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Ben's P.O.V:

"She wound be safe here Ben, trust me." The person on the other end said. I don't know if Maya would be safe without me for that long but, I trust her. I know that she will protect her with her life. "Fine. I'm sending her. Make sure no one and I mean no one, knows about this." I told her in a warning tone. "Ben, I'm not a kid ok? I know how fucked up this situation is. If you don't trust me, why did you call me?" She was right. I called her because, she is the only person I'll always turn up to, when it's a life and death situation.

I sighed audibly. "I'm sorry" I apologized. And I really mean it. "I'm just...I can't lose her too." I told her in a shaky voice. "She's the only reason, I'm still alive. If something happens to her, I'll never forgive myself." I said with tears almost escaping my eyes. "Ben?.." I can hear her taking a sharp breath.

"When will you stop blaming yourself for everything? she asked. She's the only one that knows everything about by past. She's the one, who was always there as a moral support for me, someone I can lean on when tired. A tear escape my eyes when I closed them while recalling my mistakes.

"I don't know...May be never. I'll take this pain and guilt to my grave." I told her truthfully. "I'll never be able to forgive myself for throwing my only child in an orphanage for 10 fucking years, unprotected, unloved and clueless of who she was. Hell she doesn't even know her father, me, is still alive. How will I ever reveal the truth to her?How would I ever answer her obvious questions, when she finds out the truth?How..How will I face her, when she would hate me for what I have done to her? How?"

There was a complete silence for a few seconds. I can clearly hear a dog barking on the other side.

"Look Ben. I still believe, that was for her best. To keep her safe. You didn't completely abandoned her. You were always watching her. Keeping and eye on her development. I was mostly there keeping a tab on her. Always. Even if you didn't asked me for it." She said.

"She was sad and alone yes. But it was better than leaving her with someone you don't trust. You should be at ease with the fact that, she doesn't remember you from earlier. If you would have kept her with you for a year or two before leaving her after, her situation would have been devastating. Have you thought about that?" I kept processing her words quietly.

"How would you have felt, if she was adopted like any other children and send somewhere, you could never find?" She took a breath after she was done. I realised she was right. I could never live knowing that she would address someone else as her father when I'm still alive."You are right. I was just too overwelmed with the current situation, I guess. I got carried away a bit." I confessed.

"Hmn..It's alright I understand.What's the plan anyway?" She asked finally, changing the subject.

"First of all, I'll ask her to pack her belongings, which are important. Secondly, while she's still at school, I'll arrange a car and set the GPS to your address. A new phone as she would be leaving her old one with me. They might track her with it and a fake ID, to not get caught. That would also help her to travel with you tomorrow night. Then I'll pick her up from school and brief her the situation at hand. Once she's out of here, I'll give you a call." I told her the plan.

"Sound good to me. Alight, be careful and call me if there is any change ok?  "Will do." I said, before we end the call with our goodbyes.

Maya...The Illusion (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now