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Maya's POV

Deep breath, deep breath. In and out. In and out. You can do it, Maya. This is what, you have been preparing yourself for last 4 years. Don't give up now. Relax. I said to my self. I have landed here in new maxico, five minutes back and as soon as I put my phone in service mode, I got a message from some unknown number.

We are at the entrance to pick you up. Volvo black, 1.
Call once you get this message.

- Xander

I didn't want to see them and want to see them at the same time. Dwelling on whether or not to call them, I decided to reply to his message.

Reached. At the entrance. Grey skirt, pink top, black jacket.

 Grey skirt, pink top, black jacket

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Let's see their reaction. There is reason, I didn't let anyone, even my mom see me for last 4 years. Because, I wanted to see the million dollars face reaction, specially, my brothers.

I saw a black Volvo, pulling infront me and the three idiots coming out of it. I felt like laughing, catching my stomach, when I saw their reaction to my transformation. Trust me, it took everything in me to keep my blank face at bay. There face look hilarious. They were not the only one who were openly gawking at me? I was, may be over dressed or something, because most of them were tuning back multiple times to check me out, or it could be my so called famous step brother's, whose mouth were hitting the floor and they are just not aware of the fact that, those eyes were filled with desires, that no brother should have for his sister...well, step sister. Whatever.

I ignored there lust filled gaze and stepped closer. “I'm taking the short gun.” I said, leaving them dumfounded with my luggage behind, for them to load it. After, they came out of their shock state, all of them got into the car. Xander was driving. It was an acward silence for a while, untill, some one tried to clear their throat. “I heard, you were pursuing human psychology. Are you trying a carrier with it?” it was Xander. I turned his way and gave him a curt nod. “Yeah” I'm not blind. I know they are trying to make a conversation with me, but I don't want a repeat of last time, so I asked back. “How's Emily?” This time, it was Roman who choosed to answer.

“She's back now and very excited to meet you, actually.” he said, laughing lightly. I looked back and gave him a small smile, knowing very well how it affects the boys in my town. I saw him gulp, then I turned my head away to stop myself from laughing. Payback time, bitches. Let's see how they escape my charms this time. But I have to be careful and not fall for their charms instead. God, 4 years can do wonders to people. They had become 10 times hotter than what they use to be. Focus Maya, Focus.

4 years back...

Xander Osborne  POV

Xander! Rome! They are here.” Grey said, excited. Me and Roman left the chess game and Walked towards the door. “Who is that?” asked Rome. There was a girl following Emilia, might be her daughter. “She's cute” we all mumbled together, then looked at each other and blushed. She was a little on the fat side, but not ugly. Far from it. Actually she was beautiful. She has long, natural wavy black hair, pale skin with a tiny blush and eyes... “God, look at those eyes? They are so big and brown, like a doe.” I cleared my throat, thinking it would clear my mind. Am I lusting on my soon - to - be sister.

Maya...The Illusion (MAJOR EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora