CHAPTER 34 : The Dark Past

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Leonardo Regio's POV

"King, the infomer is here."said my right hand, Phillips. I smirked."bring her in." After few minutes,the woman entered my meeting room, where most of my underground and illegal deals are made,away from cameras.
"Welcome my lady. Took you long enough to grace us with your presence."I joked with her. Her face has a permanent frawn,which made me chuckled. "This is the last time, I'll be seeing you. Our deal is over,as we discussed earlier."she said annoyed.

"Of course Mem. So, what is the last information,you can give me?"I said smiling. But inside, I'm anxious to have any news regarding my queen and the bastards, who are keeping her away from me. "They are engaged and soon one of them is about to 'claim' her." she said stressing the word claim. "Did you not see today's headline Mr. Regio?"she said with a smug face. My face fell and I turned my head towards Phillips. He nod his head, understanding my order and played the top new channels on TV.

Once it started playing,I clenched my fists and jaws. "Enjoy! and in case they haven't changed the pin of the house yet, here it is." she said placing a piece of folded paper infront of me, before walking away. I took the paper and checked the pin. It's a date. A date I assume,when they first met her. I huffed in annoyance. "You guys made a big mistake, messing with me and taking what's MINE. Pay back time bitches." I said,with my rage filled eyes,pinning the Osborne brothers,on the TV. The headlines were making my blood boil.

Headlines on Entertainment Today.
"Turns out,The Osborne Brothers are into a polygamous relationship with a beautiful 18 years old Maya Sullivan,
who they claimed to have met few months ago and fell in love at first sight. How Romantic is that? The enormous ring on her finger shows that, she's the fiancé of one or all of them together. According to documents obtained by the team,the brothers decided to keep it a secret untill, their girlfriend, Maya was comfortable enough to face the media.

Sources also claims that,they are soon tying the knot with the lucky lady,
saying "they have found 'THE ONE' and don't want to delay the Union any more." Let's have a look at the shots taken yesterday,which clearly shows that the sweet Angel has wrapped the brothers in her charms. The first shot is of the youngest brother,Greyson Osborne's public declaration of love on big screen and the passionate kiss,they shared,just after the race.

Wow...thats hot and the second shot is when Roman Osborne lifted her in his arms, bridal style, hiding her from the cameras,while answering the obvious questions from the news repoters. He is definitely very protective of her. And the last but not the least. Picture of the most cold and tough Men,of the century, Xander Osborne and his rare billion dollars smile,(that nobody has witnessed yet),when he was spot outside the stadium,picking up his girlfriend personally. These picture have gone viral on internet. Ooh...they are sooo much in love..."

I throwed the ashtray at the TV in rage,breaking it and stopping the reporter to say any further. Her blushing face, her smiling face, her happy face,they all belongs to me. Her mind,body and soul, everything belongs to me. Soon she would be doing all those to me,not them. "You are mine,Maya. Mine to keep.Mine to see,Mine to touch, Mine to kiss, Mine to claim. Those stupids have made a huge mistake touching you. I'll not kill them,but make their lives a living hell. I'll make them beg for their lives on their knees."

I know,I assured my informer that her man will be spared,but after watching the news,and his hands all over my possession,I don't think,I will let him off the hook so easily. He will face the same consequences like his brothers. I can do anything but the only thing I'm incapable of is, 'I.Do.Not.Forgive.Ever'
"Phillips,I want you to send someone,
to bring Ben here and make sure, nobody knows about it. Also, keep an eye on the brothers,24/7. I want every details about them, anything you can get me."I said dismissing him.

Maya...The Illusion (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now