The Moment Of Weakness

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Chapter 37-

      The air seemed to be a bit more thinner.

Though they weren't high in elevation—they weren't on Mount Everest, or somehow on Mount Fuji. They weren't on the Tokyo Tower.

And yet, Nozomi took note of—the air was thin. Thin as a sheet of ice on a car window.

Seijoh was going to play against Karasuno, an interesting and strange team, as Masami put it. It fueled Nozomi's interest in the game.

      "Oi," Masami tapped Nozomi's shoulder. She pointed to the court.

      "What's your lovely Oikawa-san doing down there?" Nozomi cocked her head.


      Oh, what was he doing? Nozomi didn't wanna know. She watched as he played a game of tug-of-war with a player from Karasuno. What was he, a child? Probably. Yes. A child, he was.

      Nozomi took notice of something else at that moment. The Karasuno player Oikawa was probably messing with—he looked oddly familiar.

       From where? Where did she see him?

      Her thoughts were scurried away when the Karasuno player was fell backwards, rolling onto his back with his legs behind him. Oikawa seemed to be laughing chaotically with his arms held out.

      Yes. He was definitely a child.

      I'm in love with this child, she reminded herself. She could still tell herself that so easily—probably because it still hasn't really sunk in yet. Was she still in pure disbelief?

      Was it that hard to believe?

      "I don't know." Nozomi answered, blinking at the brown-haired setter who seemed to be in some sort of evil hysterics. "I really don't know."

      "Understandable." The auburn agreed.

      Nozomi sighed, watching as Oikawa got reprimanded by his coach and Hanamaki. She didn't know whether to feel disappointed about it, or feel bad for the Karasuno player.

      Her eyes moved to a different spot on the court. Oh.

      There was another strikingly familiar player on the court. Again, where did she see these people? Nozomi feels as if her memory had become bad. Maybe it did.

      The player was on Seijoh's team—with his shaved blonde head with black strips. He looked angry. Or was that his natural face? Nozomi wouldn't be surprised.

After the two teams warmed up, they stood in a line on their respected sides of the net. After bows, and whistles blown, the game had begun.

      It started off in Karasuno's favor. Honestly, it was frustrating—but not at the same time. Karasuno was an . . . interesting team.

      "They're a lot more cooler than they were in the last interhigh." Masami uttered, looking somewhat interested, as if she was waiting for some grand entrance. "But I wanna see their quick-attack!"

      Quick-attack . . . Oh, Nozomi remembered. Oh, Nozomi was interested.

      She wanted to see what it was all about.

      So she watched, and didn't take her eyes off the court. It was hard, since every so often her eyes would stray to Oikawa, who didn't seem as panicked as she thought he would be. But she was pretty far from him, so she couldn't really define his facial expression as easily.

tell me something i don't know | oikawa tooru ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora