting to dim the memory out. Enough, she took a deep breath, clearing her mind.

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