Side Story III| Kakeru

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Chapter 47.8-

Oikawa Kakeru.

The spitting image of his father. The eyes of his mother.

Whenever people would say that, all Kakeru could think of was Harry Potter. Everyone said that to Harry, like Remus Lupin. Jet black hair like his father, and emerald green eyes like his mother.

He didn't mind it much—people comparing his looks to his parents. After all, where else do you get your genes from? It's 50/50 from both parents, it's only natural to look like either one of them. Or a merge of them.

So in this case, Kakeru could agree that he looked a lot like his dad. Their hair was almost exactly identical, with only a few changes. Their hair partition, and the length. Kakeru's hair was a bit messier than his father's, but his dad always said that the messy comes from his mom.

Kakeru thought his mom was beautiful. Her hair looked like Sophie at the end of Howl's Moving Castle—as Howl quoted, his mother's hair looked like starlight.

And apparently Kakeru's dad was considered attractive. He wasn't really sure what to say about that.

His aunts from both his mom and his dad's side said that he, Kakeru, would grow up to be very handsome. He didn't understand at the time how they knew. He thought, Can you see the future? I don't really know what I would look like in the future. Can I see the future too?

His older cousin, Takeru noted on how scary he looked. Kakeru didn't get it when he said that, only being futher confused when he then said, "Oh my god. You're an exact carbon copy."

Kakeru knew that already, but was it that scary?

But amazingly enough, he didn't get annoyed.

He rarely shows it if he's annoyed, angry, irritated, or all of the three at the same time. He just doesn't find it . . . worth it.

Not at all.

"Ka-Kakeru-kun." Kakeru looked up from his multi-colored crayon drawing of an alien, eyes landing on a girl with blonde pigtails. Her cheeks were red. Sato Yuzuriha, he thought. She was a student in his homeroom class.

She smiled nervously. "C-Can I borrow your blue crayon?"

Kakeru nodded, smiling cheerfully. "Sure!" He handed over his blue crayon, which had been lightly used on the tip. He frowned when the girl got startled, her cheeks becoming more red.

Does she have a fever?

"Th-Thank you!" She stuttered, flustered as she quickly took it from his hand. Kakeru noticed that there were other girls behind her, their cheeks also red as well. Do they all have fevers?

He decided to check.

He stood up, putting his small palm over Sato Yuzuriha's forehead. The girl flinched, her face becoming red like a tomato.

"Are you alright? I think you have a fever," Kakeru pointed out, worried. The girl was really heating up, and fevers are dangerous! "I think you should ask Hirasawa-sensei to go to the nurses office—"

It was as if smoke puffed out of Sato Yuzuriha's ears, and a second later she was suddenly a few feet away from him. "I-It's alright! I'm fine!" She seemed to say, before her eyes were swirling in starts and circles as she fell backwards.

Kakeru was alarmed, maybe she really did have a fever!

He took a step forward towards the girl who was being held up by her friends. His eyebrows furrowed, "A-Are you okay?"

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