Its Fragmented Memories | Part II

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Chapter 42-

[Chapter 23- The Moment Where Life Goes On]

She was angry at him.

That has to be it, right? Why she had been avoiding him? Because of his foolish, childish tantrum. Nozomi had denied it, saying that she wasn't—but she was still avoiding him.

Did he give her such a scare?

He wanted to hug her, and say that he was sorry, sorry for saying all that nonsense. She was such a cuddly-looking girl. Like his cute little giant stuffed animal pillow.

       He thought he figured her out by now.

       Didn't he?


      She had left without saying much of anything.

      And it bothered him a lot more than he thought it would. She would be gone for three days, to celebrate her sister's birthday. When they were still on nice terms, she didn't really look happy when telling him that.

      Has she ever had a birthday party before?

      That made him think for a moment.

      Nozomi's been making him think a lot more, really, a lot more than he did before. And he thinks a lot. He is a setter, after all—a very good one.

He was a good setter, right?

Yes, yes he was.


The auburn-haired girl—Nakagawa Masami? Was that her name? She turned around when he greeted her, carrying a notebook with a curious expression on her face.


"Nozomi." He started, tilting his head. "How is she?"

The girl blinked, her eyes looking as if she was studying him thoroughly. "Well, why do you ask?"

He was taken aback. That wasn't the answer he was expecting. He was surprised that this girl wasn't fawning over him. Oikawa shook his thoughts away, "Am I not allowed to ask?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

She shook her head. "It's not that." She said, tucking her notebook under her arm as people in the gymnasium hallway walked past them. "Why don't you ask her yourself?"

Oikawa didn't give an answer.

"She's doing fine." The auburn finally answered, raising a brow. "I assume, she's doing fine."

"You assume?"

She shrugged. "I mean, yeah. Isn't she at some fancy beach house for her sister's birthday? Man, that's a bit much in my opinion." The auburn looked up at him. "I take back my words. She's probably suffering right now."

Oikawa stared. He was about to pull his phone out of his bag, but Masami out a hand up to stop him.

"But at the same time, she may not be. I don't know what happened, but you don't have to keep her under your watch all the time. She has common sense and logic, I'll give her that."

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