In Which Nozomi Meets A Secretary

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A.N: you guys know the anime kimi ni todoke? well if you dont, then watch it. it's adorable. and the VA (Daisuke Namikawa) for kazehaya is the same as oikawa. and they sound the same. so i thought i might as well stick this song in well you guys read. ٩(^ᴗ^)۶


Disclaimer: I don't own Haikyuu.
Chapter 9-

Nozomi cleared her throat, wrapping her bento with a simple green sheet. She had packed a left-over food from last night's feast Hanako cooked—rice sprinkled with furikake, octopus-shaped sausages, and tonkatsu. She also packed a few tiny tomatoes and lettuce.

"Have a good day at school." Hanako called out, waving to her as she left. "If you have any issues, don't hesitate to call me. I'll grace you with my presence." The older sibling added, smiling flamboyantly at Nozomi. Nozomi awkwardly hummed in approval and walked out, her school bag over her shoulder and her wrapped green bento hung from her other hand.

        Fixing her school bag strap, Nozomi hummed to the song playing through her headphones. She couldn't help but get rid of the stomach jitters she currently had, because tonight—she was going to meet up with Oikawa again.

       It seems that every Friday night they meet up, Nozomi was always expecting the unexpected. Oikawa always brought her new things—new life.


Turning around the corner, Nozomi held a stack of paper as she walked through the hallway. Her teacher had asked the class for a volunteer to bring a few notes to the Student Council, and obviously no one wanted to. Well all the students were distracted with their work, Nozomi had walked up to the teacher and volunteered herself, which it seemed that Ms. Sasaki really appreciated.

The stack of paper almost reached her chin, and Nozomi had a little trouble adjusting to the weight—since she was a twig after all.

Nozomi halted, her form stopping behind a set of closed doors.

"What do you think our prompt should be next week?"

"I want finesse, this story is pure trash!"

"There isn't any emotion, I want emotion!"



"S-Sorry, Senpai!"

"God, calm down already!"

"Come on, first year. You joined the Writing Club, so at least write something decent!"

Nozomi had wanted to join the writing club on her first year. She saw a group of people advertising the Writing Club on her first day of high school. However, she didn't have the confidence to join, much less even walk up to the third-years who were advertising. Her mother had called her asking what club she had wanted to join, but Nozomi couldn't come to answer.

"Nothing again, Nozomi? Good grief, I don't think you'll have any sort of future at this rate. I can't possibly think I could ever have any confidence in you if you don't even have a hobby. I pity Hanako for having a sister like you." Her mother's cold words had etched itself into Nozomi's mind. Her whole life, Nozomi couldn't share her thoughts or feelings to anyone.

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