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I might have slept through out the noon, while looking out of the window. Suddenly when I opened my eyes, it was to the beautiful view of sunset. My stomach growled. Oh, I missed my lunch. I went to the kitchen to fix something light for now, because uncle Ben was taking me out for dinner. I made a peanut butter sandwich and started munching on it.

When I was about to put the plate away, I heard the door bell. Rushing to the door, when I opened it, there standing in front of me was the person, I never thought I would see in 100 years.

"Maya..." I was about to close the door when he put his right hand and a foot in between "...Just..Please..hear me out ok?" he said pleadingly. I wanted to tell him off but, that meant, he would hear my voice, and I didn't want to talk to him. He tried again. "Maya, you don't have to talk to me. Don't even look at me but, Please..Please, hear me out. I promise, I'll never show my face or bother you ever again in the future. I just want you safe".

That caught my attention. "What you mean?" I asked. Relief spread on his face and with a determined look, he started. "Ok..Do you remember, the first time I didn't turn up to school and you tried calling me many times?" I folded my hands in response. He continued. "That weekend before school, Henry and me went to a club. We were on our 1st drink, when a man in all black, followed by 2 of his bodyguards, came and joined us."

Where is this going? I though but waited for him to finish. "He asked me If my name is Ronald and I asked, how can I help him? He said he doesn't want to beat around the bush and came straight to the point. I want you to stay away from Maya from now onwards. And before you ask me who the hell I am, just call your parents and ask them what I mean.

And I did. My dad picked the call. I asked, Dad, there is a man here with me and he said, you know him well. And thinks I would follow his every command, word by word. Do you know him? There was a pause and then dad asked, Is he the one with bodyguards and a silver ring on his pointer finger? My dad's voice was shaking. Someting was telling me, this man was dangerous. Yes, I replied. Then you will do exactly what he says. Or else anything you ever know or loved, he would make sure to destroy it without a remourse or second thought. Got it? And then the call was disconnected."

We stood there for several moments in silence, neither of us talking or taking our eyes of each other. Then I broke the silence. "So, you are saying, that's the reason you were cheating behind by back?" I asked with a blank face. He sighed audiblely. "No. That doesn't define what I did. I know what I did to you was wrong but, there was a lot going on at that time and even my parents were not helping with constant pressure to break up with You." He paused for a moment, searching my face then lowered his head, looking hesitant for a moment. "Mia was my sex partner. We met online. I wanted to blow off some steam and she was available then...I wasn't thinking Maya..."

I raised my hand to stop him with an angry glare. He doesn't have to make me feel worse, thinking that I was dating a sex addict. "Ron, you don't have to take me on your adventure ride. I don't want to hear it. If you're done, you may leave." I said, directly looking into his eyes, which was showing a lot of emotions at this point of time. Longing, remorse, hurt, Lo..No, he doesn't.

"Ok", he said degetedly. "But before I leave, I want to warn you one more time. Please Maya, don't ignore this matter. Talk to your uncle about it. Get some help. Go away as far as you can from this city. He is a dangerous man. I know it's hard to believe but, I do care for you and I don't want anything happen to you." he said, with a worried tone.

Maya...The Illusion (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now