The Moment Of Shattered Denial

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Chapter 39-

Nozomi froze. Her whole body went stiff.

What was happening? What was going on? What is this feeling? What did he just do? What was she doing? Why were his lips—

She abruptly shoved him back, gasping for air. He hands fell over her mouth, shaking with shock. Her legs felt unsteady, not sure where to stand. And these emotions—all these emotions dwelling up inside of her, it—

It was overwhelming.

Her lips burned. They burned even more than that that time when she kissed him on the forehead.

She heard him stumble back, shoes shuffling before gaining balance again. It only lasted a split second, and she—

"W-What . . ." She breathed, her eyes dilating as she was lost in thought. There wasn't a warning, it just happened—just like that. She didn't have enough time to comprehend it all.

Nozomi slowly looked back up at him. He had fingers ghosting over his own lips, his eyes also lost in thought. He didn't look shocked like she did, however—he looked, somber.

Couldn't he at least say something? Explain? She wanted to yell, but at the same time she didn't. She wanted to speak, but words didn't come out at naturally as she would have hoped. So, Nozomi just said simple words, words she could say at the moment;

"Wh-Why . . . What . . ." Dammit, it was still hard to speak. She huffed.

"Why—Why did you . . ." She could still feel the lingering feeling of his lips. It was as if she memorized every detail—they were soft, warm, delicate, kind of chapped, but it felt—


Her breaths were now panicked. They were quick, like she was low on oxygen.

"Tooru!" She snapped, losing control over her stirring emotions. They were in a locked bottle, on the brink of overflowing, or bursting.

      What did this mean? What could this possibly mean? Did it mean that he also—

      "Is it so hard to understand?"

      She looked up, startled by the sudden words. Oikawa was looking off to the side, eyebrows furrowed in disdain.

      Is it so hard to understand?

      No, it wasn't. Yes, it was. She couldn't—they couldn't—it would never even work . .

      "Yes, it is that hard!" She exclaimed balling her fists as she yelled at him. "You know, today was actually a good, fun day! Can we just leave it at that? Can we just forget about . . .  about this—

      "What?" Nozomi almost flinched at the tone of his voice. It sounded offended, which, Nozomi half understands and half doesn't. He also sounded somewhat sad, and almost angry.

      "I can't even," he ran a hand through his brown hair, sighing roughly. "Nozomi, god—you're so dense!"

      You know what, he wasn't wrong. But Nozomi was feeling angry herself, and that clouded her mind from logic.

      "Okay, so maybe I'm dense! But why would you—how could you even . . . how could you?"

      He stared at her unbelievingly.

      "I'm in love with y—

      "Stop!" She instinctively interrupted, palms held out. He looked even more exasperated.

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